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As you all have probably noticed I have been leaving 101 Guide on new bosses not yet released on the NA/EU servers. As a heads up I DO stream on Twitch. My channel is on my profile if you guys have any questions to ask in stream :)


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March 23, 1990
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About Me
I play mainly on the KR server but I tend to come back here when I can. I stream KR as well for the community. One day I will be a Localizer for MMO's https://www.twitch.tv/tankblade9
  • European Migration FAQ

  • Neamhain 101

    It's as Atherion says and as I said before. Stats is only a 50% reliant in that raid. If you don't have that other 50% which is skill (not getting hit....actually getting good) it doesn't matter if you have 18k def even 19k def in that raid you will die. I see it a lot on KR even for players new to Neamhain with OP stats. Stats are no longer the only thing you need in this game. Skill is REQUIRED for Neamhain. Also Runes aren't really a pay2win method. It's Pay2Convenience. You aren't buying gold. You are buying not risking the only OP weapon you have. Just because you buy runes doesn't mean you are paying to win and it also doesn't mean you are rich. I'm not even pay2win and I can handle Neamhain with 24k att and 10k def on Delia on KR. Why? Because that Skill is my 50% that I excel at even with my near 1 second lag due to playing from America. That's just something a lot of people who haven't hit those stats or have hit those stats but die so quickly fail to realize. You NEED to learn the raid WHILE having the stats. I practiced that raid for a week before I even was able to clear it. Even then I surprise players on KR for raiding that raid with my lag and not dying easily.
  • Neamhain 101

    Then uh....good luck. Greatsword Hurk is useless against Neamhain right now. Just wait until Teide happens.
  • Neamhain 101

    I stand in the middle so i can repair lol
  • DevCAT's comic strip (rough translation)

    So DevCAT recently did a comic strip to create some comedy and did some "getting sucked into the game" scenario. I found it rather funny on some parts. It was entertaining. Here is a link to their page and here are my rough translations :) Not sure why they pointed it at americans though since this honestly even happens on our server too xD Makes no sense.


    Hurk: What...what is this?
    Hurk: A...Above?
    Hurk's Mind: Obviously I had access to Lucid Adventure ... what? (referring to a mobile game)
    Hurk: This is...me....?
    Female Voice: How are you? The recall was successful!
    (Hurk from this world)
    Hurk: ?!
    Hurk: What?....Are you....?! I came into the game....No!
    Lynn: In what game....?! Nonsense! Are you dreaming?
    Male Voice: Well, here's the game.
    Hurk: What, what are you?
    Kai: C....cat?
    Strange Cat: This is the world of Mabinogi Heroes.
    Everyone: ?!
    Hurk: Eh....
    Hurk: This is not....
    -Enter Knife stage left-
    Hurk: ....What?
    Strange Cat: Be careful with that mouth.
    Strange Cat: You've arrived.
    Lynn: We...
    Lynn: Are you in the game? Did you do this? Why me?
    Strange Cat: Guardians and Heores no longer save the world.
    Strange Cat: For whatever reason, they are destroying the world on the side of the Asmodians. (this is referring to the Lochlann and higher enemies. Sorcerers, etc.)
    Strange Cat: Heroes who have the power fall by the sudden appearance of him....
    Strange Cat: He trampled them....
    Strange Cat: As a last resort, I put hope on you and I am far away from this world.
    Strange Cat: I summoned the most powerful people.
    Hurk: What is strong...!? I'm just a loser for anchovy..!
    Hurk's Mind: Right... That's... It...
    Hurk: That's it!
    Strange Cat: I believe that if you play your game, then you will adapt well here.
    -Cat spits up blood-
    Hurk: HEY! CAT! WAIT!
    Strange Cat: First... before my mind is clouded.
    Strange Cat: I'll give you a quest.
    Hurk: Qu..Quest?
    -I received a quest on how to get home from the strange cat-
    Strange Cat: You just arrived.. They'll soon catch up with me.
    Strange Cat: Call...me...Gobb...
    -Strange Cat dies-
    Hurk: HEY! CAT!

    Hurk's Mind: It's...it's 0%?!
    Hurk's Mind: Monsters?!
    Hurk's Mind: Why so many?!
    -Enter Arrow Stage Left-
    Hurk: WHAT IS THIS!
    Kai: First...
    Kai: I think we should get out of here.

    Hurk: KICK IT!!?!
    Hurk: Good...!
    Hurk: If you master this game anyway, can you go back?!
    System: Experience increases by 300% with titles from this world.
    Masked Man: What? The Last
    Possessed Fiona: Is it the same?
    Possessed Karok: No problem. Destiny is set. This world is ours!
    Strange Cat: Nyaaa~
    Strange Cat: Was i not dead? Heroes do not die... oh, I'm not dead.
    Strange Cat: Anyway, I'm going to give you a tip for the world for those americans who are inexperienced.
    Strange Cat: It's on my head like before.
    -Quest icon appears-
    Strange Cat: ! means quest is available.
    Strange Cat: ... means quest is in progress.
    Strange Cat: ? means quest is ready to be completed.
    Strange Cat: Every season the quest balloon is a different color.
    Strange Cat: Yellow is Substory
    Strange Cat: Season 1 is Red.
    Strange Cat: Season 2 is Green.
    Strange Cat: and Season 3 is Blue.
    Strange Cat: Let's get rid of those monsters.
    Strange Cat: Next I will tell you some tips about battle.
    -as everyone else is being destroyed-