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Also known as Nocatia (Europe) Youtube: /user/SirRFI
  • July 26th Scheduled Game Update

    Patch and event information before the maintenance itself, and update scheduled for 3 hours only? I am impressed, hope for no extensions.
  • First to 95 title

    Hopefully it will be "reach 95 lv within given time (ie: month)" rather than "who's first". What ever is it, we will find out once patch notes are there.
  • Battle Limit

    I think in KR patch notes it was explained as "to help fighting macroers and bots". Maybe they want people to focus less on outdated content and more on current season battles - there were more changes altogether aiming towards that, because they feel underplayed.
  • if vindi was named Mabinogi Heroes

    The name would get possibly confused by the regular Mabinogi, making some people step onto false search results or fall into thinking it's some extension/update name.

    The game needs advertisement, even events between Nexon games platform (like reach 60 lvl in Vindi to get stuff in MapleStory) could help. Recently they added this annoying pop-up thing in Nexon Launcher, showing some junk games - maybe Vindi will show up there at some point, but I doubt it will help at all.
  • Enhancement

    ♦ Runes ♦
    • mczOIHO.png Unstable Enhancement Rune
      This rune will protect your items from failure penalties that occur during enhancement. Can only be used on items that risk severe penalties, such as a lowered enhancement level. Since it is so unstable, this rune will be consumed even if the enhancement succeeds. Cannot be used for enhancement above +10.
      Ferghus can enhance your items

      Functionality: Protects the item from negative effects. Usable from 4 to 9 enhancement rank. Consumed on use.
      Obtainability: Seal of Bravery shop, Events.
      Tradability: Varies, usually Shared Storage.

    • CjthYuW.png Enhancement Rune
      This rune will protect your items from failure penalties that occur during enhancement, including potential destruction. Can only be used on items that risk severe penalties, including a lowered enhancement level. Cannot be used to enhance to +11 or higher. Rune will not be consumed if enhancement is successful.
      Can obtain the Enhancement Rune Fragment when it fails.
      Ferghus can enhance your items.
      Functionality: Protects the item from negative effects. Usable from 4 to 9 enhancement rank. Consumed on failure, but grants Enhancement Rune Fragment.
      Obtainability: Supply Depot, Events.
      Tradability: Varies, usually Shared Storage, Airtight version via Marketplace.

    • 4K8Gid5.png Premium Enhancement Rune
      This rune will protect your items from failure penalties that can occur during enhancement, including potential destruction. Can be used when attempting enhancements at +10 to +11. The rune will be consumed if the enhancement is unsuccessful. Ferghus can enhance your items.
      Functionality: Protects the item from negative effects. Usable at 10 enhancement rank. Consumed on failure.
      Obtainability: Supply Depot sales, Events.
      Tradability: Airtight version via Marketplace.

    • s1Aw573.png Premium Armor Enhancement Rune
      This rune will protect your armor from failure penalties that can occur during enhancement, including potential destruction. Can be used when attempting enhancements at +11 or +12 enhancements. The rune will be consumed if the enhancement is unsuccessful, but a Premium Armor Enhancement Rune Fragment will remain. Cannot be used on shields.
      Ferghus can enhance your items.
      Functionality: Protects the item from negative effects. Usable at 10 and 11 enhancement rank, only on armors. Consumed on failure, but grants Premium Armor Enhancement Rune Fragment.
      Obtainability: Events.
      Tradability: Varies, usually Shared Storage.

    • AkfIhf7.png Special Enhancement Rune
      This rune will protect your items from failure penalties that occur during enhancement, including potential destruction. Can be used when attempting enhancements at +11 to +12. Rune will be consumed if the enhancement is unsuccessful.
      Ferghus can enhance your items.
      Functionality: Protects the item from negative effects. Usable at 11 enhancement rank. Consumed on failure.
      Obtainability: Supply Depot sales.
      Tradability: Unknown.

    • 4UiWjnL.png Enhancement Protection Rune (+10-12)
      This rune can only be used on items with an enhancement rank of +10 and +11.
      If the enhancement fails, the rune will be consumed, and the item's rank will be reset to +0.
      Ferghus can enhance your items.
      Functionality: Unknown - need information or verification.
      Obtainability: Unknown.
      Tradability: None.

    • 4UiWjnL.png Gear Protection Rune
      If item enhancement fails when this is an ingredient, the equipment and weapons will be protected, but the enhancement will be removed. Can only be used on items that risk a penalty equal to or greater than the decreased enhancement level. Item is consumed upon failure.
      Ferghus can enhance your items.
      Functionality: Unknown - need information or verification.
      Obtainability: Unknown.
      Tradability: Unknown.

    • 4UiWjnL.png Gear Protection Rune (+10-12)
      If item enhancement fails when this is an ingredient, the equipment and weapons will be protected, but the enhancement level will go down by 3. You can use it from +10 to +12. Item is consumed upon failure.
      You can enhance items with Ferghus.
      Functionality: Unknown - need information or verification.
      Obtainability: Unknown.
      Tradability: Unknown.

    • HeMUYXo.png +13 Restorative Enhancement Rune (Lv 90 Weapon, Gift)
      Can enhance a +12 Level 90 weapon without any chance of failure.
      Successful enhancement will turn the item into a Restored item, preventing it from being traded or enhanced further.
      Can be used as enhancement material in place of an enhancement rune.

      To use, put this item in the slot for any other enhancement rune.

      Ferghus can enhance your items.
      Functionality: Probably placed in rune slot. Item gains "restored" status, meaning it becomes permanently bound and cannot be enhanced further.
      Obtainability: Seal of Bravery shop.
      Tradability: None.

    • YH6H36A.png Destruction Safeguard Rune
      Rune that can be used as material when enhancing an item.

      - Protects the weapon or equipment from being destroyed by enhancement failure.

      - Caution: the enhancement level will still decrease by 1 upon failure.
      - Failure also causes this rune to subtract 1 from the Remaining Unbind Count.
      (Cannot use rune on items with a Remaining Unbind Count of 0)
      Rune will be consumed if the enhancement fails, but a Destruction Safeguard Rune Fragment will remain.

      Ferghus can enhance your items.
      Functionality: Protects the item from negative effects, causing enhancement rank and unbind count to decrease by 1 on failure. Consumed on failure, but grants Destruction Safeguard Rune Fragment.
      Obtainability: Seal of Bravery shop.
      Tradability: Shared storage.

    • 3AU5j6Z.png Extraction Rune
      Use this rune as material when you are enhancing an item that is already enchanted or an item that has additional stats unlocked via Material Synthesis. If the item is destroyed during the enhancement, this rune will extract the enchantment and the materials for ATT Limit Removal. The rune is consumed if the enhancement is unsuccessful. The extracted enchantment will have a 100% success rate and will not expire.

      - The enchantment and the materials for ATT Limit Removal will be bound to you upon extraction.
      - If the destroyed item is restored, it will no longer have the enchantment or the materials, since they were extracted by this rune.
      - Note that the materials for ATT Limit Removal will not themselves possess the unlocked stats.
      - Dianann can dismantle and extract without enhancing an item.
      Functionality: Can be used during enhancement or dismantling at Dianan.
      Obtainability: Supply Depot.
      Tradability: Unknown.

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    AnthonytonyboyEnigmaTaroDrachusRavelationsPhoebeHalliwelDyutherapistguyHariiNogriSweetyKissand 8 others.