First of all, let me preface by saying that I charged my account with Razer Gold, bought an outfitter from the outfitter shop over $15 and got no stones also, you made the Razer Gold count as credit where Paypal, which I normally use counts as prepaid so I end up with an unusable balance, which blows a fat one since we can't combine payment types for some arcane reason. I don't really care about that though the thing I really care about is that last night the server was DEAD. Do you understand? D E A D. YOU DID THAT. There were hardly any runs running for anything, you'd banned everyone. Listen, it is not any of those players faults that YOU GUYS MESSED UP. It seems like EVERYTIME there's an event where you have to hand something out to a select group of people that isn't everyone you mess it up. The update this morning says "most of those players will be unbanned after the items are retrieved" no no my friends, it should be ALLLLLLL of those players who are unbanned. This game lives and dies by how many people are playing and we can't afford to drive anyone off.
"* Important Note: You could be held responsible for any abusive actions taken from this incident and we may take further actions if necessary."
Yeah, good idea. Punish your customers for YOUR MISTAKES. As someone who didn't benefit from any possible "abuse" of an extra Eira registration box, let me say that I do not care if someone else did.
Secondly, I log in on Tuesday, between 7:30 PM PST and 8:00. I get no playtime in. Spiders are my second favorite RaR, what a bummer. Message says "urgent maintenance" Servers might be down three hours. That sucks. So I go play other games, Overwatch, Hitman 2, would rather be playing Vindi. I come back after three hours. I get no time in. Says they'll be down till 1:30 AM. Ok. I stay up that long. Can't really stay up much longer than that. They still don't come up, so I go to bed. You guys think a 1 day Cadet badge makes up for not getting to play any that day? For dead server the next day? For MORE down time? I have AT LEAST 4 characters with cadet badges (my Evie, my Arisha, my Karok, and my Eira), should I chop the badge up 4 ways? Is that possible? You tell me, is that possible?
Why is your response to try to make up for these events so ungenerous? Do you think that a 1 day VVIP and a 1 day Cadet Badge makes up for the time ticking down on scrolls, or all the other items and events that are running on timers, or the multiple cadet badges people have on their accounts? Is that going to make up for the loss of reputation for server uptime or the burnt feeling for all the people who got temp banned?
Come on guys, we're looking at a second unscheduled maintenance. Make a test server and practice giving rewards out there or at least double check things before they go live after maintenance, the fact this keeps happening is ridiculous.