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Farewell to Vindictus community!

Member cheappariya
Vindictus Rep: 1,320
Posts: 46
in General Discussion
Dear Mercenaries, Friends, Guildies, and all the cute lovely people around.

unfortunatelly due to family and personal issues I had to take nearly 8 months break from the game. During this time many things has been changed.
I could return around a month ago. I had some luck, and get the free +12 lbl 90 set from Nexon what made me decent enough to play well. With some lucky drops I even to manged Astera weapon and Astera Mail. With the weapon and the mail I have managed to have the necessary battle power with ease.

All was fine until the point i was trying to join Astera bosses. I had to came to the point that there is a new stat to cope wiht....the countrefoce.

After i have checekd what is needed to achieve the requested countrefoce i had to realise the fact for 100 it is needed to have 4 +15 LVL 95-100 quipment. (Earing, belt 2x rings). The total cost of these items are around the 1 bill gold range. Even If i make them on my own and enhence them to *15 the costs will be like 400-500m. Did not mention the cost of infusion and scrolls for the itmes.

This is not about being elitist or any desire to be OP this is a bisc requirement to be able to join the current top tear raids and have the drops from them.

This is pretty much the limit for me what I simply can not deal with. To farm this amoutn of gold would cost me around 10 month of playing (I have only one character and limited amount of playtime). Even with the help of guildies and pretty much ripping them off would cost me minim 6 months to be able t o join Astera.

I really have no idea what will be the requirement for newer bosses, but probalbly same chanllenging as this one.

After a long and pretty sad Sunday I came to the decession to say farewell to my beloved Evie and the Vindictus community. The 8 months breat was too long and was in a very bad time. Without the right accessories I am simply not able to continue my jurney. The effort and the costs are to high to cope with.

I would like to thank to everyone the fond memories of this game. The laughs, the cries and the never ending grinding in Larken for Mealstom ES, the never forgotten Karok who took 2 valors from Jirkal in my run, shoot Glass with the ballista like rambo, the first time when i could do Head in kraken and, the awasome sweet and kind people in this game.

You will never be forgotten.
Thank you very much for all the memories.

Good bye everyone.


  • Member Elynsa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 77
    edited February 18, 2019
    I spent roughly 150m on getting +15 sig/pass level 100 belt and earrings via crafting, enhancing, and enchanting myself, granted I already had most of the enhancement materials from farming a while back. This brought me to 70 counterforce already. I can't remember how much CF +15 level 95 rings give, but it shouldn't be necessary to +15 both of them, and if the only problem is the CF then scrolling and infusing isn't really necessary. Just a reminder that 100CF is only the requirement for quickboard. 70CF should be enough to deal enough damage for loot if you have carries to play with for a regular board run. The only guild help I had was getting carried through one run so I could get the recipes.

    Having said that, if you're still intent on quitting, I bid you farewell and good luck on your future endeavors.
  • Member cheappariya
    Vindictus Rep: 1,320
    Posts: 46
    Since I am playing from Europe it is mandatory for me to be agble to join QB. When I can or could play on weekdays the only option was QB with random peopple. Maybe at weekends I could do some guild and fren runs but....normal weekdays this solution was out of options. The 4 necessary items what could give me enough CF with enhencement materials are around 450-500m If I want a bit better or already enhenced ones one Item can cost 150-200m. Considering that currently i have only 600k gold the 150m seems to be same far as the 800.

    Anyway thank you very much for your kind reply and encouragement but currently I feel more devastaed then in S2. It was hard to get S2 geaars but was possible, and you could still play wiht llvl 60-70 equipment quite well. Now it is physicaly impossible to play the new content what is really frustrating and a complete dealbreaker for me.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Sorry to hear that. It's much more expensive on NA, but the relative costs are lower because it's slightly more active and all items sell for a lot more. That said, I'm selling all my gear for now and maybe returning actively around Miul's release. If you decide to come back later the nice thing is that 95 gear will eventually be what's given for free, and there will likely be lots of events to come. This game definitely has too much grind to keep a healthy player base once too many people fall away, and Nexon did a lot to kill off much of the EU community =(
  • Member cheappariya
    Vindictus Rep: 1,320
    Posts: 46
    Ty. I play on NA server from Europe...much like from the vey beginning. That is why its a bit harder for me. I have never undrestood why did not merge the whole game when they lift the IP block. Everyone could play with anyone. Now NA and Aus are on the same server its already does not make much sense...but yeah...its nexon.
  • Member LoLoBooty
    Vindictus Rep: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    edited February 18, 2019
    Unfortunate to hear --- but understandable. Nexon has created a substantial stat barrier for newbs/casuals.

