[CENTER][SIZE=7][B]♦ YOUR CLASS reactions ♦[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=5] … [/SIZE] [SIZE=6][B]Phase 1[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*][SIZE=5][B][CUTSCENE] Introduction[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Relocation[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Dive[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Black Hole[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Claw Strike[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Roar[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]All-In[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Spikes Strike[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [/LIST] [SIZE=6][B]Phase 2[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*][SIZE=5][B][CUTSCENE] The Goddess Descents[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]The Ring[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Tracking projectiles[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Dash and Impale[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Blink and Impale[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Defense[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Turn Sweep[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Pirouette with Darts[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Darts with Trident Waves[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Combo with Waves/Impale[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Full Combo[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Combo with AOE[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B][EVENT] Drill[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]March[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Neit's Might (Red AOE)[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Leaning[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B][EVENT] Neamhain Returns[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B][SPECIAL] Wall of Spears / "Gates of Babylon"[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B][EVENT] Grand slam![/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [/LIST] [SIZE=6][B]Phase 3[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*][SIZE=5][B][CUTSCENE + EVENT] Extended March[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Extended Drill[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B][SPECIAL] Bend the knee (1 hit KO / OHKO)[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B]Spin to win / Whirl of Doom[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [*][SIZE=5][B][CUTSCENE] Ending[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] … [/QUOTE] [/LIST]
Taking a camp fire buff might be handy to keep your armor fully functional for longer. This is worth trading few coins and 30 seconds, for everyone in the party.
After starting, position yourself in the middle awaiting for an attack, or try rushing him for an extra smash.
Rush his claws for- before and after relocation.
Claw can bewhen outgoing or incoming.
If You can't reach him in time - just wait in the center.
Can try rushing his claws for, but might as well ensure You will be in position to deal with the attacks that comes in after he's back. He's likely to appear where most people are, which might be on the opposite side - staying in middle is universal.
the sweep, then depending on your positioning either
your way to left and attempt
his claw, or
right for some more of these.
Same as Dive, possibly without the first part. Keep an eye on the black hole andit (both the sphere and the wave it causes).
Position yourself for, then
High ATKSPD and good ping:
Otherwise: 1 normal and
what comes next - both the alternate attack and the back spike swing ending.
the claws as they are backing off - first time the one that just attacked, 2 times more on the other one.
on the left.
Then useand
(combo order can be reversed if needed).
Touching the claw will make You "melt" through it to outer side - try to stay in the inner part for safeon the next attack, otherwise it's inconsistent and may get You hit.
the claws (apparently there is no benefit from hitting both at once), then
In this attack You have to dynamically judge how much time You have left, so depending on that and your ATKSPD do following (from highest):
• 2 normal +
This is becausehits the claws 3 times.
Lastly ensure to be in line with back spike for extra damage with.
Wait in the center for cue. When it shows up, stay on the border/edge of the circle, opposite side to facing Neit but facing him, for perfect. Staying too close to the circle will get You hit, staying outside won't trigger the skill.
Follow up withif You can hit 2 spikes, then
Otherwise(obviously) and as many
You can. Try hitting multiple spikes with
. Keep an eye on the waves though.
Lastly usethrough closeby spike towards the side spikes at the front (if any). If the spikes on the center still have HP, use
, otherwise rush these next to belly.
If your SP is full and your or your non-INT allies ATK isn't capped - use. Otherwise use
to get extra SP.
Try reach the center before cutscene begins.
In melee range:then
Stay out of her sight to be not targeted, otherwise defend yourself withor
Try to get in her landing area for.
In melee range:, waiting till lance gets up, then
Targeted or melee range:,
(stop early if needed)
Stop attacking.
Targeted:on side as she starts flying towards You.
Otherwise: Avoid targeted person.
It's hard to notice see it coming, it's pretty much instant. React with.
- this will last long enough to keep You safe from the explosions.
