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No patch notes on the site is hilarious.

Member FlameSama1
Vindictus Rep: 1,960
Posts: 91
in General Discussion
So you can add 120 dollar pay to win boxes but can't bother to add patch notes or event notes for the homepage lol.


  • Member WhiteYukii
    Vindictus Rep: 1,380
    Posts: 30
    After 10 years, I still to this day do not understand how this company is managed so poorly. They are a true anomaly, special kind bad if you know what I mean. How do do do a full re-dubbing of literally the entire game's cast., but can't be bothered to post a patch note so your players know wtf is added to the game. Like I can't fathom how a company neglects both it's costumers and service so hard. I actually lose brain cells when I think about it....so I don't.
  • Member Kurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    if it makes any difference to you, it was added to the game news on steam from the beginning
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    Kurs wrote: »
    if it makes any difference to you, it was added to the game news on steam from the beginning

    Not everyone use steam
  • Member Yagamin
    Vindictus Rep: 3,580
    Posts: 266
    You can still read it even if you don't use steam.
  • Member Icyz
    Vindictus Rep: 1,030
    Posts: 30
    Yeah but that's still not the point.

    We would like to have real patch notes over what has been changed in the game.

    So far we only have translated korean patch note from a discord moderator. Without those we would have 0 idea of what is going on.
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    Looks like someone woke up and fixed what was missing
  • Member WhiteYukii
    Vindictus Rep: 1,380
    Posts: 30
    I know a few weeks ago, they released a patch that revamped quite a few classes, and literally not an official word was said.....How.
    Just imagine a company like Blizzard or Riot doing this. Hell, even Pearl Abyss or EA wouldn't do this. The gaming community would have these company's heads on the guillotine. Again Nexon is truly a "special kind", that's the only way I can describe it. How do you have a full English translation/dubbing of your game, but no official patch note? That's insane.
    Actually now that I think about it, was there even a patch note for Belle's release? lmao. I'ma assume no. Unreal.

    And if people wonder why I tend to dump on Nexon, well:
    1) first of all, I've been observing this company for over 10 years, there is nothing you can say that will shift my opinion on these people. Please don't try. Lets just get that out the way. I do praise them when its warranted, but it's extremely rare. (I gave them a pat on the back for Belle for example) I was gonna give some feedback on the new voice actors, but now I won't bother.

    2) Criticism is constructive. Yes, QQing, and putting companies on blast can (and does) lead to improvement of their service....like adding an official patch note to the website/game, Jesus Christ. I like Vindictus. I like Maplestory. These games I grew up with. They can easily top charts if Nexon just tries. I would like to see these games be successful, but they are just a lost cause even though they don't have to be. I'ma be real with you, the QQing is in vein. I am probably one of the last people that openly critiques this company in any way, because all the other players simply gave up a looong time ago or hid away in their discord servers (don't blame them). In a way, I pretty much gave up too. The only ones left are the ultra-fans of these games, many of them being white knights.

    I just wish more people would call them out on **** like this and force them to hold this game service to normal standards.
  • Member Kurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    Constructive criticism can be great, but I got to say that it seems to me that there are a lot of people who are the type who just want to complain, or jump to conclusions, or have such a negative view of Nexon that no matter what Nexon does, even if they do everything perfectly they'll always hate on Nexon and say they're doing certain things when they're literally doing the opposite, or they'll just jump on every small little mistake in such an over-reactive manner due to their unchanging hate of Nexon.

    Like you said, your view of Nexon will never change no matter what. Do you not see potential problems with that way of thinking? And I think it's safe to say that there are different types of people with different types of tastes, so there are people who genuinely like things that you don't like. Like the recent voice actor patch, I like it or at the very least I don't think it's that bad, and it's possible that the people who hired the voice actors picked from a line of voice actors and just thought these VA's were the perfect fit.

    The missing patch notes are a problem, but it's hard to be completely on the side of people who only complain and hate and assume when everything isn't going perfectly their way... heck I have my doubts they really know what exactly what they would want when it comes down to the details if they actually thought about it.
  • Member WhiteYukii
    Vindictus Rep: 1,380
    Posts: 30
    Kurs wrote: »
    Constructive criticism can be great, but I got to say that it seems to me that there are a lot of people who are the type who just want to complain, or jump to conclusions, or have such a negative view of Nexon that no matter what Nexon does, even if they do everything perfectly they'll always hate on Nexon and say they're doing certain things when they're literally doing the opposite, or they'll just jump on every small little mistake in such an over-reactive manner due to their unchanging hate of Nexon.

