The basics of it can be found in the update notes:
I'l cover anything that isn't mentioned there.
It is located above the Mercenary Outpost in Colhen.
Captain Crimson is the dog at the Gift Shop/Mission board in the Lounge.
All 4 Missions count as "battles at your level" for events. They also cost 0 Fatigue each. So if you need to kill Normal Monsters without wasting Fatigue, this is where to do them.
Area 1 Colhen Night Patrol Mission has a little over 50 Normal Monsters guaranteed.
Everyone has the same daily limit for increasing Closeness.
A favorite gift will increase Closeness more than a normal gift. The comment they give with receiving it will be different too.
A mission clear will increase Closeness more than a mission fail, both still increases Closeness.
Chitchat has a cap of its own, but it also can't pass the daily limit.
At the moment, increasing Closeness is only good for unlocking more dialogue and titles. So it is quite useless if you don't care for them.
There are currently 22 Titles to be obtained. (10 runs of each of the 4 missions for 4 titles, then reaching level 2 for all characters for 18 more titles)
In a future update, another 18 more Titles will be added for a total of 40 Titles.
15 for reaching level 3 with each character, and 3 more titles for having 5/10/15 Level 3 Allies.
(You will need a different alt to level up your main's character, then go back to your main to collect the title)
Click "Ally Friendships" in the top left corner of the screen while in the Lounge to see the Achievement Rewards.
As well as some achievements which give Friendship Seals (Give 50 gifts to each merc).
The progress towards completing these achievements are account shared, so if you want to complete the battle ones for free in 1 day, you can use different characters, then go to the one you want it on and collect.
All prizes to the achievements can only be claimed once per account. The titles are "ID Titles".
There's really no need to summon a merc, as you can cap the seals even if you fail all 5 missions each day.
It is only there so you can increase the Closeness of the mercs that aren't there.
Hold ctrl the entire time while clicking on chitchat to speed things up.
Most have seen these lists:
1 and
EDIT: add Lethor with Under the Cherry Tree
But since you can only buy the items and they cost the same, you can simplify it to just 6 items in your inventory to save inventory space if you buy in bulk for some reason.
The cheapest way to max Closeness for the day is:
Mission Cleared
10 Chitchat
7-8 Fav gifts (Stopping at 7 gives 550/555 Closeness)
Mission Failed
10 Chitchat
9-10 Fav gifts (Stopping at 9 gives 540/555 Closeness)
Note that there seems to be a (possibly) random chance for everyone to suddenly be uncomfortable if you talk to them near the end of the day. You can stop gifting if that does happen.
Closeness indicator text:
Daily limit:
When you have not reached the limit: "You feel like you grew closer to [Merc]."
When you reached Chitchat limit: "There seems to be no change to the relationship between you and [Merc]."
When you reach the Daily limit: "[Merc] seems to have started feeling uncomfortable around you." (Doing more after it will not increase/decrease closeness.)
Overall closeness:
You still feel quite distant from [Merc]. (Initially)
It seems like you're beginning to get used to [Merc].
It seems like you're grown familiar with [Merc] now.
You feel like you've grown quite close to [Merc] now.
You feel very close with [Merc].
You feel like you've grown more familiar with [Merc].
You feel like you've become well-acquainted with [Merc].
Haven't talked for a long time:
You feel like you've become more distant from [Merc].
You feel rather awkward now, as you haven't visited [Merc] in quite a while.
Closeness values:
1 Normal gift: 20 (increased to 30 at a later update)
1 Fav gift: 30 (increased to 60 at a later update)
1 Chitchat: 20 (Max 200 per day) (at a later update, max number of chitchats is reduced from 10 to 4, but each chitchat gives 50 points, giving the same 200 total)
1 # topic to that specific character: 20 (but has a chance to already be capped from the start of the day)
1 Mission cleared: 140 (increased to 300 at a later update)
1 Mission failed: 70 (increased to 150? at a later update)
Daily limit: 555 (increased to 700 at a later update)
Closeness required for each level: 10000
If you talk with a character's own # that was unlocked, there is a chance to get 20 Closeness or it just nothing. Seems random. The dialogue to unlock the topic has the same trigger.
Ally Friendships -> Closeness Status -> mouse over a merc will show "Current Closeness: <level>". This corresponds to the level.
Level 1: Acquaintance
Level 2: Ally
Level 3: Close Ally
1. Colhen Night Patrol Mission (Defend the walls 2min of mobs and a boss at the end)
2. Infiltration and Recon Mission (Gather items, or Kill boss boss 1 room)
3. Basic Supply Mission (Enhance game, or Kill boss boss 2 room)
4. Town Support Mission (Save sheep, or Kill boss boss 1 room)
Clears give 2 seals, fails give 1 seal. The moment you die, you fail, no revives allowed.
The fastest way to cap seals (5 seals) is to clear either modes in Mission 4.
