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Why no love for sylas?

Member Rizzle
Vindictus Rep: 2,260
Posts: 199
edited December 15, 2016 in General Discussion
I've been looking for a long time now. And there just doesn't seem to be any daggers on the mp. Why no love? Other chars have pages of weapons listed. Some have high enhanced weapons listed....+10, +11, +12 level 90's. But there is consistently about 8 daggers listed, in total. And usually none are level 90.

Why no love? Is the kpop hate so great that everyone wants to see Sylas not succeed? I don't understand.

If anyone out there has a +13 Braha or Lugh Dagger that they are wiling to sale, on East Sever, please contact me. IGN: Rizzle


  • Member Maximus
    Vindictus Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 57
    he's 'new' give it some time for the weapons to be listed...
  • Member DownIoad
    Vindictus Rep: 2,185
    Posts: 312
    Ive seen pages of daggers frequently, even some +12/+13s in the past. I even bought my +12 from mp.


    I noticed an influx of daggers as people maxed him out and then they sorta faded as people either lost interest in sylas or didn't like his play style.

    Doesn't help that he is a male character. In game it seems like 80% are female characters and 10% are kai, the others being the final 10%.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    ^Pretty much what Download said. The female chars are much more popular. Once I maxed my weapon smithing all I made were Spellswords and Scythes for the most part because they always sold. PDs took me far longer to move every single time, more so than anything else I could craft, even Cestuses before the revamp.
  • Member Tsiii
    Vindictus Rep: 2,175
    Posts: 112
    Except lynn, I think I catch a glimpse of one in a raid maybe once a week (unless I'm playing my lynn)
  • Member Rizzle
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 199
    Maximus said:

    he's 'new' give it some time for the weapons to be listed...

    is he really? he's a year old. Right now there are 2 daggers on the mp. 2!

    But, like Download said - he has no bewbs.

    But , is it really so much to ask for? its not like i'm shopping a +15 double r7.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Well, you are asking for a +12/+13 on a character that's slightly less popular, meaning there are fewer total players who have had the desire or time to man and gear him, or the inclination to make high enhance weapons for him. Three +12 runes and three quality coupons, plus booming and I couldn't even get my dagger to +12.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Simply put, while Sylas may be popular amongst Korean females, other cultures don't find flamboyant fairy boys to be attractive since many are attracted to muscle bound men that lift heavy things on a given daily basis.

    Secondly, Male mages tend to be deterred in MMOS because many peeps think of females when it comes to the role of healer. Not being sexist or anything like that, but it's the general consensus in the MMO world when it comes up from the top of one's mind when you mention healers. Even then, some people think that male mages just straight up sucks the masculinity right out of the class, and ends up with judgmental comments where most of it ends up starting sylas being a girly man jokes on the internet.

    Third reason is the complexity of the character itself. Not many players want to invest on a high attack speed character only to be outclassed by another character that has 20 less speed, and is not even a +15 yet. There are players that get freaking salty when they don't get top dps in some way, shape, or form.

    To conclude, not many players want to play as a fairy boy when a guy with a gun can do twice as much damage output, and culturally being deterred since most players are usually drawn in to having the top dps since that's usually what players only care about these days.
  • Member ShadowMadara
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 240
    Ikarsu said:

    Simply put, while Sylas may be popular amongst Korean females, other cultures don't find flamboyant fairy boys to be attractive since many are attracted to muscle bound men that lift heavy things on a given daily basis.

    That may be true if it wasn't for the face that all male character other than Sylas looks like they've passed mid life crisis
  • Member Abyssofthor
    Vindictus Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 104
    edited December 16, 2016
    Rizzle said:

    I've been looking for a long time now. And there just doesn't seem to be any daggers on the mp. Why no love? Other chars have pages of weapons listed. Some have high enhanced weapons listed....+10, +11, +12 level 90's. But there is consistently about 8 daggers listed, in total. And usually none are level 90.

    Why no love? Is the kpop hate so great that everyone wants to see Sylas not succeed? I don't understand.