    Like you said, your view of Nexon will never change no matter what. Do you not see potential problems with that way of thinking? And I think it's safe to say that there are different types of people with different types of tastes, so there are people who genuinely like things that you don't like. Like the recent voice actor patch, I like it or at the very least I don't think it's that bad, and it's possible that the people who hired the voice actors picked from a line of voice actors and just thought these VA's were the perfect fit.

    The missing patch notes are a problem, but it's hard to be completely on the side of people who only complain and hate and assume when everything isn't going perfectly their way... heck I have my doubts they really know what exactly what they would want when it comes down to the details if they actually thought about it.

    To clear things up, when I said my opinion on Nexon won't change, I specifically meant there is nothing you (the average player) can say to sway my opinion. It will only change from the actions of Nexon. Until then my stance on this company is overwhelmingly negative.

    You have to keep in mind, people get jaded, feel slighted, or get frustrated with the constant wasted potential in games. The majority of these people at one point attempted to be constructive with Nexon, but then eventually became jaded and resorted to coping with it via trolling, nonconstructive pessimism, or simply....vanishing (which is the worst one, this means people are actually losing interest in the game). I have watched this company fail for no reason for 10 years. That's a very long time, the rose-tinted glasses are long gone and I call it for what it is. If it's no good, then it is what it is. I'm not gonna blow smoke and be fake positive about everything to spare people's feelings, it doesn't work. There is literally nothing positive about neglecting patch notes. Nothing.

    When you say "complain", you have to realize that almost all complaints IS criticism (criticism is inherently negative, it's just some people are more crude than others). Not everything should be positive ass-kissery, nor be negative QQing. Like Yin and Yang, there must be a healthy balance between the two, with Yin occasionally overtaking Yang (critical acclaim) and Yang occasionally overtaking Yin (outrage). Simply denouncing complaint as "the negative QQing trolls, why u even complaining, just leave the game lol, why u still here?" is a foolish mindset to have. You end up ignoring the core of their grievances or you come off as a white knight even if that wasn't your intent, simply because you were offended by them being a little aggressive/crude. You can't shut down and be that sensitive to negativity (unfortunately most people in 2019 are).

    Don't be afraid of negativity. Stop defending corporate, praise them need be, sure. But never forget they do not have your best interest, Ever. If they pretend they do, it is a business strategy. 9 times out of 10, that one guy who won't stop "complaining" has your bast interest at heart (unless obvious troll). Even if his opinion is horrible or you strongly disagree on some things, don't try to shut people down just because they are "negative", join the discourse and share your differing viewpoints, or simply ignore them and let it pass. Let people get their grievances off their chest., its healthy both for them and the service. If not, they will feel like they are yelling into the void and they vanish. I can write a whole essay on this, but will spare the wall of text.

    Actual trolling is obviously not okay. Spamming "ded gaem lol" type threads, threatening or slandering staff/the company for little to no reason is not okay. No one likes these people, but even this type of negativity can be a symptom. Clearly Nexon got a lot of these types lurking their games (Gee I wonder why.......) But this problem would't be so bad for them if they didn't invite this behavior and attitude via the way they ran their games (into the ground) over the years.
  • Member Kurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    So here's what I usually see when I see complaints and debates. Usually it comes down to people coming into debates already decided on how they think, and everything they hear from the other person they imagine the stereotypical response they expect, even if it's something totally different. A lot of people like to go into arguments and complaints assuming they are right, and that they are smarter than the other person and the other person may actually be stupid or something to that degree give or take. They often complain, argue, and debate thinking they are a pro at what they're talking about, whether it's company business etc. despite most likely not having any experience or job within that area. To me there's a lot of issues with this.