, then
. There is a risk of getting hit by that smash, and if so - with the waves.
the swings, then
. There is a risk of getting hit by that smash, and if so - with the impale.
the swings (x2),
the last one.
the swings.
Depending on your position and distance of the circles from Neamhain - run away,or
If your SP is full and your or your non-INT allies ATK isn't capped - use. Otherwise use
to get extra SP.
Wait in the center,and
Wait in the center for the attack.
the waves, can try
the claws (unsure how good is it though).
Once smashed on the ground,the right claw,
wave and
the left claw.
when they are being dragged back.
Go to "left-upper" part of the battlefield (upper being Neit's direction), trying to find safe space.
the impact, then the wave.
after the first strike,
after the second.
► Video reference
claw's landing zone.
Keep usingon the claw continuously.
if back spike is going to hit nearby the claw.
Can use(
) for fixing your position.
Keep an eye on the waves andthem.
If your SP is full and your or your non-INT allies ATK isn't capped - use. Otherwise use
to get extra SP.
Wait on the ring around center to. Don't stand in exact land place, as You can ge damaged.
If your SP is full and your or your non-INT allies ATK isn't capped - use. Otherwise use
to get extra SP.
There are various methods to deal with this. Myself I place on the left, lower (upper being Neamhain's directiob) part from the battlefield, next to the red ring. Guided by the stones, I take exact position, and thenwhen her lance appears in straight line from one of the stones in front of You.
In danger, You can usetowards the middle after the lances already started going on.
You can usebefore she lands to boost your damage for a while.
the landing and
► Video reference
There is no class specific behaviour for this attack. Use Armor Temporary Repair Kit if needed.
to save up SP and use Armor Temporary Repair Kit before cutscene begins.
After cutscene ends - Extended March begins. Behave the same as in normal March, but use onlysince damaging Neit is no longer beneficial, so do so only to get SP.
When Neit backs off - position yourself at Neamhain's landing zone (see video) for.
Canfor extra SP/lifesteal and upkeeping
Positioning and timing is what comes in play this move. With very good ping You caneverything, but on decent/usual host You will likely get hit by fourth attack (back spikes sweep). To ensure You will survive: stay on right-lower (Crab's direction being upper) part of the center circle, dodging 1st, 2nd and 4th attack, then going closer to him to get out of remaining attacks range. Refer to the video.
Neit can be damaged during this (but it doesn't contribute towards defeat), but be cautious to not get hit by mistake. Lastly, place yourself around the middle for upcoming Neamhain landing strike, unless nobody was hit and she will go towards random target.
► Video reference
the wave - use it early if in melee range.
Try staying out of range, but if not possible - try to "perfect"and get away. This move has proven to be too unreliable to try dealing damage output, especially with the last strike's extended range.
Congratulations on finishing Sea of Reflection run, and reading the guide.
The starting area is transition between Berbhe and another dimension, where the players can make campfire. Upon entering the portal, [CUTSCENE] Introduction is played and the battle begins. The Crab's HP bar is not visible.
- [CUTSCENE] Introduction
- Relocation
- Dive
Neit dives underwater to soon emerge from it at closest side of the battlefield to his target, followed with single sweep from left side.
This attack has a brief restoration animation, allowing players to freely attack both claws for the duration. Claw on right side is persistent for longer amount of time, but the one on left can be used for counterstrike, as it strikes the floor on the edge.
- Black Hole
The giant monstrosity creates a dark sphere that will soon follow a target to finally hit the ground, which will then stay for a while to explode after and creating a wave. During that time Neit will use Dive.
Despite the sphere being slow, it's hard to judge it's distance and target, so safety is advised, especially that it can deal damage on direct hit.
- Claw Strike
- Roar
- All-In
- Spikes Strike
Upon preparation, Neit uses his back and side spikes. Back spikes strikes at cued places on horizontal axis in the center - either 2 or 3 back spikes will hit at the same time, each creating a shock wave. Simultaneously he can additionally strike with either or both of his side spikes in close range to himself. These moves are repeated 5 times, last time being longer and always using only 2 back spikes.
