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I wonder at which Part of an Update this gonna get released.. We getting Rise tomorrow and yet they just stated in the Stream that 9,8 Rank scrolls still break items and with Rise Update Valor,Bloodlust,Master enchants gonna be R8 scrolls so we need fking runes for them
I wonder at which Part of an Update this gonna get released.. We getting Rise tomorrow and yet they just stated in the Stream that 9,8 Rank scrolls still break items and with Rise Update Valor,Bloodlust,Master enchants gonna be R8 scrolls so we need fking runes for them
Did I miss that ? I did not remember them saying that
I wonder at which Part of an Update this gonna get released.. We getting Rise tomorrow and yet they just stated in the Stream that 9,8 Rank scrolls still break items and with Rise Update Valor,Bloodlust,Master enchants gonna be R8 scrolls so we need fking runes for them
Did I miss that ? I did not remember them saying that
If I missheard it in the Stream I apologise for it but I'm sure I did hear it correct when someone in the chat asked about breaking items with enchant scrolls one of the gm's said Rank 6-9 break Items before the statement I thought "finally I can enchant at least the old scrolls without risk "
I wonder at which Part of an Update this gonna get released.. We getting Rise tomorrow and yet they just stated in the Stream that 9,8 Rank scrolls still break items and with Rise Update Valor,Bloodlust,Master enchants gonna be R8 scrolls so we need fking runes for them
Did I miss that ? I did not remember them saying that
If I missheard it in the Stream I apologise for it but I'm sure I did hear it correct when someone in the chat asked about breaking items with enchant scrolls one of the gm's said Rank 6-9 break Items before the statement I thought "finally I can enchant at least the old scrolls without risk "
Yeah i thought i heard that too, i think it was at the middle to end of the stream? o:
I wonder at which Part of an Update this gonna get released.. We getting Rise tomorrow and yet they just stated in the Stream that 9,8 Rank scrolls still break items and with Rise Update Valor,Bloodlust,Master enchants gonna be R8 scrolls so we need fking runes for them
I didn't watch the stream but when i saw the scroll changes, i just knew that they where gonna do this.
I'm speculating that for the foreseeable future we will not see rank 8/9 scrolls that do not boom. Why? Because the change was made in Korea pre-Rise. But since the Rise update leap-frogged other updates we will not see it.
Get used to the new reality of can't enchant anything without a rune. Nothing like Master or Enduring ES (now with lower success rates) potentially blowing up your armor. Alot of hub-bub was made about the additional damage and enhancement changes but I feel like this one slipped under the outrage radar.
This particular change to scrolls is tied to Dullahan/lv95 gears update, which RISE doesn't contain. Your best bet is to wait untill Dullahan hits NA/EU.
Did I miss that ? I did not remember them saying that
If I missheard it in the Stream I apologise for it but I'm sure I did hear it correct when someone in the chat asked about breaking items with enchant scrolls one of the gm's said Rank 6-9 break Items
Yeah i thought i heard that too, i think it was at the middle to end of the stream? o:
I didn't watch the stream but when i saw the scroll changes, i just knew that they where gonna do this.
Get used to the new reality of can't enchant anything without a rune. Nothing like Master or Enduring ES (now with lower success rates) potentially blowing up your armor.