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Why did nexon change special bloody night set
Nexon why would you do dis really why

Really why would you change Special bloody night set for. it was fine they way it was. Now you added that bloody inner armor by default when I wear this outfit regardless of inner armor you are wearing.

here is a image on how it use to look

This how it looks like now

I understand that you can change stuff around and we cant do anything about it. But this makes me not want buy outfitters again. Bought this outfitter specifically because of how it was. No matter what inner armor i am wearing i have too stared at that see through inner armor i don't like.

I know some people might like it but you could have add it option to hide inner armor but noooooooo. It seems from the looks of it you only did this to premium outfitters which is even worse.
This is end of my rant ohh on top this you still haven't fix lag in game tell me something how is it possible for me to run every game i play on max setting without any issues. But i can't do this with vindictus that's six years old.
Wow, seriously? This is.. what? What is the point? I bought the bottoms to go with other tops, and now I have a ugly inner that is brown connected to it which ruin my color scheme. I hope you guys revert this back to what it was before!
Can't even mix and match the top and bottom because of the inners now! This is unacceptable!
What made you think this was a good idea? A lot of players complained about Succubus Queen having a inner connected to it, and it being un-dyeable and ugly. Then you decide to give Bloody Night one?!
Id like to point out I don't have the premium version, so it's for both.
At this time, we are looking into this and investigating.
I know that for outfit purposes this is inconvenient :c but we appreciate your patience while we investigate this further.
Thanks for the speedy reply! I hope you guys can fix it. ; 3 ; I hope it's not permanent and just a bug, it just doesn't look good at all.. QQs.
I can't believe they did something like this again. They changed Evie's makeup that I had bought a while back. I sent a ticket requesting a refund, because that's not what I bought. ^^^Also rejected. So I had to buy new makeup. They also told me that they would take everyone's outrage on the issue into consideration for future decisions on items people buy. Well done...thank you for your consideration. I feel for you guys. I really do. I'm sure you feel robbed of your money, as did I.
If you wear the complete Blood Night set it seems to still show your own inner armour (at least in avatar shop)?!
I bought that piece and created a look with it and now someone just decides to suddenly change it?
Talk about a surprise update....