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Give the +12 90 Weapon & Armor Set for everyone
And accessories too, not just returners. Every other region got it, why not here

What confuses me the most is that, when character growth rewards were implemented, rewards were given retroactively even when they shouldn't have. When +10 90 purple sets were added, we were informed of an event that would give us these in the mailbox if we were not returners. Why change your stance now?
At this moment, there is nothing stopping many players from quitting for a month, given that they are punished for playing the game actively, while those who have been inactive are rewarded simply for logging in.
To top that off: the 100% stones and rune to get a +13 90 have been removed, so this has made it much more difficult for a number of players to achieve better stats.
I hope Nexon reconsiders and provides these sets and it's quite disappointing that we are not eligible for rewards because we have been playing the game actively, as I most certainly you intend.
Besides the +12 sets, there are also free shards from lv95 growth package.
Spread the word and let the KR team knows that we aren't getting compensated properly.
Here's the KR webpage. The KR team should be able to read this properly lol
Also you can enhance it, so it's free potential +15s
So you choose to ignore the active players who have been actively playing and got shafted with this event because they were already lvl 90 and had previous character rewards, and returned prior to this event?
And we're not begging for anything, all other regions received this retroactively and they didn't need to ask for anything, because it's common sense.
After today I'll quit the game for a month. And after that if I ever find any will or desire to come back, I will. If not, this will be the story of how I quit the game.
Not to mention that Hell mode redeemers title failure they made and refusing to compensate.
One of my guildie opened Hell redeemer battle by mistke and left the raid immediately without seeing the boss and got the title. Meanwhile many others like me thought that we won't be able to clear anyway with our stats so no need to bother with trying. So we didn't get the title. And when you send a ticket ofcourse they refuse compensation.
They give us same events as other servers but they change the rewards in a bad way. I remember they gave us dice event once and Japan also had the same event but Japan had premium Runes on their dice chart while we had rune fragments. They can't even put patch notes correctly. Mislead everyone. And they refuse compensating. After all these, honestly I'm not sure if I'll find the will to come back after a month of break.
In fact it would be an excellent opportunity. It is good to encourage returners, but we also give the opportunity to those who played the game to be able to reap the benefits, as it should be.
The complete armor of 90 +12 will give complete bonus of 1500 AD! Considering the scroll inside, is a strong set but that does not give access to new raids because obviously need acessories. So you still need time to spent in game.
I agree with OT to formally advance a proposal to "redeem" the bonus equipment for all players with an event over a period of time. At least those who played constantly will be rewarded.
(I would not even need the Equip 100 with that set for the moment, however I could play more with my alt and spend some NX in outfits, which would not be bad for NA nexon !! Ps Forum moderator? pls we need support for this! ).
It would benefit anybody who has an alt they wanted to play but didn't want to gear which is almost everybody. The gear is viable enough to farm for end game gear and it most certainly is viable enough to do 95 content. Or would you rather see people still in their +10 poo poo enchanted purple armor and weapon in your party of 4 people? Not everybody buys gold. The problem isn't even that we're begging it's the fact that the existing playerbase is being neglected in an already dying game which to me is actually dumb on NA's part.
Exactly this. Vindictus currently suffers tremendously in that the game is designed in a way to encourage one really strong Main character then have a bunch of space filler alts for Vanguard purposes. If they did things to encourage people to play their alts more (like giving them a pretty decent "starter" set of +12 armor), this would lead to players becoming more invested in their alts and probably leading to future investment in this alt into another "main." This would, of course, lead to the only thing Nexon cares about, money, as money would now be spent gearing twice as many characters as before. Its not a good sign when a company does things that are against it's own best interests...
That said, I think it's dumb that they're not giving these packages to active players so... +1.