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Changes to Enchant Scrolls
Source :
http://heroes.nexon.com/News/devnote/View?page=1&postno=301Starting with the official server update, Rank 9 and Rank 8 Enchant Scrolls will NO longer destroy equipment upon enchantment failure.

Rank 7 and Rank 6 Enchant Scroll can still destroy equipment upon enchantment failure, however, the rate of enchantment failure was greatly reduced.
This December update will increase the number of places to obtain Enchant Scrolls. The acquisition of Enchant Scrolls will depend on the location and the progression of your character.
Based on the information above, character development and item preparation will proceed smoothly as possible.

Not to mention usually when a primary resource drops, a secondary resource is inflated to compensate, such as the case of "trash" drops being worth more when the rare materials are more common. In this case, it's likely Magic Powders and Elixirs would have some inflation.
Honestly I feel like there's no way to know what will happen to prices. Despite S2 mats dipping in price people are still pushing 90m arma pieces on the market. This change to enchant scrolls could call more people to enchant their gear since they aren't afraid to esplode them, which would increase demand. But that's assuming the game actually has more people to call, other than the 500 who still play once in a while. (I don't know the real numbers.)
More or less the players need to work together and balance the economy as it changes. Nexon doesn't exactly control that strictly like most MMO's do. If that were the case you wouldn't be able to overprice cloth of all things :P
this are some of my opinion with no bases it might happened or might not happened lets see what tomorrow brings out.
1. drop rate of es might decrease to balance out things.
2. success rate will decrease
3. higher rate of unsuccessful enchanting
4. runes that protect both es and weapon is a must.
There's a statement to the contrary, that the rates of failure will decrease. R7s drop in both S2 and S3 now, and there's no indication that their rates have been decreased. I don't understand speculating that way when there's nothing to indicate changes in the wrong direction.
I don't really get the fear some have about this change ruining the economy or removing a gold sink. The sad truth is, veteran players are the only ones that can bounce back from an items blowing up. For newer players, item destruction is uninstall fuel. The whole month you were playing just poof! Gone in an instant because of some sinister money grubbing system. As harsh as this may sound, long time players do not matter. Well, not when new players coming in matters far far more. New players have to be won over so they'll stay. Invalidating their very valuable time by rewinding their progress 3-4+ weeks is not a great way to keep players playing. The low population should be all the proof of this mistake that anyone should need.
So even if a player manages to stick a double enchantment, they still have to deal with ferghus and his whole "OOPS Mah Hand Slip" excuse.
Honestly, how can one be renounced as a blacksmith when all they done is break more than they create?
While it may appease more to newer players, they still run the risk of blowing up their gear at any given moment, even having a weeks worth of grinding can be a total waste of time within seconds because of said RNG.
No matter how you look at it, you still have to roll the dice and hope to god that RNG doesn't screw you over just to progress through the game.
Ironically enough, even with that said about "greatly reducing destruction rate" It still has the 40% success rate and 40% destruction rate if it fails for R7/6 scrolls. It's R9 and R8 that got this buff, and they act similar to Rank A scrolls. So yeah, vague wording got a lot of players good there.