Each spike has it's own HP pool, which contributes towards Neit's defeat. Once a spike's HP is depleted, it cannot take further damage - damage dealt on it will not be displayed, and life steal effects will grant only 1 HP per hit.
♦ PHASE 2: Part "A" ♦Neamhain joins the fight replacing her pupil, starting off with [CUTSCENE] The Goddess Descents.
- [CUTSCENE] The Goddess Descents
- The Ring
Neamhain swings around herself with her lance, performing a melee attack and creating a ring. Next she jumps/flies up for a brief moment, and creates another ring upon landing.
The rings are harmless until they get detonated. Detonations happens as she lands, and then as pulls her lance from the ground. Getting hit by either of them applies Neamhain's Poison.
- Tracking projectiles
Neamhain prepares to fly up, creating floating purple projectiles around her, that follows her. While in air, she marks a target and turns to it, launching projectiles to all targets within about 180° degrees in front of her after a brief moment. Next up she strikes nearest target location obtained after marking a player, dealing impact damage and soon after follow up with a ring.
The projectiles are tracking their target, and sometimes they come from unexpected angle. They are fast though and can be avoided easily. The ring gets detonated once she gets her lance off the ground.
- Dash and Impale
- Blink and Impale
- Defense
In certain moments (usually at the beginning or at the end of an attack) Neamhain has a chance to self-defense herself by crouching and hiding behind her metal wings. Hitting her during the defense will trigger an attack, which will be targeted towards last player to hit her during the gap. Once triggered, she will fly back, mark her target and perform flight impale attack, similar to Blink and Impale, but being a red attack.
- Turn Sweep
- Pirouette with Darts
The Goddess gets up a little to perform a whirl, damaging targets on her path, and throwing several darts at random locations in front of her. The darts cannot hit player, but will explode soon after impact with the ground.
Getting hit by the dart's explosion deals damage and applies Neamhain's Poison.
- Darts with Trident Waves
Neamhain crouches to throw several darts in front of her. Next up she charges a small distance and performs vertical swing from bottom to top, unleashing 3 directed magic waves.
Getting hit by either of the waves deals damage and applies Striking. The last attack has way bigger reach than it looks to.
- Combo with Waves/Impale
Neamhain thrusts her lance forward, swings it once or twice, then charges small distance to perform vertical swing, which creates 3 directed magic waves like Darts with Trident Waves pattern. Lastly, there's a high chance she will follow it up with Dash and Impale.
Getting hit by either of the waves deals damage and applies Striking, which leaves the victim vulnerable for incoming impale attack.
- Full Combo
- Combo with AOE
Neamhain thrusts her lance forward, swings it once or twice and then throws dark orbs to the right and to the left from her. Orbs can land on different distances between uses, upon lading they are creating a magic circle, which detonates soon after. Getting hit by the circle applies Neamhain's Poison.
After throwing the orbs, she makes 3 steps forward. First step is a warning, second detonates first area (right from her) and respectively third detonates second area (left from her). After the last step she is immediately ready for another attack.
♦ PHASE 2: Part "B" ♦Once Neamhain HP drops below x9 (x8 appears), she is replaced by Neit, who uses his patterns from Phase 1, with exclusion for Spikes Strike, but extended by following, starting with [EVENT] Drill.
- [EVENT] Drill
- March
Neit dives in the water to emerge from it briefly after, swimming around. He strikes with each claw twice respectively, starting close to him and going further away, eventually slamming the claws at the other end of battlefield. Each attack creates a shock wave. After a moment, he drags everything back.
Be wary: in certain camera location and direction conditions - these waves may visually disappear.
