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Its sad what this games come to
Nexon releasing big titty characters left and right to since its their only way to milk revenue in a dead game from neckbeards, weeaboos, and virgins. I hope this game dies soon lmfao

Have yet to a game that's as bad as this one. Oh and also the game is pretty much dead right now. You can be in as much denial as you want, but that's not gonna change the truth lol!
Back then when I was still playing, new characters were alternating between male and female and a new character would get released maybe every 1-2 years. But guess what? They released like 3 Female characters in a row, and when they finally release their first male character in like 3 years, a big titty character was released like literally 3 months after
You secretly want a big titty male character next.
Actually i havent played this game in a long time, so i don't give a **** what happens. Just pointing out how sad it is, and only remaining playerbase are all neckbeards, weeaboos, or virgin (or all of them combined). There's a good chance that you fall into this category
Then PISS OFF you low life. or you really don't have anything better to do?
Claims this game is the worst with making female chars/clothes to abuse the playerbase yet most likely knows all of the thousands of other games that are way worse than Vindi has ever been? CHECKS OUT
Claims to know how the game is now and how bad it is then states he hasn't played the game in years and therefore wouldn't know any of this information he claims to know? CHECKS OUT
Neckbeards do not like super challenging stuff and avoid social games. This game has challenging stuff (neamo) and is social, lots of people greet. Weeaboos are about japan and japanese culture. This is a korean game about Irish mythology.
And there's nothing wrong with virginity.
Try again.
Vindi is all kinds of wrong!