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Zuletzt aktiv
February 2, 1992
About Me
Shitposts may vary in quality.
  • [Event] Show Off Your Guild

    EU / Passion / 64 / 24011

    Video to lighten the Mood

    Why others should join your Guild
    If you are looking for a Family that constantly wants to push forward and improve whilst keeping the playing for fun aspect at top priority, you might want to consider us. We are a group of old friends who already play for a long time with each other and we are looking for new companions who share the same interest. Rather than becoming a mass-recruiting guild, we prefer to stay on a medium size level where everyone is close and can be friends with each other. Keeping a positive gaming attitude and not losing our fun while breaking weapons and raiding for hours is something we are trying to provide for everyone. We do encourage everyone to grow as players and are willing to guide with advice and daily hosted raid and weekly hosted redeemer parties to help everyone keep their motivation up. Experiencing the game and its new content together as a guild and grow together as a community is what we are trying to achieve.

    What makes your Guild special or stand out
    We have created a rather close and family oriented space where everyone feels welcome and home even after staying for a while. Every single member in the guild is included in the growth process of the guild so no one feels left out or unheard.
    Everyone is born into the family as equal. The Head of the Guild has the same rights as any new member and vice versa.
    No one is treated as special or superior. We want to avoid the typical hierarchy of people looking down "lower" ranked members. Due to our strong playerbase we are able to provide very fast weekly hosted redeemer runs (for example 8min Balors) for our members. Our knowledge from the game goes back to 2012 so we have quite some stuff to talk about! Our guild chat and our discord server are lively and used by everyone in the guild.

    Your Guild’s motto
    One for All and All for One.

    Abbey Road Themed Guild Picture, February 2016

    Sailor Moon Themed Guild Picture 2016(probably)

    Christmas Themed Guild Picture, December 2017

    Refresh Guild Picture, January 2019

    Biggest achievement that you and your Guild members have achieved
    Being one of the oldest, active EU Guilds that provides experienced members on any kind of content (ingame and theory); having many players high in the rankings on different classes despite being a rather small guild; we successfully managed to form a community where everyone likes each other and enjoys playing together as a guild.

    Future goals with your Guild members
    Taking on any Hell Redeemers as a guild and improving our Solo/Duo times on the current redeemers. Exploring new content together as a group and experiencing growth in gear and skill for everyone. Success is even sweeter if you can share it with people who will feel happy for you. Trying to grow in numbers while still being loyal to our guild motto. Of course the Guild House will be a must-have for us, since it provides extra playroom for social gatherings and events alike.

    Other fun or interesting facts about your Guild
    If you want to know more about us as a guild or you are interested in joining our group of special people just /w Cini or Eriniel or TheEvilEnderman. :^)
    (we just didn't know what to write here because we have too many inside jokes and we were afraid that people would be scared of and not get them)

    Scolding Marrec, January 2019
  • Remember when

    Remember when Drusa had banter with the entire EU server and almost got banned?
  • Literally Vindictus for the next 2 months

  • Should Na and Eu Merge?


    Long answer
  • Is Nexon even trying anymore?

