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No new Hair, Inners or Outfitters in shop..?
We haven't gotten any new Hair, Inners or Outfitters in the shop for quite a while(like in months...).. =|
Nexon, give us new cosmetics! +cold

I'd rather they bring back cosmetic items that we haven't seen in a long time. Or cosmetics items that are strictly exclusive to those that have been around for a really long time.
oh wow good job there's alot I didn't realize we didn't have
I personally waited three years to buy a special Gothic Frill outfit for my Lynn before I just broke down and bought a golden silk off the MP. But if they offered the Gothic Frill again, I'd probably still buy it.
I've been wanting this outfit for my Delia for a while now as well:
its because they are more interested in making money and what best way then to get people to spend $100-200 on gatcha, its more than making a profit off of outfitters.
However i think more people would spend quite a bit on outfitters as well. I know I would :c
They should balance it out and not have all the nice sets on gatcha