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  • Should RNG be Removed from enhancement?

    I don't mind the god awful odds of making a +15.
    But having a gear DESTROYED is the painful part.

    A. If gears weren't destroyed, I'd +15 everything fairly quick. This doesn't actually kill the fun of the game for me personally, since I enjoy [playing] the game. It's half the reason I loved Ein Lacher since I got to [play] old bosses without just facerolling them in a minute.
    However in this scenario, the concept of "+15" becomes merely gold-requirement essentially. It would create enough of a gold gap that you would still have to farm quite a bit to +15 everything, but not so much as to actually affect the wealthy players in-game atm and they would all be +15'd fairly quickly.
    HOWEVER it wouldn't be within even a week for most wealthy players because this would RADICALLY spike the price of enhancement stones to UNGODLY levels. You'd easily be looking at the price of endgame stones raising to 1~2mil per stone for several months. So the super wealthy will have their wallets dented, and the rest of us will be farming for days just for stones.

    This isn't a bad idea at all. HOWEVER it require our gears to go back to the Swift/Blackhammer/Raider/HolyWing(Using Fifi as example) era where there were multiple OPTIONS available to build towards. In this thought, endgame gears would need to be altered to have extreme variance in Weight, DEF, STR/INT, AGI/WIL, and so on. The boost from gears on stats would also need to be more significant, with a full set of "STR" gear(excluding weapons) making up roughly 15~20% of your total ATT(instead of the current rough...3% maybe?). Maxing out weight endurance is a joke, and as such the endgame Plate/heavy gears should reflect this by being MUCH more obnoxious with their weights.

    If done correctly, this would force the "Wealthy" players to go through a full set of five +15s for each possible endgame build. Resulting in no less than requiring three~four sets of +15 armors(Glass, Tank, Hybrid, WIL/AGI), while the non-wealthy would be forced initially to aiming for only one at a time.

    This could easily work best in the long-term for the game, but it would require too much rebalancing to ever happen.
  • Solo Title for Resenlian's Labyrinth?

    If there is such a title, it was added long after I solo'd lab. I find it unlikely they'd add more titles to lab over a year later...
    Also considering the hell of a month I spent TRYING to solo lab, I find it unlikely the devs would be satanic enough to add a solo lab title.

    Now if only they'd fix Brynn so he stops asking me for doppleganger fragments EVERY GOD DAMN DAY. I'M NOT GOING BACK IN THERE AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME BRYNN!
  • West or East

    That feel when 7/9 of the repliers are from West. Where did Easties go? <_<</blockquote>
    They did not survive the migration to the new holy land!

    Now OP, come on down to the
  • Would be nice if we had a PC Guide

    Wow I literally called it. Two post(ers) after my post, Cessa posted blatantly saying "no one will provide proof because there isn't any".
    10/10. Should rename myself ProphetCard.
    Do you expect me to believe that it is luck based, but yet the ONLY person in the history of Vindictus that got lucky enough to snag enough D/E bracelets to not only have two of them on your character but to also have fully double enchanted lvl 90 gear with +15 lvl 90 weapon was yourself? You got 30 of these bracelets at 23k? Only you? Because if you say it happened once and you worked for another 400mil and you have 600m total only right now, that's a lot more believable.
    When did that person say ONLY they got it? Hell the only sentence mentioning it says they only managed to snag ONE of TWO, that means that someone else got the other one.
    I'm not trying to be rude, and believe me I ENJOY being rude, but you seem irrational and unable to read what people have actually stated. You're so busy trying to read between the lines that your hand is blocking most of your vision just to have more lines to read between.
    If scrolls are going for 20m one day and then 40m the next day and fluctuating back and forth, it means if you're selling for 20m you're bad at the market and underpricing the scroll. The price of the scroll is 40m. You can wait and sell it tomorrow for 40m. It doesn't mean the price of the scroll is changing from 20 to 40m. It means the people selling and buying have no idea how the market works.
    That just shows that YOU don't understand how the market works. The "Price" of an item is the standard it is currently at. If everyone in a first week sells a scroll for 20m, that scroll's price is 20m. If during a second week 90% of the sellers bump the price up to 40m, the price is now 40m. Yes SOME people may still be selling for only 20m, but the item's price is 40mil. And finally if during a third week that same 90% of sellers decide to drop the price down to 30m, the price is THEN 30m. It's not 40m just because it [can] or [did] sell for that much, it's 30m because that's what it [currently] sells out.
    Now for the MONTH you could say the price was 20~40m. You could even say the price TENDS to be 20~40m, but the price is NOT 40m it is whatever the current standard is.
    Check the old forums. People claimed to be making a billion a day by flipping weapons.
    Which is cool, but what you don't understand is that NOBODY IN THIS TOPIC has said that yet. You are arguing against people whom have NOT made that stance thus far. Now if you want to quote those posts and argue against those, fine that's your call. Feel free to disprove THOSE POSTS, but you should not be attacking ANYONE who abuses the market just because SOME people have fairy god parents to wish for infinite gold and then when asked where it came from they go "uhhhh...Internet?"
    You are arguing against a strawman you set up yourself.
    Yet when I check the marketplace forums there were weapons there still unsold. And when a good deal on a weapon came along still no one wanted to buy it.
    H...How do you...KNOW for certain they weren't sold? Because the person never replied to their own thread to say it sold? What if the thread wasn't popular enough to merit it? What if the person just didn't care to let other people know?
    Hell, I'm sure you'd find a DOZEN threads in the old forums of me personally selling certain scrolls. Most of which I didn't update when someone whispered me in-game to buy it off me. You'd also find dozens upon dozens of threads where someone was selling Extreme/Tutelary/Sentinel/Passion/Warlord scrolls that I bought without me even posting in the thread, and I'm sure most of which the OP did not post afterword letting other people know the item was bought from them.