- Neit's Might (Red AOE)
The giant monstrosity charges a powerful attack, ramming his claw with all the strength on the right side. During the charge, red circles randomly appear throughout the battlefield, plus after a moment few more nearby players' location. As Neit hits with the claw, an instant shock hits, followed with a shock wave and explosion of all red circles, which hits all targets within them. This attack is repeated, using the other claw.
The circles are red attacks, meaning they have to be literally avoided. His claws can be damaged during the entire pattern.
- Leaning
Neit roars in preparation to lean on his claws a moment later. Then he cues where he is going to hit with his spikes, similarly to Spike Strikes. He strikes 3 times, using 1 or 2 spikes at a time. Each spike will create a shock wave. This includes his side spikes.
It's worth staying close to either of the claws and deal damage to both claw and spike if it stroke next to it. Sometimes cued attack areas maybe incorrect or even overlap themselves, as the spikes will still go where they are supposed to. Due to a bug, wave visual effect may disappear, but the "red liquid" effect that follows it remains.
♦ PHASE 2: Part "C" ♦Neamhain returns after her pupil defeat, which occurs after Phase 2B and Phase 2D, extending the patterns with so called Gates of Babylon. Upon starting the phase, [EVENT] Neamhain Returns is played.
In speak of Gates of Babylon, from my experience I can tell it's likely to trigger very soon after her return to the battle, so don't use your SP abilities before it happens.
- [EVENT] Neamhain Returns
Neit is knocked back, after which Neamhain emerges from him. She then disappears, reappears in the air shortly after, preparing to strike target location, dealing damage and creating a ring afterwards.
First time it happens (after Phase "2B") she targets the center of the battlefield, second time (after Phase "2D") however random player will be targeted instead.
- [SPECIAL] Wall of Spears / "Gates of Babylon"
Neamhain briefly floats and spreads her wings, in preparation and warning to what comes next. She then disappears and shows up at the north part of the battlefield - same direction the Pillar of Corruption is located.
Once that happens, she opens dimensional gate from where duplicates of her lances starts striking in horizontally straight line from her, starting from the middle to the sides, always in fixed pattern. The attack is mirrored, meaning it's exactly the same (but reversed) on both sides. Because the position, timing and patterns are fixed, You can use ground marks (such as stones) for extra guidance. The attack is "red", meaning it has to be literally avoided.
Once it's over, she disappears, shows up in the air and lands at a target location, dealing damage on impact and creating a ring shortly after.
Being a "special" attack, it can happen only once per 3 minutes.
♦ PHASE 2: Part "D" ♦Starts once Neamhain's HP drops below x7 (x6 bar shows up). Neit returns once more with the same patterns as previously, but starting with [EVENT] Grand slam! instead of the other event move.
- [EVENT] Grand slam!
Neamhain evades the battle to enter Neit's core once more. Neit will now prepare for the grand slam, which globally deals massive damage. It can be avoided by either hanging on his "belly"/armor parts (using grab key to catch, same later to let it go) or standing in certain point in the middle.
There is enough time to repair armor (which is adviced) and heal up (if needed) before Neit gets in motion.
Being an "event" move - this will happen only once.
When dropped below x5 (x4 bar shows up), The Goddess takes deep breaths in exhaustion, becoming immune and getting camera focus for a brief moment. [CUTSCENE + EVENT] Extended March plays afterwards.
In this phase heroes have to face both Neit and Neamhain, who play tag - dynamically replacing each other in the battle. The Goddess will be persistent for most of the time, however she will vanish for a single of Neit's attacks duration. Unlike previously, dealing damage on Neit will no longer contribute towards defeating the enemies, but can be still used for obtaining SP, on hit effects or life stealing.
Neamhain patterns are extended, but also shortened by Turn Sweep. Neit instead will often move around the battlefield harmlessy (Relocation and sweepless Dive), limiting himself to: Claw Strike, Shortened All-In (pulls off faster), Shortened March (also pulls off faster) and the two new patterns presented below.