    I am currently working on a Counterforce guide which looks to bring more concrete information on the potential costs of gearing for Counterforce. It's undoubtedly cost-prohibitive and it's the reason I stopped playing all but 1 character on the latest raids because I couldn't afford it.

    As Prototypemind suggested -- at some point in the future they will be giving this gear away for free. Future content also suggests an increase in the drop rate for the rings and belts. So costs should become more reasonable on obtaining the gear. So I highly recommend checking back in at a later date.
  • Member Cedric
    Vindictus Rep: 1,355
    Posts: 87
    Its not really that hard... and not really that needed to make you quite the game. I make more money in dulla/aes/rupa than those 3 new raids that ask for cf.
  • Member cheappariya
    Vindictus Rep: 1,320
    Posts: 46
    Ty Lolo, as I mentioned in mz original post, previously i took a longer break...and unfutunatelly it was in a quie bad time. So i missed out the LVL95 rings. My 3* ocean depth monsters were good enough and I did nto even had the urge to upgrade them to Frozen wills.
    I have lvl 90 belt and earing tough what i rose to +15 both, what burned all my remaining gold and did not took me anywhere, not to mention to be future proof. With my Astera staff and Astera mail and the remaining +12 Braha set I could have enough battle pwer for the new raids.
    I rember well when Keaghan came out and the ppl who host set the attack min 14k (as myself did too) but the choise was up to the host actualy to carry the newbies and help them or kick them out. I always tried to help and honestly was happy when a weak player got the manuscap what was kinda valuable item back then.
    In an optimal world the Counterfoce should not be an issue, and i am honestly sure that the people who are able to run the new bosses would not mind any weaker player to jon, but the barrier is set by the game itself. I heared in the future the Dulla essence might be available from sealshop as well but i dont really belive it since Eochaid and Abomination's Essence essence are still not available either.

  • Member Nokaubure
    Vindictus Rep: 2,185
    Posts: 176
    is it that bad? on EU you can get 110 cf by spending aroung 100m plus seals, which is less than 1 month with optimal luck. Also cf only maters for astera raid, you can still do all the other content like raids 95, OS and redemeer without any issues. Its a bad system for sure, but leaving the game just because you don't want to progress and have everything in the face is a bit meh. Even 95 raids can give more money than the new ones with good luck, as Cedric said.
  • Member DragonRider
    Vindictus Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    You always make these goodbye threads, many many years ago, over and over. And you just keep coming back to this game. This is just the same thing again with you. History repeating itself.

    And you really should stop trying to make people believe you are a girl, or asian girl for that matter.

    See you again in a few months :)
  • Member SilverFenix
    Vindictus Rep: 785
    Posts: 24

    Your free choice. Abandon the game because you are stuck. There can be.

    Or do as I do, keep playing occasionally even if you do not have CF. I have 62 CF and I can not normally enter aster, I have to drink the potion and even with this I can not get into the red stigma. I miss a ring of 90 and technically I would have the money to craft that to improve it to 15, but I do not want to throw my money, rather I wait even 6 months for prices to drop.

    Mah is not that the astera raids are special, they are simply run like the others in which they drop new pieces of weapon and armor (and when you do this raid every day you are alredy bored like usual); Since I have equip 90 12 (free) I do not need new armor (and then put the scroll in eeeeeeeee), the only thing that could count is new weapon, but I do not need this too since I have a cross gun 13 95 still work good.

