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  • [Official] Vindictus In-Game Cosplay Thread

    Here is my FF collection
  • [Official] Vindictus In-Game Cosplay Thread

    I have few. and still making more
  • Player Base

    @Jimmy You don't like my outfits? I think the reason for some many AFK is that they changed how mediation worked. Before you can get free AP as normal time passes even when you are not logged in. After RISE update, the player is forced to stay online to generate the free AP for that character.
  • Vindictus Rise Review

    Good review, but for me the score is more or 4/10 , the Quality of Life changes were overdue for a long time but the changes in game play kinda ruined the good parts of what made Vindi special. Mostly the raid battles, each raid battle offer something new and challenging to the player:
    - Nightmare in the ruin = Two giant spiders, now it is single spider like hidden even thought the cut scene shows two.
    - Irukul = The run was exciting where some player can show off their skill in hold him back and an option to drop rock on him, now quick sand bag
    - Hidden Forest = First boss that spams projectiles that taught player to run and dodge properly.
    - Ancient Glass = He has a break off which was pretty cinematic, now Two combo can usually kill him.
    - The Dragons is enough said.

    I get the idea to lower the difficulty to bring in the new players, but when i was rushing new release characters if i couldn't find a story raid to join, I played it on easy. or normal, That was always an option if you want to progress the story. Why couldn't they leave hard mode and hero mode is locked til 90. With the game play change the still screw new players since why would anyone lv90 and higher join anything beside S3. S1 and S2 raids offer no seals, no high rank ES and once you hit 95 no f&^king gold. Us veterans didn't mind before since we can get this stuff but hey our stuff need to repair and it can cost 100k and so . With no mission besides S3 to offer us gold 20k base maybe . I have some characters i can't play anymore since the equipment is broken and sending them money is kinda pointless since the rate of money gained is less than money that can be easy occurred since i can't wear cheap gear in S3.

    Before rise, I was running S1 (Colhen and Rocheste) , Malina raids and area raids (Ghost ship, Crescent moon island, not twilight desert though, and sometime misty peaks) as well S3 raids. I was more active and playing a lot more. Now mostly stay in S3 and AFK a lot more. in town.

    If Devcat wanted more and new players, please for the love of Tieve, advertise the game more or optimize the game to run better. The graphic are not top but still better than most MMO. When asking popular youtuber to play and promote (See Rosster teeth play it) please have them spend time to learn. I swear you gave them 70 lv accounts and set them loose. They barely knew the combos and their skills. Also with RISE you lost some streamers, we used to have more but who wants to watch the same 7 raids over and over and with mostly likely same 4 ppl. Hell the Vindictus office sneak peak twitch stream, they are barely the skill level of new players after all these years. Put an ad on the nexon launcher , i find this game better than maple story or FPS.
  • Is it me or did the Drop rate get even more worse

    Before anyone accuse me of not playing enough or entitlement, I am talking about es scroll in s2. I usually run them solo and 5 times but the es are not dropping like candy anymore(well the good ones, screw you diamond and tricky). Also not wanna complain about OJ (god damn 50 runs and not a single OJ for myself) but i haven't receive any rank B waking stones while having over hundred of rank C.

    also 15 runs of Dullulhan , and only 4 purple equipment and bunch of sword bits, really wtf.