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Changes to the Premium Armor Runes description
*Update* - I was told to post this on general to receive more traffic because more people should see it so I shall I am not here to receive negativity or hate I am here to help people out with the runes, because you can learn from my mistake I am sad that they did not do anything further I wanted to continue to play the game but if this is how its going to be I simply will not they should have been more willing to help with the matter they only offered me a sorry and you should put that in the suggestions. I was actually surprised a lot of people messaged me saying that what they did was wrong and horrible to have had done. I will unfortunately not be continuing my time on Vindictus if they choose to contact me back and help I will be happier to join back into the game but they would not even revert the +12 set so I hope this helps anyone because I had a horrible experience and wishing everyone the best of luck. (This post is also posted in suggestions but does not have as many viewers this will bring it to attention).
I recently made a mistake and I will likely quit the game it was stupid on my part and I asked the nexon team for help and if they could revert it literally 20 minutes after they responded with no and if this was a problem put it on the forums. I tried fusing the +12 Astera amor on my Miul it had a look of Arisha's no where in the description did it say Miul couldn't change Arisha's look on the rune I will provide a picture with this to show:
They then told me I sohuld have read the websites description not the runes which if you sell an item it should be on the fine print, and I am willing to admit it was stupid of me to trust the game would do something correct after the amount of years I played it I should have known better this is my fault, however I asked if they could possibly revert it back to Arisha witha bind level of one they replied with actually 2 gm's replied with put it as a suggestion on the forums and I am pretty upset I suppose I lost 1.4 bil and I suppose I will never get the help I need everytime I have a siutation wether it be with the package not doing the correct thing they tell me there is nothing we can do. I should get used to that response knowing it is nexon so let me show you everything I did.
Neither combinations work they then said click on the link to the website I did only in the website and not on the physical item does it state "If an item is fused with an armor restricted to character type such a delia it will only be further use to that specific char". I understand everyone will probably gang up on me calling me stupid but I figured I read everything so why wouldn't it work they wouldn't even revert the armor for me I suppose it is my fault at the end of the day that I lost 1.4 bil but understand this is all I had and they didn't help me I felt hurt I suppose and like I wanted to cry they wouldn't even make it go back to Arisha to try on her when it was done. At the end of the day trust me I understand its my fault but you would think they would help me with just atleast getting it back so I just want to help people in the future by putting this in the description of the Rune to help people in the future cause well it wont help me anymore. Any other game company KaoKao, Square Enix would have said we see your mistake let us help you but its always the same reply with Nexon's Team being unable to help me as usual, but at the end of they day the blame still falls upon me so I am going to share some screenshots with how the team used automated response to tell me the same thing.
The most helpful was GM Yatson who at least said he would try:
I provided them with screenshot's I worked with them as much as I possibly could and still nothing I suppose I should have known this outcome already and I suppose I lost 1.4 bil and I really hope that people learn from this that in this world you really can't rely on the help of the Nexon team not even to revert a mistake when the physical armor is still there but unusable. At the end of the day all blame goes to me I understand that but I am human and it wasn't on the description of the item so thank you guys if you read I don't think there is anything further that will be done for me so I suppose there is no reason to continue I lost the only things I had. So this is just a warning to people I suppose to be careful with what you do cause they won't always put it in the description of the item and that's all I suppose thank you.

Hate to say it, but they're not. It's a word that can mean a lot — or nothing. Why? Because sometimes saying 'sorry' is just not enough. Actions speak louder than words. Good examples of customer service would be offering personalized interactions with your customers, getting involved in causes your customer believes in, getting back to customers ASAP, and thinking of customer satisfaction long-term.
If you want players to spend money on your game, to stick around long-term, or recommend your game to friends/family, you have to provide quality customer support. Instead of unwilling to help your customer and flat out telling them no, help them out to the best of your ability or offer them an alternative/compensation. By doing these things, it will show people that you care. It will help the playerbase long-term.
As it stands right now, I would grade customer support with a current grade of F. It is so bad that they might as well not even offer customer support. In my experience, most of my tickets ended with nothing being resolved because they don't make the attempt to try.
This is so beautifully written thank you for this they really need to read this.
be, my waifu, that was so beautiful..
This company has yet to figure out how to be consistent with how it interacts with its customers, which is just ridiculous this many years in.
Can't it is out of unbinds and it is on Miul now so it will be unusable for all eternity now.
But after the way I've seen nextcon treat their customers, I will never again download any game they host. Not because I think the game might suck, but because I think it might be a great game and I'll be stuck with being treated more like a downtrodden employee than the boss, witch is essentially what every customer is in reality.
Here is a good example of how you treat your bosses (customers): When Tera merged their servers, they gave out 8 character slots to make up for the many players who lost characters on multiple servers. I had managed to miss out on this because I wasn't playing Tera at the time, so my 10 character account was reduced to 3 characters without my knowing. I didn't even try to ask them for support because I was used to how we are treated here, but when I finally did, the guy not only gave me the 8 character slots I would have received had I been playing, he was super courteous and treated me with respect.
I will definitely be downloading more games from Enmasse. ^-^