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With how easy it is to get AP and OJ things now I honestly find this event amazing depending on how you do it, and not just a cash grab. So excluding legs and chest, you can make any OJ piece for 90 seals now, and the other ones are just 130. If you're maxing out seals thats not even a week to replace a part.
Now what worked wonders for me recently to get almost all my gear OJ without buying a rune, was I crafted a Oj piece for 90 seals and yolo'd the first enchant on it. If it boomed w/e, it's dead make a new piece. If it succeeded then awesome. Then I used the second enchant with still no rune, if it boomed, well then I can still AP revive it, THEN use a rune. If it succeeded, then bam got a fully enchanted OJ piece.
TLDR; Step 1: Seal shop an OJ Piece Step 2: Yolo first enchant, if it works move to step 3, if it fails back to step 1 Step 3: Yolo second enchant, if it works you're done boiyo, if it fails move to step 4 Step 4: Revive it with ap and either yolo it, or rune it. Step 5: ???? Step 6: Profit
The universe is trying to prevent me from becoming the kpop star that I want to be.
I've failed every single enchants that I've tried so far during this event on Sylas. Two Enthus, three Well-balanced, and a Temporal
..................... then I randomly switched over, yoloed a Judgement on Lann and got it on first try. It is a sign. My destiny in life is to forever be Justin Bieber, not a kpop star.
A-am I not allowed to be both?? A Korean Justin Bieber? ... I'll just go cry in a trashcan ...
With how easy it is to get AP and OJ things now I honestly find this event amazing depending on how you do it, and not just a cash grab. So excluding legs and chest, you can make any OJ piece for 90 seals now, and the other ones are just 130. If you're maxing out seals thats not even a week to replace a part.
Now what worked wonders for me recently to get almost all my gear OJ without buying a rune, was I crafted a Oj piece for 90 seals and yolo'd the first enchant on it. If it boomed w/e, it's dead make a new piece. If it succeeded then awesome. Then I used the second enchant with still no rune, if it boomed, well then I can still AP revive it, THEN use a rune. If it succeeded, then bam got a fully enchanted OJ piece.
TLDR; Step 1: Seal shop an OJ Piece Step 2: Yolo first enchant, if it works move to step 3, if it fails back to step 1 Step 3: Yolo second enchant, if it works you're done boiyo, if it fails move to step 4 Step 4: Revive it with ap and either yolo it, or rune it. Step 5: ???? Step 6: Profit
Eh, 16K+ for anything other than weapons just isn't worth it.
With how easy it is to get AP and OJ things now I honestly find this event amazing depending on how you do it, and not just a cash grab. So excluding legs and chest, you can make any OJ piece for 90 seals now, and the other ones are just 130. If you're maxing out seals thats not even a week to replace a part.
Well people are complaining about using runes. So 16k is a better alt then using 9$ per rune
Now what worked wonders for me recently to get almost all my gear OJ without buying a rune, was I crafted a Oj piece for 90 seals and yolo'd the first enchant on it. If it boomed w/e, it's dead make a new piece. If it succeeded then awesome. Then I used the second enchant with still no rune, if it boomed, well then I can still AP revive it, THEN use a rune. If it succeeded, then bam got a fully enchanted OJ piece.
TLDR; Step 1: Seal shop an OJ Piece Step 2: Yolo first enchant, if it works move to step 3, if it fails back to step 1 Step 3: Yolo second enchant, if it works you're done boiyo, if it fails move to step 4 Step 4: Revive it with ap and either yolo it, or rune it. Step 5: ???? Step 6: Profit
Eh, 16K+ for anything other than weapons just isn't worth it.
I do have to say though, I really appreciate that this event has returned. However, spending so much time and effort capping coins on multiple characters everyday is so draining, especially since they keep failing day after day.
Add another judgement es to my failed list +sigh
That's why I decided I'm only focusing on my main rn bc gearing up is tough enough overcoming RnG so I've only been capping on my main and the experience is good, better than it would be trying on 2 and I'm happy I made that decision, especially because I'd rather be more proficient on 1 character than mediocre at 2 characters.
Mhmm yeah I totally agree, this is what I did during the last scrolls event in which i feel like I've geared my main well enough to handle S3 content. It's just that this time I was planning on gearing some alts to run S2 more efficiently. Plz Vindi this is all I ask for! +pain
I mean, the fail rate on everything good is 60%; runes or no you're going to fail the majority.
But, but... That's higher than 50% so wouldn't it be pass the majority, but fail plenty along the way?
And also passed an enlightened today so my helmet is now done +sigh
Eh? That means fail the majority, and fail most along the way. The probability of you failing say, four in a row is lower than the probability of you failing two in a row, and as you go out farther your likelihood of continuing to fail goes down. That said, it doesn't increase the odds of any one try succeeding, and if you're an outlier and simply unlucky then in theory you might never succeed.
The first event was a much larger success because of its timing, many players are students who have finals this week and the next. As for the pricing fluctuaations, right now any scroll over 10m is something I'll be buying with coins.
Those players who are continuously failing and/or booming gear, need to research the forums...there are ways to better your chances at enchants. Nobody spoon-fed me, so don't ask me to tell.
Whats ridiculous is the pricing on enchanted gear. Double-scrolled level 80 rings used to be 200m max. Now, they are listed at 800m-1b, during an event in which the scrolls are free. So, Free scrolls = 4x price increase? how does that make sense?
The even funnier part is, anyone who's been here since the release of Sylas knows two of those names on the mp as two of the most notorious scammers and gold buyers on East. Pay attention kids, don't get scammed, and don't get pressured into buying gold from those bots in ch. 1.
I'd like to try maybe Silent, Declarative, Crescent Moonlight, and Righteous es eventually if I can find/have enough time for all the raid to gather coins. 20 a day just isn't enough it seems, especially when you can only do them once or twice a day =(. Good luck to everyone trying to enchant ^_^
Those players who are continuously failing and/or booming gear, need to research the forums...there are ways to better your chances at enchants. Nobody spoon-fed me, so don't ask me to tell.
- Lynn - Dead ES: fail NR - Delia - Dead ES: stick - Kai - Dead ES: fail NR - Kai - Dead ES: fail NR - Kai - Dead ES: fail NR - Arisha - Dead ES: fail NR - Arisha - Dead ES: fail and boom - Lynn - Dead ES: stick - Vella - Fast ES: stick - Arisha - Dead ES: stick - Vella - Memorable: fail and boom - Vella - Memorable: fail and boom - Vella - Fast: fail lost rune - Vella - Fast: fail lost rune - Vella - Reinforce: fail lost rune - Vella - Reinforce: fail NR
Those players who are continuously failing and/or booming gear, need to research the forums...there are ways to better your chances at enchants. Nobody spoon-fed me, so don't ask me to tell.
1 welbalanced
1 enlightened
So excluding legs and chest, you can make any OJ piece for 90 seals now, and the other ones are just 130. If you're maxing out seals thats not even a week to replace a part.
Now what worked wonders for me recently to get almost all my gear OJ without buying a rune, was I crafted a Oj piece for 90 seals and yolo'd the first enchant on it. If it boomed w/e, it's dead make a new piece. If it succeeded then awesome.
Then I used the second enchant with still no rune, if it boomed, well then I can still AP revive it, THEN use a rune. If it succeeded, then bam got a fully enchanted OJ piece.
Step 1: Seal shop an OJ Piece
Step 2: Yolo first enchant, if it works move to step 3, if it fails back to step 1
Step 3: Yolo second enchant, if it works you're done boiyo, if it fails move to step 4
Step 4: Revive it with ap and either yolo it, or rune it.
Step 5: ????
Step 6: Profit
I've failed every single enchants that I've tried so far during this event on Sylas.
Two Enthus, three Well-balanced, and a Temporal
..................... then I randomly switched over, yoloed a Judgement on Lann and got it on first try.
It is a sign. My destiny in life is to forever be Justin Bieber, not a kpop star.
A-am I not allowed to be both?? A Korean Justin Bieber? ... I'll just go cry in a trashcan ...
And also passed an enlightened today so my helmet is now done +sigh
Those players who are continuously failing and/or booming gear, need to research the forums...there are ways to better your chances at enchants. Nobody spoon-fed me, so don't ask me to tell.
Whats ridiculous is the pricing on enchanted gear. Double-scrolled level 80 rings used to be 200m max. Now, they are listed at 800m-1b, during an event in which the scrolls are free. So, Free scrolls = 4x price increase? how does that make sense?
The even funnier part is, anyone who's been here since the release of Sylas knows two of those names on the mp as two of the most notorious scammers and gold buyers on East. Pay attention kids, don't get scammed, and don't get pressured into buying gold from those bots in ch. 1.
Enlightened (replaced Well-Balanced)
Journeying x2 (bought from mp)
Significant x2
I'd like to try maybe Silent, Declarative, Crescent Moonlight, and Righteous es eventually if I can find/have enough time for all the raid to gather coins. 20 a day just isn't enough it seems, especially when you can only do them once or twice a day =(. Good luck to everyone trying to enchant ^_^
- Lynn - Dead ES: fail NR
- Delia - Dead ES: stick
- Kai - Dead ES: fail NR
- Kai - Dead ES: fail NR
- Kai - Dead ES: fail NR
- Arisha - Dead ES: fail NR
- Arisha - Dead ES: fail and boom
- Lynn - Dead ES: stick
- Vella - Fast ES: stick
- Arisha - Dead ES: stick
- Vella - Memorable: fail and boom
- Vella - Memorable: fail and boom
- Vella - Fast: fail lost rune
- Vella - Fast: fail lost rune
- Vella - Reinforce: fail lost rune
- Vella - Reinforce: fail NR
This bad luck trend
The Dead
The Dead
Success on Enthusiastic on the first try then failed afterwards.
Wow the gains