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  • Things that changed with the update....

    After the update I feel like I've essentially wasted $50 because of what they did to the Bloody Night outfit set. Here's why, after logging in I noticed that my character was wearing a Bloody Rose inner armor with an UGLY shade of brown. I thought it was just the reflection of the sun (I was in Malina) but then I realized that it actually WAS brown. Long story short and after much trial and error, I found out that it's actually a fixed inner armor required for the Bloody Night set and I have to say, I FKING HATE THIS UPDATE. THIS IS A WARNING, DO NOT BUY THE BLOODY NIGHT OUTFITTER SET!
    I practically spent money buying the entire set plus two inner armors, one of them being the actual Blood Rose inner armor THAT I CAN'T EVEN USE ANYMORE. If you equip either the top or bottom of the Bloody Night set it'll automatically equip you with a Bloody Rose inner with an ugly shade of brown and you can't even equip own bloody rose inner (the one you purchased) or any other inner armor for that matter, and it'll keep showing that freaking inner until you take off BOTH the top and bottom piece of the outfit. I've never seen such stupidity! WHEN I BUY SOMETHING I BUY IT FOR WHAT IT IS, IN IT'S CURRENT STATE, I DO NOT NEED CHANGES BEING MADE TO SOMETHING I ALREADY BOUGHT THAT I DID NOT ASK FOR.
    I don't normally rant but this really pissed me off. Smh... aside from that I do like the new Arisha. All of her attack skills supply her with more mana and you barely have to switch back to normal mode. Seriously though, take away the freaking fixed inner armor for the Bloody Night outfitter set.