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  • The dulahan Soul mechanic

    I agree with it being annoying. It is kinda like the ever flying echulus , where he won't come down for a good damn 10 mins. Imagine Ulchus or Siggy will restore their HP bar every 30 secs. Or Kraken head doing the boat chomp every time with tents grabbing and leech tent and having 5 afks the other two insisting they should go on head cause they are Lanns. God of Death summoning statues and clones all the time, Aglhan the golem spinning more than a Lann on speed.

    Bug boy was not that bad since he has his goo at 10, 7, 5 and 3 and swinging up there was not that hard. But Lala-chan is moving like crazy with aoe attacks and giant ass shoulder pads. And sometimes the ghost will instant fuse with the body even though you aggro them across the field, time out my ass! Stay here and love me!!
  • So who wants a RollBack?

    I think people who enjoy the 4 man raids are forgetting what kind of game Vindictus is, it is an MMO not a coop but a massive multiplayer online game. It really feels alive when you tackle Raid bosses with a large group, you say only one person carries but a team who supports each other does finish faster. Some players have buff skills (Kai's crossgun hunting party, Sylas circles, Fiona aggro, Karoks boss grapple and Evie support, and the little use but the attack buff that almost everyone has) also some player require more ppl to pull of the skills like Arisha ressonance that takes for ever to charge needs someone to aggro or hold boss down. Not to mention Delia Supernova attack that can be combo with Karok boss grapple. Also this being a MMO, we have guilds to join, why have a 200+ member guild if only 4 ppl can join a raid. I understand if someone can't host 8 ppl raid are feeling that bad and get insulted but either warn people on the boat that it might lag or have someone else host it. There was nothing stopping anyone from hosting max ppl (unless it was QB) if you were part of a guild someone will be nice enough to help you. But being a solo or loner player who refuse to even say Hello on a boat does not make the game more fun, it is the social aspect.
  • where do i get a raider jacket

    Let's just hope that they are not going recycle the armor set as an outfit set for more NX. (knock on wood) . Maybe it is a conspiracy that removing some of the cooler armor set and re-adding them as outfit after a few years that most of the player base have completely forgotten about it or never knew about .
  • Old outfits resale please

    Actually i am wondering if they are going to release the lady of tomb set. It is now a rare free set that was given for the Lynn release event back like 4 years ago. As far as I know, 3 other people have it, karok, fiona and kai. I remember seeing someone with Gallagher undies as well. Might as well sell Echy wings, black butterfly wings and tails. I want more tails!!
  • Halloween Party 2017 Event Preview

    Was part of his Halloween event last year, it was ok.
    Well due to 4 player limit party raid and that S1 and 2 bosses are a joke to kill, the usually cosplay raids can not be considered anymore like last year. Trying to organize a RAR raid will still prove to be difficult since random people will join and ruin it by starting early or just afk, not to mention the lag.
    Besides Halloween outfits contest and dance party, i guess there is not much for him to do.
    Good for him to try to bolster the community but due to RiSE changes, the usually events are a bore. This really kills the streaming players who tries to advertise the game since Nexon does't give a damn on trying to promote their game. I remember they gave Jump characters to RoosterTeeth team and let them loose. They had no idea to play or anything and ended up dead most of the time in Siglit run. Not a single one of them used a smash attack.