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  • 2020 Vindictus Pros, Cons, Comments, and Concerns

    One comment on
    2. Limited Open World Experience, Not Enough Exploration

    Vindictus is a session based game. meaning we go on a quest it is just point A to B. If you wanted something like Black Desert type open world, this is not it.
    Before Rise we used to have large maps that are kinda like Old school Monster hunter where we loaded map section ( Ghost Ship, Desert, Moon light island and Misty Peaks).
    These were pretty good to run but some maps like Misty were too long and boring to get around but offered good drops. Season 3 "full" run maps went back to A to B but with mini bosses here and there.

    I would agree that they reuse map area a lot in quest and only redesigned the first area in season 1 (no idea why, since RISE killed all that because S1 raids are worth running anymore).

    But I personally play it for the combat and waifu dress up rather looking at the pretty tree and bush.

    Another comment on Improvements
    2. Create expedition : Again I like to comment that Open World this game is not. It does not work that well since the best drops / mats comes from bosses and raids . Also comparing to Monster Hunter, we do not need to track the bosses, they appear right away or at the end.
    3. Season Pass: Hell no, just hell no. Get your fork knife , Puke or Anthem pay wall blocking game mechanics outta here. We are lucky that Nexon hasn't made the game expansion and new character free so do not give them any stupid ideas.
    5. Streaming and twitch: They used to have two guys try to introduce upcoming updates and some community events but I believe it was Nexon downsized them out. They do hold event for twitch player to play a certain amount of time and they get a balloon.
    6. Discord: Yeah we already have one
    7. Mentor: Game only really gets hard in Season 3, it would be good if you get a friend to help but fatigue will be wasted for vets.
    10: Returns destroy items: There is already a system in place to restore gear through AP.

    My opinions to improve player retention
    1. Bring back 8 man raids. Set them to be harder and offer better rewards like two more drops. Keep 4 man for people who have bad connection and just want to beat it for story.
    2. Bring back Season 1 and 2 raids. those raids were fun but notch them up to Season 3 difficulty and drops . Doing the same old Regina, glas , etc.. does make people drop the game if they only play the same thing every day.
    3. Kinda a continuation of point 2, have those buff S1 and 2 raid drop monster parts and so we can craft augment version of that armor (no need for fusion runes) . Have them offer static stats. I just want more armor or you know it is kinda boring going to Dulla and Astera gear everywhere. I would love to get everlasting armor back. Also pre broken gear look was cool too.
    4. Implement a bot checker, something that verify someone like a captcha that appear once every hour after a battle. Have it grant the player a buff or a ticket to buy stuff from exchange shop.
    5. Please add new outfits in the Outfit store. Stop with the gatchas. Also put tails and wings in there. Stop with spend over 400$ for devil tail (buying several a packages) and let use dye the tails already. I have three sets of cats tail and two of them are whitish, i want a black tail already. Not to mention the fairy wings. No varied colors from me cause RNG saw that it was fit for me to get pure white wings every single time.

    Feel free to criticize me
  • [Official] Vindictus In-Game Cosplay Thread

    I guess the final for TMNT cosplay

    A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!


    Wanted a green Lann for Leonardo. But I guess Mr.Bays turtle works with Karok
  • Fatigue System - Ideas on ways to recover

    How about not have the Guild House Bed fatigue be on a 24 hour timer. Why not have it as a daily reset like everything else?

    How about doing guild mission recovers fatigue?

    Increasing the drop rates, cause nothing sucks more than doing a special and not getting steel, es pouch and any bracelets boxes.

    Drop fatigue system. It was implemented for KR servers due to their laws. Hey if laws from other countries are affecting all servers, the gatcha boxes are consider gambling mechanics and not good for children / teens/ adults with gambling problems.
  • [Official] Vindictus In-Game Cosplay Thread

    One more of the TMNT cast

    April O'Neal from Channel 6 news


    Always liked the jump suit version.
  • [Official] Vindictus In-Game Cosplay Thread

    let see how far I can go

    Master Splinter from TMNT


    I always preferred that Master Splinter was Hamato Yoshi instead being a rat that copied a human. Wish I could change the inner but all well.