    If anyone out there has a +13 Braha or Lugh Dagger that they are wiling to sale, on East Sever, please contact me. IGN: Rizzle

    Why no love for sylas you say image because he is a scrub of the highest order image He should have been a male magician like evie and instead we get a phantom knife throwing scrub . image
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    MK2Xiao said:

    Ikarsu said:

    Simply put, while Sylas may be popular amongst Korean females, other cultures don't find flamboyant fairy boys to be attractive since many are attracted to muscle bound men that lift heavy things on a given daily basis.

    That may be true if it wasn't for the face that all male character other than Sylas looks like they've passed mid life crisis
    Lann: motivated to kill the fomors because his home town was destroyed by fomors.

    Karok: Comes from a tribe of giant humans that are nomadic and sensitive to their past. Can be speculated that they had a hard battle with the Fomorian army where they have caused them to be nomadic in the first place.

    Kai: motivated to kill ALL the fomors because his relative(s) were brutally murdered in front of him. (Speculation)

    Hurk: Long lost mercenary for hire that will use his great sword to destroy any enemy providing enough money is paid for the work. Was inspired by Guts from Berserk, since they both have hatred for anything that is NOT human, along with having short tempers that end up in an uncontrollable rage when sparked. Both have been known to have an uncontrollable blood lust when two pieces of steel clash with each other. Since Hurk has trouble controlling his temper, he often avoids interaction from other people at all costs, usually sitting in a corner of an inn or bar.

  • Member Xie
    Vindictus Rep: 2,115
    Posts: 155
    edited December 16, 2016
    Why is there no love for Sylas? Because I am all of the love that Sylas needs. :3

    But seriously, Sylas is one of the characters that are fewer played. And I agree with Download's comment about there being "80% are female characters and 10% are kai, the others being the final 10%" in game. Sometimes, it feels as if I'm one of the few still playing a male character but it seems to even out lately as I'm seeing a more variety in classes in West. Maybe a lot of guys don't like Sylas's look or something so they don't play him. I've gotten a lot of comments that I look like a female ... ^ ^; Lol, but yeah... or could try finding a +10-11 since those are easier to find then try yoloing it.

    Other than that, good luck!

    Edit: Also, I like Sylas's playstyle. It's a lot different than the usual generic wizard and staff. I guess the only thing that I wished was difffernt was that he would look a little bit older, maybe closer to Lann's age. Maybe, he could have more hairstyles that doesn't make it look like they're too big for his head. Currently, I only like two of his hairstyles, his default and Samurai one. Otherwise, his dagger-play is pretty cool. +yes
  • Member Rizzle
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 199
    edited December 16, 2016

    Rizzle said:

    I've been looking for a long time now. And there just doesn't seem to be any daggers on the mp. Why no love? Other chars have pages of weapons listed. Some have high enhanced weapons listed....+10, +11, +12 level 90's. But there is consistently about 8 daggers listed, in total. And usually none are level 90.

    Why no love? Is the kpop hate so great that everyone wants to see Sylas not succeed? I don't understand.

    If anyone out there has a +13 Braha or Lugh Dagger that they are wiling to sale, on East Sever, please contact me. IGN: Rizzle

    Why no love for sylas you say image because he is a scrub of the highest order image He should have been a male magician like evie and instead we get a phantom knife throwing scrub . image
    Wow. So much salt. I guess we can see who gets out-dps'd by sylas on a regular basis.

  • Member Rizzle
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 199
    Ikarsu said:

    To conclude, not many players want to play as a fairy boy when a guy with a gun can do twice as much damage output, and culturally being deterred since most players are usually drawn in to having the top dps since that's usually what players only care about these days.
    Who? Who is this "guy with a gun?"
  • Member ShadowMadara
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 240
    Ikarsu said:

    MK2Xiao said:

    Ikarsu said:

    Simply put, while Sylas may be popular amongst Korean females, other cultures don't find flamboyant fairy boys to be attractive since many are attracted to muscle bound men that lift heavy things on a given daily basis.