The fastest lazy way to cap seals (5 seals) is to go into 2 or 4, then forfeit if it's not the kill boss version. Type /leave in chat instead of waiting for the forfeit button to load.
If you want to clear them for the title:
1. Ends when boss dies, don't bother with catapult due to limited rounds. Flinch/Kill mobs to protect the walls, high range characters such as Miri have an advantage in this.
2. Tell NPC to follow you to a chest, tell them to stand then gather items while you flinch all the mobs (can kill too, but flinch each is enough). Don't run too far ahead, make sure the NPC is following you, if you are too far away the NPC can't hear your commands.
3. There is no time limit, you can take as long as you want. I usually alt-tab out and let the npc do their thing, then come back and score just enough to win.
Hover mouse over the ? to see the enhance-to-points rate.

+5 can still fail even if you hit the blue area, so if you can win with all +4, go for it. But if you calculate that you need more points, get the minimum number of 5s. If you still need more, good luck, you'll likely lose.
Since it is luck based, this can happen.
Enhance level - Chance to work - Chance to work if you hit the blue area
+1 - 80% - 100%
+2 - 75% - 100%
+3 - 70% - 100%
+4 - 65% - 95%
+5 - 60% - 90%
+6 - 50% - 80%
+7 - 40% - 70%
+8 - 30% - 60%
+9 - 20% - 50%
+10 - 10% - 40%
4. Tell NPC to save the sheep while you flinch/kill mobs. If 5 sheep die, it ends with a fail.
The first sheep is close, you can pick it up and tell the NPC to pick up a second before the mobs come, securing sheeps 1 and 2.
You need to tell the NPC to pick up another sheep again each time they save a sheep.
I usually just flinch the mobs, pick up another sheep while they are flinched and bring it back at the same time as the NPC, securing sheeps 3 and 4.
Then just let the NPC get the last sheep while you flinch the mobs.
If you have Greater Werewolf Paw, you can use it at the start and grab 3 sheep (while the NPC grabs 2) and finish just as the effect of Paw ends.
Mobs currently respawn as soon as they die, which is why there isn't too much of a difference between just flinching or killing.
In a future update, there will be a delay before respawn.
Topics that can be unlocked
Note: #Coffer Chaser being unlocked in the initial meeting instead of #Vella is correct. You will see after reading the dialogue.
Lynn (
2) and
Lann's # does not unlock after additional dialogue.
Kai and
Vella have one too.
All characters will have 9 unlockable topics, except for the aforementioned Lynn with 7 and Lann with 8. But you can't unlock your own character's #s on the same character, so:
Lann can unlock 124
Lynn can unlock 125
Everyone else can unlock 123
KR has another 9 for Lethor.
Topics are unlocked when enough Closeness is reached.
Note: non-
bold #s are translated from Korean and may not be accurate or could be changed when localized.
Automatically obtained while talking to Lann:
Gladiator Match
Automatically obtained while talking to Fiona:
Automatically obtained while talking to Evie:
True Healing
Social Status
continued with no topic
Automatically obtained while talking to Karok:
Language (Language with Eira)
Automatically obtained while talking to Kai:
Broken Arrow
Lonely Rookie
Automatically obtained while talking to Vella:
Coffer Chaser
#Trust and # Escape are unlocked together.
Automatically obtained while talking to Hurk:
The Greatsword Master
Hot Headed
The East
Automatically obtained while talking to Lynn:
Swift Assassin
The Lost Kingdom
#King - Lynn is the proud princess of the lost kingdom and the rightful heir to its throne.
I would also like to add, as I read on inven forums that Koreans used to do it until Devcat patched it in season 4 test server - in mission 2 you can send the ally to pick up the loot before the monsters spawn.
#Focus (Focus with Eira)
#Orphans (Orphans with Eira)
#Woof Woof (Woof Woof with Eira)
no #
Automatically obtained while talking to Sylas:
Automatically obtained while talking to Delia:
#Inner Voice
Automatically obtained while talking to Miri:
#Flower Pot
Automatically obtained while talking to Grimden:
#Being Human
Automatically obtained while talking to Eira:
#Void Witch
#Weak Fall To the Strong
#Talent - There's talent that one is born with and talent that one gains through study and hard work. Eira, who prides herself on her strength, possess both.
Automatically obtained while talking to Belle:
#Pontiff's Court
#Memorial Rite
Automatically obtained while talking to Lethor:
#우울 - Melancholy - A mood or feeling. People who are depressed often fall into endless trouble, emptiness and pessimism.
#고양이 - Cat - A small and great animal that turns a human into a steward. A doctor once said this. 'There are two ways to escape a miserable life; with music or a cat.'
#영기 - Reiki - Natural energy that is invisible but flows all over the world. Mana is another concept power.
#정답 - Correct answer - Numerous questions facing life. Since there is no correct answer, people are always pondering and worried to find the answer. And in the process, they grow little by little.
