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  • Drusa wrote: » Treating Vindictus like an old school MMO. snrk. The game was never truly challenging. You only perceive it that way simply because you had a hard time learning the bosses until you finally got geared properly and knew how to fig…
  • pootisman wrote: » Considering how fast it takes from lv1-90, making it challenging before lv90 seems pointless. Anyone who's half decent will be lv90 in like 2-3 days. Might as well make people finish leveling first and then do whatever they want…
  • ikevi wrote: » I am trying to figure out how this if "fun", even for leveling. I just got one of my alts to Blood Lord... This is how every boss fight goes. (I am wearing whatever crud gear they give me.) Less than 20 seconds of fighting on a…
  • This post gives me such a faint glimmer of hope. Rise hit right after my buddy and I got to Keagan and just, the sheer ease with which everything died killed the game for us. To hear that there might be content capable of breaking this monotony is v…
  • EnigmaTaro wrote: » Maybe people should start using rookie weapon and armors and see how they fare in these battles. I haven't tried old contents on new characters to see how boss mechanics got eradicated but haven't geared players been onesho…
  • I made a whole topic addressing my personal issues with this update while ago, but I can list the bullet points here. The game is frighteningly easy. Every advertisement, and guide is going to tote Vindictus around as this skill heavy action RPG…
  • jeddyhi wrote: » If you do not like the update, you have two choices. One is do what you did and cry and moan and complain, even stomp your feet and hold your breath if you like. The other is to quit the game and move on. A 3 week investment is mi…
  • ProR2D2 wrote: » This is bad for everyone because new players are going to quit because is too hard for them The game is uninterestingly easy now. *No one* should be having any issues. I've yet to go below half HP so far, just because of how tr…
  • Hurricane622 wrote: » But back to the low difficulty problems - I can't really judge that too well, because all three of my characters are level 90 already, but I DID notice that there's no option for hero mode, which I really miss a lot. How am I…
  • Kurs wrote: » pffffft Americans now days. Didn't they make devil may cry 3 harder for Americans? No, actually. The north american release of Devil May Cry 3 was actually EASIER than the other region releases. In the Special Edition release you…
  • SlyGoat wrote: » Face tanking your way through the game is what they want to encourage, because less skill = more gear reliance and therefore more cash shop transactions. I really, really don't doubt this, sadly. The way the update was pushed …
  • Prototypemind wrote: » @KayoAemskey Thank you for the entertaining and well informed post on a new players experience immediately before and after RISE. I appreciate all the feedback everyone has offered thus far. I just hope this post gets not…
  • Great idea! Let me play the *entire* game to level 90 first, then backtrack to the Perilous Ruins area with my level 90 gear. I'm surely getting the same experience as I would've gotten playing through there on a higher difficulty the first time, ri…