    Your ENTIRE arguement relies on this strange notion that you have an implausible level of information about the sales that is fundamentally flawed.

    Not a single person in the years that I've been playing this game has been able to come out and show what they can do to gain any kind of real gold gain by playing the market.
    Let's put it this way. Rationally, what benefit do they get by doing so? The only penalty for not doing so is that you doubt their legitimacy...But you're insignificant to them, so why does that matter? If there is no benefit to telling you, WHY would they? Because there is a CLEAR detriment to telling you, it creates more competition for them.
    But you know who was on there literally buying every cheap black dye and reselling it for 30+mil? Myself.
    Your arrogance blinds you. Do you seriously think you were the only one? Do you HONESTLY believe you bought [literally] every cheap black dye? Then you are delusional. There were likely HUNDREDS of people doing the same thing, and across atleast TWO US servers.
    Why? Because I sat there for 36 hours and that's all I was able to do.
    This sums up your post really. You think that because YOU failed to abuse the market, that it's simply impossible for anyone else to do it.
    You are BLINDINGLY arrogant.
  • Would be nice if we had a PC Guide

    The problem is that the people who DO know the prices of the market, like myself, are the ones HAPPILY scandalizing the market for our own gain.
    And we're not saints to graciously share that knowledge, otherwise we wouldn't be scandalizing the market to begin with.

    Likewise the price can fluctuate as much as 200% on a week-by-week basis for many items. And that difference can be anywhere from 1~100mil depending on which item we're talking about.

    Being free2play through market abuse is easy, but it requires a degree of overall control. And all of us involved in it want to get as much value as possible, which means there are essentially unwritten and unexchanged universal laws. Keeping the masses uninformed definitely at the top of that list.
    The moment you ask how much it costs to buy something, the people who reply back to you are likely going to try and discern if you are currently willing to pay for the item if they have it or can acquire it. They will do this discreetly so as not to tip you off that they are preparing to bend you over on the price and just get it from the person they know that has it. This normally leads into the replies like "how much are you willing to pay" or "It's going to cost you a lot". They're not just empty comments to troll you, they're trying to actively DISCOURAGE you from buying the item to test if you are ready to buy it NOW or not.
    And if you're not willing to buy it now, they don't need to be concerned with you and can blow you off entirely as you are completely useless to them.

    If you ARE willing to buy it now, and suggest that you know it's going to cost a lot or that the cost seemingly isn't an issue to you, THEN this will likely turn into a chance to actually buy the item off them. The next thing to expect is how quickly they're going to bend you over with the price. If they now believe you capable to buy the item at it's value, they will want to try and discern how much they can exaggerate the value on you. The less you know about it's value, or the more they can discredit information you have about it's value, the harder they slam their big hard pickaxe into your goldmine.