    In the end, the only raids worth playing are the redeeem! So you can make a difference and they're fun. And sometimes a shard drops too, so they are also profitable. And sometimes I do a normal raid, dullahan, etc ..

    The conterforce can also be there for the new raid but it is too high .. 50 would have been ideal in my opinion .. It reminds me a bit of the restrictions in the boat of the S2, kraken, lakiora etc 17 - 18k and I reached the maximum 15k! ! But at least there was some good soul that host without restrictions and I could get in. But now With the excuse of the quick battle, everyone creates them, and the restrictions are heavy and you can not even get in. It is rare that someone hosti without QB , So it's even harder than before partecipate.

    That said you can stay in the game and play half an hour a day, doing some raid in company and redeem. I'm too lazy for farm too, if i need material i play daily run with secondary character (because farm is boring and hell, almost with different char feel different) and stop it.

    You don't need to get 75 CF in a one time. You just need 45 and drik potions to partecipate clare QB. just enjoy game, do some raid per day and some redeem, you will drop something and keep going until you have enough money to make rings. If you don't drop ,myabe next week will instead and so on (don't force yourself to farm or do the same raid every day). in meantime you can laugh in guild house and do weird thing or chat in colhen, or joke in reedeem with no pants for "mass confusion" lol

    You will enjoy the game when you'll reach 100 CF and reapeat the same raid day every day , you'll be more happy? Did i ever tell you the definition of insanity? :)
  • Member cheappariya
    Vindictus Rep: 1,320
    Posts: 46
    DragonRider: i have said good bye once during S2, because simply i could not see the means to achieve the newest equipment, but honestly say that was not actualy necessary. But anyway i left the game and I was out for more then a year that time. I only came back berfore the release of Dulla.

    Secondly. You are misstaken me with one other player. He went on many names no ide if he is playing or not currently (probably not) Impakupon/Annavella/Queenbathory just a few of his characters. I never said that I am girl, not even Asian one. I am from Europe, Hungary to be more preceise.
    That guy made a living of pretending to be someone else, and cheated many people on games and real life.

    Final point. To be more casual. Yeah thats a possiblity. But all in all why are we here. To participate in the game, I know Astera bosses will only add 3 more cahnce for an income, nothing more special. But the reason of playing is to see and particiapte in the runs. There were raids what are fun, others not so, and got forgotten pretty fast. I do not know what Astera bosses like, probably hard. But should play more to say judgement about them.

    As I told, my issue is that NX is forcing you to achieve some stats just to be abel to participate the game. 50 CF would be more then enough, or should have other means to reach it without +15-20 your items. Simply add this stats to your rings and weapons point colosed.

    The additinal demage **** up the game already quite well. Its also bug me why a +13 LV 90 weapon wiht 28k att can overdamege a 35k att +11Astera in lover tear raids...but anyway. This is the mechanic of the game, so i can live with it.

  • Member SilverFenix
    Vindictus Rep: 785
    Posts: 24
    I understand you but unfortunately we have no power here in the West to change things. Only korean players have it. That said, do what you think is appropriate. If you do not like the game anymore for the various reasons you have listed uninstall it and / or do not use it anymore. And there's nothing wrong with this.

  • Member cheappariya
    Vindictus Rep: 1,320
    Posts: 46
    I completly agree with you. This is what I shall do with the game. Re evaulate if it worth the effort to go on, and reach the necessary stats for current and future content, or leave it. As people mentioned probably in the future they will make easier to achieve the required CF.

  • Member DragonRider
    Vindictus Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    DragonRider: i have said good bye once during S2, because simply i could not see the means to achieve the newest equipment, but honestly say that was not actualy necessary. But anyway i left the game and I was out for more then a year that time. I only came back berfore the release of Dulla.

    Secondly. You are misstaken me with one other player. He went on many names no ide if he is playing or not currently (probably not) Impakupon/Annavella/Queenbathory just a few of his characters. I never said that I am girl, not even Asian one. I am from Europe, Hungary to be more preceise.
    That guy made a living of pretending to be someone else, and cheated many people on games and real life.

