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About Me
Also known as Nocatia (Europe) Youtube: /user/SirRFI
  • would you rather

    Items and damage, so I can be self efficient. I can eventually get visual items, I rather stick to one outfit.
  • Feathered Set

  • Vindi-culous Screenshots Weekly Contest!

    Still waiting on an update regarding this matter.




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    InGameName: Nocatia
    Server: Europe

    Previous posts:
  • Fishing Event Temporarily Unavailable

    For those who haven't noticed- the fishing event is back: http://vindictus.nexon.net/news/21974/cherry-fishing-event
  • The last bastion of XE falls - China becomes Prem

    Suhpreme wrote: »
    why did nexon/devcat get rid of XE in all regions?
    It's mostly publisher decision. As far I know, Taiwan or Thailand (unsure which one it was) was reopened, because the publisher closed all PC games and moved their service to mobile games instead, so another company took the region over (moving data ended up with failure though).

    pootisman wrote: »
    I didn't think I actually need to list all these out
    There are more differences, but most of them are insignificant. However, while stamina is being discussed - keep in mind that Premiere also has bigger on-hit penalty (as in after hitting a target, the attack becomes slower; this is negated by transformation and Focus Stimulant; this effect applies to every target hit - You can notice it on Bark)

    Ikarsu wrote: »
    Wonder if there are any XE Ein Lacher videos to prove that... OH WAIT, no one can do that anymore.
    Prove what specifically? We have got and finished all Ein Lacher (aka Einrach and Einrahur) by October, so there should be videos on YouTube with these.

    As for double-tap sprint - for clarification: I don't see an issue holding a key to sprint and probably most players as well, but the sprint alternate control by pressing directional keys twice (WSAD / ↑←↓→ / whatever you use). This usually happens when trying to position yourself precisely (stand on an edge, position yourself on Abomination hooking platform, etc.) or walking around regenerating stamina (ie: going back and then on side). In first example You might fall off or require re-positioning again, in second stop regeneration so more time to do that is needed - a waste. It's basically the same trouble maker as alternate control for jump attack in XE, which could interrupt Vella's LR+R (shortened Typhon) , Evie's scythe smash 0 and similar. I would love to see it either removed or optional as check-box in Advanced Settings.

    I know this is irrelevant (as in not XE/PRE related), but I would also want an alternative option to turn on/off boss "flashing" when hit by someone. It really decreases readability.

    In my opinion, it would be cool if future updates somewhat merged the pros of both versions. It does not mean literally adding them in, for example combo or auto-sprint, but use the concept to make a remastered version. What if auto-sprint bugs were removed, and combo somewhat more balanced (lets say less damage boost, affect more things etc.)? Think of it. I know that it's probably a daydreaming, but arguing over something that won't return isn't any better.