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  • [Official] Vindictus In-Game Cosplay Thread

    Wow , really good DBZ cosplay i am seeing. I will also throw my balls into the proverbal dragon ball pile, hoping one day we can wish for a better vindi.

    Seeing Android 17 is above let get Android 18 here with authentic battle damage!!


    Anyone else had a crush on her?


    This is with a different hair that kind suits her better but does not have the tuck behind her ear

  • [Official] Vindictus In-Game Cosplay Thread

    KidIcarus told me someone was going to try a Bayonetta Cosplay and I wonder why not give it a shot myself



    I think i got the Hair and Mole near chin right, but wished i had horn rim glasses instead of Shades. I do like the Boleru gloves since it goes up the biceps (So thank you seller and enjoy that 9 mil you made off of me, also give me the rest of outfit) I didn't check for boots and the bottom is just an inner stocking. Hard part was choosing the top since i wanted to glyphs and stuff on it but nothing matches and Fallen angel kind had the frills (was lucky with random dye getting all black). I was thinking of putting it on a Delia since she has a lose your armor skill for power up.
  • Vindictus - Getting to know the playerbase

    Not from Beta, but pretty sure one of the oldest players here. I was from the era where you couldn't run through town with out seeing a Naruto or Bleach named avatar. Back then we did not have dyes and hope the colors will looked good when we crafted it. Raid boss were hard and had more elements into it. One of the best things to do while waiting on a boat was to glitch out and run across the map.
    Evies were favored due to the crystal shield , it used to be a diamond shaped instead of a bubble. I had some much fun being tossed around the map because of collision . Kai back then had something that drain his SP unless he continued to attacked.
    Running Irukul raid was a challenge since we had to run a long passage to the arena, squishing yourself to the right side made you run a bit faster. Those were the times where Evie alchemy was useful. Using the Golem to gather ballista spears in Glas and Giant raid. Using the mana pistol to aggro the mini spider the Spider Queen pooped out. That running Nightmare in the ruins was a good place to farm exp.
    Worse was the Memory of the past raid, where players had to fight Iset and then Havan back to back. Problem was iset hereslef was so small and hard to hit, most of the time the entire party couldn't continue due to no more feathers. Bark was one of the harder raids to do since you had to destroy the arms then the other part before you could attack the train. I did a duo once with SaintMage, one of the first Evie i know that soloed the entire Bark raid. Those were good times where joining a raid actually tested the skill of the player instead the numbers they had on a stat. That coordinating with the team to bomb the lizard guy of the Evil one back and pushing off a cliff was a victory of itself. Fighting the mini colru golem then facing the huge one was a surprise (the only 8 man raid cause of switches in the room). That people could be eaten in the Lako or Kraken raid.
  • [Official] Vindictus In-Game Cosplay Thread

    Here is another Belmont, Richter Belmont


    At first I wanted to use Hurk but needed longer hair, so it still ended with Arisha. Alucard is coming soon...maybe.....someone give me a cape
  • Does anyone from Australia and Canada still play?

    Montreal Canada, pretty good connection while joining other. But i do get some bad host but that is mostly due them using Mcdonalds wifi on a cheap laptop. RAR sometimes lags at the start cause people rush before everyone is loaded in.