    That may be true if it wasn't for the face that all male character other than Sylas looks like they've passed mid life crisis
    Lann: motivated to kill the fomors because his home town was destroyed by fomors.

    Karok: Comes from a tribe of giant humans that are nomadic and sensitive to their past. Can be speculated that they had a hard battle with the Fomorian army where they have caused them to be nomadic in the first place.

    Kai: motivated to kill ALL the fomors because his relative(s) were brutally murdered in front of him. (Speculation)

    Hurk: Long lost mercenary for hire that will use his great sword to destroy any enemy providing enough money is paid for the work. Was inspired by Guts from Berserk, since they both have hatred for anything that is NOT human, along with having short tempers that end up in an uncontrollable rage when sparked. Both have been known to have an uncontrollable blood lust when two pieces of steel clash with each other. Since Hurk has trouble controlling his temper, he often avoids interaction from other people at all costs, usually sitting in a corner of an inn or bar.

    Well then we might need to start killing humans soon, lets start with Riordin shall we?
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    MK2Xiao said:

    Ikarsu said:

    MK2Xiao said:

    Ikarsu said:

    Simply put, while Sylas may be popular amongst Korean females, other cultures don't find flamboyant fairy boys to be attractive since many are attracted to muscle bound men that lift heavy things on a given daily basis.

    That may be true if it wasn't for the face that all male character other than Sylas looks like they've passed mid life crisis
    Lann: motivated to kill the fomors because his home town was destroyed by fomors.

    Karok: Comes from a tribe of giant humans that are nomadic and sensitive to their past. Can be speculated that they had a hard battle with the Fomorian army where they have caused them to be nomadic in the first place.

    Kai: motivated to kill ALL the fomors because his relative(s) were brutally murdered in front of him. (Speculation)

    Hurk: Long lost mercenary for hire that will use his great sword to destroy any enemy providing enough money is paid for the work. Was inspired by Guts from Berserk, since they both have hatred for anything that is NOT human, along with having short tempers that end up in an uncontrollable rage when sparked. Both have been known to have an uncontrollable blood lust when two pieces of steel clash with each other. Since Hurk has trouble controlling his temper, he often avoids interaction from other people at all costs, usually sitting in a corner of an inn or bar.

    Well then we might need to start killing humans soon, lets start with Riordin shall we?
    Technically he did die in the s3 ben chenner story arc.
    Rizzle said:

    Ikarsu said:

    To conclude, not many players want to play as a fairy boy when a guy with a gun can do twice as much damage output, and culturally being deterred since most players are usually drawn in to having the top dps since that's usually what players only care about these days.
    Who? Who is this "guy with a gun?"
    CrossGun Kai.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    Well Fiona players have felt this neglect forever. And AUS server probably feels this neglect about every marketplace item for every character every single day. I haven't checked in months, but last I saw there were only 5 pages worth of weapons period.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Order5 said:

    Well Fiona players have felt this neglect forever. And AUS server probably feels this neglect about every marketplace item for every character every single day. I haven't checked in months, but last I saw there were only 5 pages worth of weapons period.
    Aus is pretty much Silent Hill at this point. As for Fiona... Not many players like taking a Tank role anyway because of the whole relying on healer to stay alive stereotype (Even though that's not the case for fiona). She needs a load of attack speed just to even compete with a kai though... which that is saying something.
  • Member ShadowMadara
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 240
    Ikarsu said:

    Aus is pretty much Silent Hill at this point. As for Fiona... Not many players like taking a Tank role anyway because of the whole relying on healer to stay alive stereotype (Even though that's not the case for fiona). She needs a load of attack speed just to even compete with a kai though... which that is saying something.
    spoiler alert hes back
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    MK2Xiao said:

    spoiler alert hes back
    Never really cared for Riordan anyway. Just another egotistical commander because his brother is the lord of the castle. whoop die doo doo. Wonder if that's a big cliche'.
  • Member Niburu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,430
    Posts: 84
    Good riddance. Rest in pieces to that horrid class