    He was a fat, european, alex jones looking man that played tekken, and gambling online that pretended to be an asian girl. I know that already. But i still think it's you because he often used your account. You have said goodbye more than once, this is not the 2nd time, but anyway, i'm pretty sure you will be back a bit later, just like everyone else who makes quitting threads to seek attention in this community. You guys are lke a broken record.
  • Member cheappariya
    Vindictus Rep: 1,320
    Posts: 46

    You are wrong that person was not European... actualy he is from Malaysia.
    He played many games and done his game to pretend a pretty looking but, partly disabled Asian girl for a long time.
    Nope Mr Ting (that is his real name) is deffenatelly not me. I was one fo the unfortunate people who made frens with him and played with him for a while but at the end the truth came out.
    Personaly I never tried to pretend to be someone else.

    About quitting. I am quite serious about it. The actual physical wall to participate in the latest content was the final point. I have other issues as well what stop me.

    Anyway I dont ask you to belive me. BTW do you know eachother in game?

  • Member DragonRider
    Vindictus Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    What was that about saying goodbye to your beloved evie and this game?

    I was right about you. You always come back to this game, no matter how many attention-seeking quitting threads you post up on here to get people's sympathy.

    You've made quitting threads for years. Now I have proof that your dramatic quitting threads are nothing but bull, with today's screenshot below:

  • Member Twln
    Vindictus Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 67

    You are wrong that person was not European... actualy he is from Malaysia.
    He played many games and done his game to pretend a pretty looking but, partly disabled Asian girl for a long time.
    Nope Mr Ting (that is his real name) is deffenatelly not me. I was one fo the unfortunate people who made frens with him and played with him for a while but at the end the truth came out.
    Personaly I never tried to pretend to be someone else.

    About quitting. I am quite serious about it. The actual physical wall to participate in the latest content was the final point. I have other issues as well what stop me.

    Anyway I dont ask you to belive me. BTW do you know eachother in game?

    Best way to quite is total uninstalling and playing another game. Come back May 15th of next month. Nexon KR who they're m selling the company to . Might be a good change.might get 100x worse
  • Member DragonRider
    Vindictus Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    edited May 1, 2019
    Twln wrote: »
    Best way to quite is total uninstalling and playing another game. Come back May 15th of next month. Nexon KR who they're m selling the company to . Might be a good change.might get 100x worse

    They don't uninstall or ever really quit. They just make attention-seeking threads that lie about how they're going to quit.

    They always come back a few months later.
  • Member ReasonablyBored
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 79
    edited May 2, 2019
    Twln wrote: »
    Best way to quite is total uninstalling and playing another game. Come back May 15th of next month. Nexon KR who they're m selling the company to . Might be a good change.might get 100x worse

    They don't uninstall or ever really quit. They just make attention-seeking threads that lie about how they're going to quit.

    They always come back a few months later.

    This is hilarious dude, first I was gonna flame you for commenting on a old ass thread then I saw your screenshot, hahaha checkmated. I quit for years and never once have I made a post about leaving or coming back, I'm just happy my guild still keeps me. His next excuse must be "bro idk you, my friend gave me this account he quit" haha but then one of their friends will be like "yeah its him". His game behavior only reflects his real so I usually ignore these drama queens. I didn't know a dude was pretending to be an Asian girl, damn dude. It's good I never get baited into anything emotionally here or in life. Imagine the other guy finding out, hahaha I'd be traumatized bro if that **** happened to me

    You caught him too, you can tell by his counter force that he's been playing actively he was prob like "premium soap in ch 2" fck I hope no one sees me and calls me out"
  • Member Laosduude
    Vindictus Rep: 3,005
    Posts: 124
    Too much overthinking about the high endgame tbh, there is no rush to get those items. Surely it's not healthy for some people to see the methods to obtain such power, but that's also the state of many Korean online games, it's their lifestyle that just happens to appear on western soil for the sake of reaching to an audience that wants to get away from the many mediocre methodical combat in some western online games.