    So this is what I like to do when I debate, complain or see problems. First I leave open the possibility that I might be wrong, and assume that the other person is smart, whether or not they are who knows. However, this mentality makes it so that I ask questions, and seek out to learn, because if I think I know everything then that's it, I won't learn anything outside of my small little world and have peaked, and I think that's bad. Then I will try to focus on what's important, which sometimes it's hard to do. But hopefully I will make my case, and the other person will make their case. And I will go into listening to their case trying to understand it and not assume I'm right because then chances are I'll just be only listening to things that "prove" my side and won't really be seeking truth or what's right or what's best. Then it's no longer a complaint, criticism, suggestions, or a debate but rather more of taking sides and me trying to keep reality in my own little possibly fake world/mentality. Then, if one of us hasn't changed their minds or if the other person hasn't changed their mind but can't right away think of a response but still truly believes in their side of the argument then I won't go right away to "the other person is just being stubborn" but rather I'll ask them to come back to me later when they have a good response because I've been in situations where I wasn't able to readily respond until later on when it was a too late because then I wasn't all flustered, or I was able to calm down or gather my thoughts or remember my argument that I always told myself before that made me believe so much in what I thought except I just forgot because it's not the number 1 thing always on my mind. etc etc.

    My paragraph looks long so I'm going to stop here but I hope you get what I'm saying. The issue I have with these complaints, criticisms etc, is that they don't seem to be that, they seem to just be people taking sides based not on the whole picture. So to combat that I would always make sure I try to ask the right questions and do the right things to get the whole picture, and if the opposing party can't help me do it, I will try to open my mind to possibilities, because often I can see plenty of possibilities on what's going on with Nexon and other people. Usually when it comes down to what's actually happening, it's that both sides are right, it's just a matter of what's their priority, or them making a decision and hoping they pick the right thing or something reasonable. And again I say that it was a problem that Nexon forgot to update the news that was on them, but usually the complaints and criticisms I see are kind of lacking on how people approach them, they usually forget that there are two opposing sides on the same subject that each have good points, it's just a matter of what they prioritize, like the new voices. I'm fine with them and even like them, I miss the old voices but I'm fine with it and I love the character development and the added depth in the voices
  • Member Sixth
    Vindictus Rep: 1,400
    Posts: 43
    Kurs wrote: »
    like the new voices. I'm fine with them and even like them, I miss the old voices but I'm fine with it and I love the character development and the added depth in the voices
    Just out of curiosity, how many characters do you play? I mean, sure, some characters got tolerable new voices, but the majority of them are much worse than he old and hurts the ears (literally, they are so loud, screeching and repetitive, they just destroy our hearing even on low volume).

    I can't see any sides here, just Nexon neglecting their job yet again. Compiling a patch note and posting it should not take much effort nor much time, no excuse can make this kind of repeated neglect just go away, there is no need to sugarcoat anything here.
  • Member Kurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    edited November 29, 2019
    I mostly use Evie, I did go through up to level 100 with Belle for the event, and I have all my free character slots filled, including the premium ones given for free. I've leveled the other ones ranging from one around level 40, the rest maybe around 60 or 70 but I have heard and gotten used to all the old voices and I'm hearing the new ones too. I'm fine with the new Evie and Belle voice which I've heard the most, and to me I hear added depth, types of sounds etc, while at the same time missing the old ones. For me I might even say "I liked the old ones better" but I also know that it may be because it may be just because it's what I'm used to and definitely don't think the new ones are that bad at the very least, and am more on the side of liking it. I say, just give the new voices its proper respect and give it a try. Because from what I've payed attention to, there are things added to it that I do like without a doubt, and chances are the person who picked the voices took their time and really tried to pick what they thought where the "perfect voices" for each character, and chances are each VA tried their best to make the voices fit the character. Whether it be completely changing it or trying to sound like how it was originally. But I think most of the hate comes from change, some people hated the old english Lann, Fiona, and Evie voices and wanted the original Korean. Now people want the old English Lann, Fiona and Evie voices. And alot of people seem to always hate English anime dubs because "the original fits the Japanese voices better". So I think it's about us not liking change. Yes giving us the option to allow us to pick our voices might be good. But I can respect if it was a creative decision story wise, or if they just want us to give the new voices a try given how much effort certain individuals probably put into it.