#방관 - Bystander - The act of just watching and not taking initiative. Lethor is always on the sidelines of a critical situation.
#추억 - Memories - Past events, moments, or emotions that have passed. Memories are layered, making them the most comfortable refuge a human can have.
#새벽의 종 - Bell of Dawn - A secret clan following the god of the earth, 'Araun'. According to the creed of 'following the correct cycle of life', the spirits that have remained in the world for hundreds of years have been recalled.
#생명의 순환 - Circulation of Life - The act of life blooming according to the providence of nature. The correct cycle of life means the correct cycle of spirituality.
Note: These are going to change soon.
Fav gift only
18 (19 is uncomfortable)
Normal gift only
27 (28 is uncomfortable)
10 (11 is no change)
Fav gift
11 (12 is uncomfortable)
10 (11 is no change)
Normal gift
17 (18 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
10 (11 is no change)
Fav gift
7 (8 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
10 (11 is no change)
Normal gift
10 (11 is uncomfortable)
Mission Failed
10 (11 is no change)
Fav gift
9 (10 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
Fav gift
13 (14 is uncomfortable)
Mission Failed
Fav gift
16 (17 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
Normal gift
20 (21 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
Fav gift
8 (9 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
Fav gift
7 (8 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
Fav gift
5 (6 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
Fav gift
4 (5 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
Fav gift
2 (3 is uncomfortable)
Mission Cleared
Fav gift
1 (2 is uncomfortable)
Mission Failed
10 (11 is no change)
Normal gift
14 (15 is uncomfortable)
Fav gift
2 (3 is uncomfortable)
Mission Failed
Fav gift
Normal gift
0 (1 is uncomfortable)
Mission Failed
Fav gift
9 (10 is uncomfortable)
Mission Failed
Fav gift
7 (8 is uncomfortable)
Mission Failed
Fav gift
6 (7 is uncomfortable)
Mission Failed
Fav gift
4 (5 is uncomfortable)
Works fine when I tried it. You can tell the NPC to drop the sheep 1 step early and it also instantly drops the sheep without the animation. Just saves a couple seconds.
This is the link to the original thread:
You can see that he numbers the sheep and explains the pattern and order at which you and the ally should pick them up.
My average so far is a minute, but I really want to get to the point where I do it in 40 seconds like him. It would save me a lot of time.
Once my ally decided to go left for the first sheep, idk why they did that.
I usually finish it in about the same time, just need to flinch the mobs with a chainswing on my second round of getting the sheep.
It's just completing it 1 trip faster, it's still fastest mission either way.
In future updates it's going to be 18 titles for level 2 and another 18 titles for level 3. So if you care about titles, increasing closeness is a good way of obtaining 36 titles.
This has happened to me twice now. Both had a pattern.
I usually talk to the allies in the evening when I come back from work. The two times it happened were when I didn't have time in the evening and decided "I'll talk to them tomorrow morning". By tomorrow's morning they already "felt uncomfortable". All of them. So my theory is either:
a) The allies get used to when you talk to them, and if you don't talk to them for more than 24 hours, they'll start feeling uncomfortable with you
b) Irregardless of when you usually talk to them, nearing server reset, they get uncomfortable if you didn't talk to them that day.
It doesn't really matter which one it is, because the solution seems to be to talk to them as soon as possible and then you can come back and give them gifts and finish the missions whenever you like throughout the day. I think that talking once with each ally is enough to stop that "uncomfortableness bug" from happening.
#Gaints (Karok)
#True Healing (Evie)
#Broken Arrow (Kai)
#Void Witch (Eira)
#Ambidexternity (Vella)
#Snack (Belle)
#Outpost (Sylas)
PS: Delia got pretty buff.
It's Saturday for me again, and just like the last 2 weeks, they are uncomfortable from midday. So it's pretty consistent for me.
Literally, everyone is uncomfortable, whether I talked to them yesterday or not or if I use summon.
My alt doesn't have this problem on Saturday, but then again, I don't do these for alts any other day.
Vella called him a charmer iirc, but I didn't take a pic of that
Added Enhance rates for the Enhance minigame.
Also, just noticed that if you talk with a character's own # that was unlocked, there is a chance to get 20 Closeness or it just nothing. Seems random. The dialogue to unlock the topic has the same trigger. Explains why sometimes need less gifts for uncomfortable.
With the fix for "CHANGE", there is also now bugs with some of the lines. "This is for testing." can appear in some topics, and "You feel rather awkward now, as you haven't visited Fiona in quite a while." will appear when you are close to her, and it shows Korean text when Lynn is uncomfortable.
Yes, refer to previous post for more examples.
Dunno about the lower ones, but the capped text seems to be fine for the ones I have.
Added info about the total number #s unlockable and calculations
Added the rest of the "Overall closeness" quotes.
Added unofficial translation of Lethor's #s
For the difference in #s, see:
(Not my work. Copied from Vindictus discord: