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But... I didn't say you were making assumptions... I said I'm assuming... I'm as in me, not you. Maybe we should stop for now? It seems like we're both reading things wrong or losing our train of thought. Because to me what you've sai…
@Xephire idk, I've heard people who liked it and don't. And I've just listened to Delia's and Miri's voice. I'm assuming the parts that you don't like is the parts where Delia seems to struggle swinging her sword and it comes off a little raspy or…
I'll listen to Delias and Miri's voices more closely then. But as for "a majority of folks say the change is bad" How do you know it's a "majority of folks". To me there's a difference between "a majority of folks" and people who are just vocal …
I never played Anthem, but if I got the right game, it was something like it was badly programmed. But there's a difference between bad programming and this. I think you both aren't getting my core point. And it's not being wimpy, it's understand…
the point wasn't being against adding more voice options. The point was about giving the new voices a try, the VA's and the people who picked them probably take pride in their work and some of them were probably excited as it was a good gig for the…
That's the thing though, there will be some people who hate it and some people who love it. So who do you listen to? If you listen to the ones that hate it then you might have the ones who loved it go "ANAAAAAARCHYYYYYYYYYYYY! RIOT RIOT RIOT!". A…
The thing is though, "good" and "bad" can change on an individual basis, and the same person that thought something was "bad" one day can later on think it's "spectacular" another day.. And how do you "properly test" voices? I don't think you can,…
I think the having an option to change the voice is fine. But for me if it's a creativity decision then I can respect that while others may not. So I have no problem with that *thumbs up*.
I'm sure other peoples points were …
I mostly use Evie, I did go through up to level 100 with Belle for the event, and I have all my free character slots filled, including the premium ones given for free. I've leveled the other ones ranging from one around level 40, the rest maybe aro…
So here's what I usually see when I see complaints and debates. Usually it comes down to people coming into debates already decided on how they think, and everything they hear from the other person they imagine the stereotypical response they expec…
I think a part of it is that a lot of people don't like change, I listened to your video and I listened to my characters voices too and I'm at I either like it, or don't think it's bad and think I could get used to it. Sure I miss the old voices to…
Constructive criticism can be great, but I got to say that it seems to me that there are a lot of people who are the type who just want to complain, or jump to conclusions, or have such a negative view of Nexon that no matter what Nexon does, even i…
that's interesting. I never noticed this. I just remembered the obvious things like an animation of a poor Lann getting eaten by a vampire so I'm thinking they were also going to make things more violent too.
oh wow I never thought of Zecallion that way. From what I remembered reading I always thought Nephilim as a "land of the dead" or some place where the deceased memories are replayed or they're forced to relive certain events over and over. So I as…
idk how much they changed the story... but originally if I remember correctly, we go back to Ainle during the day because of Ingkells. From what I remember Ingkells investigated Ainle or something and found what Brynn found which was evidence that …