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  • Neamhain 101

    The fight could have been well designed with a few changes, but its like their usually one and done attempts on everything they do for this game. No testing, revision or feedback considered. Its been a long week...where to start?

    Neas normal attacks - Her non special moves can often one shot you straight out at 14-15k def if you get unlucky. She can also combo you where you can not take any actions and can not recover between attacks (100 to 0 with nothing you can do). If you've done this fight you have probably experienced the following: She hits you with the quick swipe before she puts up her circle (hit 1) You are staggered into the ring by this hit and it explodes (hit 2) finally the ring explodes again (hit 3) and there is a good chance your dead at this point. Another one is where she hits you with the no stamina regen debuff then just keeps attacking you till your dead. You can take no actions during this whole ordeal. How about when she throws the AE orb in your face for sometimes massive damage and then it explodes for your death. Want to dodge that 2nd hit? Nah your going to recover the same instant it explodes. Sure you can avoid this outcome by being in the right position around her but with people dodging in random directions this attack is sometimes unavoidable.

    Aes - The explosion on her rings go further than they indicate. Why? Whats the point of using an indicator for an AE if its false? Also, if the first AE hits and your not knocked down you will get hit by the 2nd. Why? You get skills to avoid being knocked down which hurts you in most cases. Ok. The AE indicators when neit does his red stuff on the ground is off as well (where he freaks out and there is red mist stuff on the ground). It explodes well out of the AE indication (Im not talking about the AE wave after it btw). One more AE, which i almost forgot, is when she slams on the ground from the air. She can hit you with the slam and then the small AE that comes out can hit you as well. Ive seen people Iframe the slam but still get hit with the small wave.

    1HKOs - Everyones favorite. The gates are actually not too bad and they appear early enough for you to learn them well. The only problem with them is the timing seems slightly too tight. You can dodge them at 95% success rate and then you get into a group where your 3 bars or 2 bars...good luck! Neas Sword hit KO is fine. Both of these moves are punishing, but not over the top (you can fail gates and get a life flare and you can get hit with the debuff on sword KO but not get 'picked'. Then we have the Neit combo which is easily the worst designed portion of the fight. There's no practice mode for this fight ( you know the only fight you would really want it on) so you need to spend 20-30 mins to try to get to this stage which could be rare in a pug and hope your alive so you can try to avoid this combo which can wipe your entire group. The best part of it is you cant see. The game decides to hijack your camera for some unknown reason to "help" you. So you keep attempting to get the timing down without real knowledge of what is actually hitting you. This process can be extremely painful if you got a character with a small window for IFrames (Lynn, Kai etc) If your pugging you may get to this stage and be alive 1-2 times a day and it may take you 20-30 attempts before you find something that works for you even at a 50% rate. I ended up having to run to the right side and forcibly dragging with my right mouse button to grab my camera back to be able to see.

    Some simple adjustments could have made this a good fight: Check AE range vs indication, force knockdowns on some moves to avoid 2-3x hit combos where you cant take an action between, introduce a low damage neit combo early on for practice purposes (one time works p1 or beginning p2) or open up practice mode, and knock it off with the stupid camera hijacking.

    I have cleared this fight on my Evie 7 times (static) and my Lynn 0 times (pugs) so Im not complaining cuz its "too hard", but rather because its a cheap fight. You can die on this fight 2x in phase 1 without even being able to use a potion due to unlucky crits and no action combos. If you dont have a static group for your character your most likely going to spend a lot of time to get it done once then never touch the fight again. There is also no stat requirements on the fight so expect to see a lot of 19k 9k people in pugs.

    I have seen this fight on youtube sometimes where it ends at bar4 instead of bar1...Was that a test server build and they put in the final phase for release or is there an easy mode to this fight coming up at some point? If so that could be a decent alternative for alt characters if the kill counts towards your 100 kill meter.

  • Max stats info

    Attack = 23k for the most part....Akadus, who is not a raid mob, is 24k but everything else is under ( 26-27k With Neamhain Raid coming in soon, 28k on one of the new fights on KR server Dullahan? when lvl 95 gear released). You can also easily tell the attack limit per mob in the battle info screen when making a party.
    Balance = 90
    Crit = 130. Covers up to and including season 3 stuff (155 in Dullahan's raid recently released on KR server) *Need 170 Crit for Lanns
    Damage Reflection = 960
    Crit Resistance = 140 with Dullahan
    Attack Limit Release = 2k. So if you have 2k release and your fighting that mob whos cap is 28k you would need 30k attack to do full damage. (Cap on this increased by 500? with Neamhain achievement)
    Defense = Not 100% sure on this one. Ideally, you want a minimum of 15k for Neamhain. If you can hit 13k DEF you can do Premium Soap 1k, Cadet 600 and CrEpaulet 500 (AP Shop) to get around 15k DEF. If there is a defense cap you wont hit it while trying to cap your other stats.

    Damage Reflection and Attack Limit Release could take you a year to max out ( maybe decades with how bad Royal Raid servers are right now) and is not really recommended as replacing that weapon loses all your work.
  • Any new pay2win stuff coming with update?

    Hard to think of anything else they can try to make money on since there is a pay option for literally everything in this game. Maybe pay for premium channels/RR servers?
  • Wow, the developer heard the community's voice

    would that game development were cheap easy and quick. unfortunately we live in the real world.
    I'm actually glad they are putting this in and not hating on them for taking so long but...Its a simple UI that is tied to a few server commands (to join/enter battles/possibly search). Someone creating this would have the server commands , UI code, and can copy a lot of the code needed (as most of the functions already exist) so they would just need to tweak the UI a bit and customize it. I doubt this would take even an entry level programmer a week ( most likely a few days at most).
  • Trivial things that shouldn't bother you but does

    The dogs in Colhen who follow you and constantly bark every other second and you cant mute them without muting all sound effects nor can you replace a game sound file to mute them.