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Does anyone know what the point spread is on any given recipe in relation to it's Recommended Proficiency Level? Is it +/-10 points or something? For example, say Item A has a Rec. Prof. Lvl of 200---would it be safe to assume you could start crafting and earning points at Prof. Lvl 190 until 210?
Thanks in advance!
As far as I can remember, yes it will be a different color text, maybe bright red ...?-but you will still be able to craft an item +20 levels above your current proficiency. (if this is for pre-buying mats early so you're ready to craft it later)
Be careful with purchasing items off the marketplace. I've tried to purchase an item, specifically a scrap on the marketplace. "item has been sold" , so I re-searched the marketplace to find another for sale, the 'sold' item re-appeared. It seems there is some -delay for items sold on marketplace. I tried the other below it, and the same issue....
Even restarted client, item still on marketplace/channel switched doesn't seem to help..