    And yes as for the patch notes that was pretty much Nexon's fault, I'm guessing something might've happened like "they said that was your job... no that was your job, I was in charge of just steam... no you were in charge of steam and the site" happened. But my issue was that it's hard to be on the OP's side because of the way they talk and what I'm remembering of some of their old posts which just reminds me of those types of people who seem to me just sit and wait for reasons to complain and jump on any little excuse to belittle something they enjoy hating. Maybe I'm wrong, but I do think it's really a problem I see a lot, especially in gaming communities and sometimes I'm just like *face palms* and end up saying something.
  • Member Twln
    Vindictus Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 67
    In my honest opinion. This is what's going on :

    Sense Nexon failed to sell their company due to having higher expectation of their value than reality. Nexon take a huge stock drop. They're cracking down on making a new hit game by updating their best old titles.

    However, that is not Vindictus

    This news article explains that and also address their biggest games. I quote from this article :

    "Instead, he is expected to focus on raising the growth potential of Nexon. This is because he confirmed the market’s view that although the company has its cash cows – MapleStory and Dungeon Fighter – they are not enough. "

    "Kim is forecast to raise the corporate value through an aggressive M&A strategy as new game products are needed to have an additional growth. "

    Let's take a moment to realise Maple story 2 exist and soon Dungeon Fighter 2 (name unconfirmed) aswell. Known as Project BBQ. Also made by Neopeople.

    What's the point of this message?

    Well long story short - Nexon doesn't have faith in the Vindictus community size to know if a part 2 is worthwhile. But unlike Peria Chronicles, a majority like the gameplay so it's still profitable to continue for now.

    Till then I don't think it's their priority
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    1) Please don't link MMOByte here. The guy running that page is a shill and half does his reviews. His testing of Vindi was abysmal and he doesn't deserve the views.

    2) Vindi NA is run this way because whales keep whaling no matter how bad it gets and I guess what they spend is enough to keep things going. Why put in more effort when they get the dollars either way?
  • Member Twln
    Vindictus Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 67
    1.) Really? That's surprising. His their most recent F2P games list was complimenting Vindictus though. 9:57

    2.) No, you're right about Nexon sadly. Why improve if they're getting paid the same?

    It's just a shame. The game could have been more if Nexon was a better company.
  • Member Twln
    Vindictus Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 67
    edited November 30, 2019
    Imo tho I thought that video was a nice spotlight for Vindictus. And he seems nice
  • Member Emerthyst
    Vindictus Rep: 2,690
    Posts: 250
    edited December 1, 2019
    I think he rethought his stance after the backlash or maybe played longer than 30mins. :D
  • Member Twln
    Vindictus Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 67
    Emerthyst wrote: »
    I think he rethought his stance after the backlash or maybe played longer than 30mins. :D
    I have no idea what happened then. I'll guess his first time here was a casual playthrough? He seems to like it now lol
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Twln wrote: »
    Emerthyst wrote: »
    I think he rethought his stance after the backlash or maybe played longer than 30mins. :D
    I have no idea what happened then. I'll guess his first time here was a casual playthrough? He seems to like it now lol

    Yes, he did two different "playthroughs" where he barely actually touched the game, and one of them he posted on the forums as though it was quality content everyone should be on board for. He's done the same for other games as well. He just hasn't been a steady content creator in terms of quality and depth. He's also very clearly done a lot of paid promotions for obscure games and passed them off as "reviews", 99% of the time presenting them as diamonds in the rough that somehow the entire rest of the world has missed out on.

    Anyway, if he floats your boat you're more than free to watch, just pointing out that there's better out there for keeping up with gaming and getting actual in-depth knowledge.
  • Member Twln
    Vindictus Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 67
    Yes, he did two different "playthroughs" where he barely actually touched the game, and one of them he posted on the forums as though it was quality content everyone should be on board for. He's done the same for other games as well. He just hasn't been a steady content creator in terms of quality and depth. He's also very clearly done a lot of paid promotions for obscure games and passed them off as "reviews", 99% of the time presenting them as diamonds in the rough that somehow the entire rest of the world has missed out on.

    Anyway, if he floats your boat you're more than free to watch, just pointing out that there's better out there for keeping up with gaming and getting actual in-depth knowledge.

    I have a honest question that's not sarcasm. How far into the game did you expect him to go? And to what gear lvl?

    I also thought it was normal for paid promotions . I know Krutzpel got my boys Cryy and Thelazypeon