It is advised to use Armor Temporary Repait Kit before the cutscene begins, to have your armor in best condition afterwards.
- [CUTSCENE + EVENT] Extended March
Neamhain breathes heavily, drops her helmet on the floor, unrevealing her face. She then corrects her hair, smiling evilly as she empowers her lance, enraging Neit simultaneously. As soon cutscene ends, extended march attack begins.
Extended march is the same as regular March, but Neit remains for longer and does not deal damage when pulling back. After the march ends, Neamhain emerges from Neit. She strikes a fixed location between the center and place where Neit's claws were just now, dealing damage on impact and creating a ring, which is detonated as she pulls her weapon off the ground.
- Extended Drill
- [SPECIAL] Bend the knee (1 hit KO / OHKO)
Neamhain evades the battle. As she disappears, Neit emerges from the liquid, roaring and taking camera focus for a while. After that, he swings with his claws from left and right, reaching big part of the battlefield, then again left, but this time at smaller reach. Briefly after this, he strikes with his back spikes at the edges of the battlefield and his left claw around the middle. Lastly, he slams both claws around center and strikes with back spikes again, slightly closer to middle than previously.
Getting hit by any of these attacks applies Infection, leading to certain death on the end. Depending if anyone was hit, Neamhain will either have camera focus on her and strike the middle, or strike random target from the air if there was no victim.
Being a "special" attack, it can happen only once per 5 minutes.
- Spin to win / Whirl of Doom
Neamhain rotates her lance vertically and touches the ground with it's back, creating a purple wave. As that happens, she disappears for brief moment to reappear nearby a target location, then focus a random target (can be different) by whirling towards it, eventually thrusting forward.
Getting hit by the purple wave applies Striking. Getting hit by attacks that comes next will end up in special animation, leading to certain death of first target that has been hit. If there's a victim, everyone else will be also affected with Striking.
- [CUTSCENE] Ending
Neit becomes dizzy as his master is exhausted of all the fighting. The Hero catches up and hangs on the Crab's armor, taking a ride to nearby island with the Pillar of Corruption. Using his last strength, he tried to hit running Hero, but fails and then completely drained out of power - drows in the water. Neamhain recovers, starts whirling while airborn, charging towards the Hero. As that happens, Fragarach appears from thin air, getting stuck in the ground nearby the Hero, who picks it and deflects The Goddess' lance on contact. Lastly, the Hero charges and impales the sword into the core of the Pillar of Corruption, shattering it into pieces and causing Neamhain to disappear.
Applied to characters with less than 5 completed runs. Allows to self-resurrect 3 additional times without Cannot be revived debuff penalty.You can break free of incapacitation up to 3 times due to the Rookie Redeemer effect.
Applied by Redeemers HP Potion upon usage. Reduces all animations by half. Lasts 3 seconds.Your HP is restored, but you feel momentarily sluggish. All action speed is -50%.
Applied after player's second and third death. Affected targets cannot be revived for it's duration. Lasts 8 minutes.You cannot be revived for a limited time.
Usually applied by magic attacks. Takes 10 SP per second and reduces any healing by 50%. Lasts 30 seconds. Avoid healing during it's duration, especially using potions, otherwise they get wasted. Consider using SP skills before your SP gets drained off.You've been infected with Neamhain's poison.
The SP Gauge decreases over time, and HP restoration is cut in half.
Usually applied by purple waves. Lasts 5 seconds. This immediately drains stamina to 0 and does so until the debuff expires, effectively preventing from anything but walking. Even stamina buffs like Slashing High are unable to counter this, so don't use them.You find yourself drained of energy to the point where you can barely move.
You cannot restore STA for 5 seconds.
Applied by [SPECIAL] Bend the knee (1 hit KO / OHKO) upon being hit. Once the attack ends, Neamhain perform a special attack to finish off affected targets, leading to certain death.You've been infected and cannot move.