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Soooo Can someone make sense of this?
The event with the avatar set (the scarecrow and Ghost)
IS it 100% guaranteed to get or is it RNG?
Doesn't really specify....
"Talk to the Strange Traveler and once you’ve guided the souls into your Halloween Magic Pouch for 15 days, return to the Strange Traveler and he will gift you with a Special Halloween Magic Pouch and a special title! And in the Special Halloween Magic Pouch, will be some exclusive limited Halloween outfits!"
It says there WILL be an Halloween outfit... But some people don't trust this.
yeah thats what I mean, it doesnt really specify, people say its rng people dont lol
^^ You WILL get an outfit.
^^ You MIGHT get an outfit.
... That's misleading. As if they say it's already in the pouch, but since we didn't open it yet, we don't know what will come out of it. Like a bag of marbles, they're all in here, but you pick a "Potion" marble instead of an "Outfit" marble.
It poorly written but that passage does not read as you will get an outfit. It says that outfits exist in the pouch. Not that your guaranteed to get the outfit from the pouch.
That's what makes it so confusing. And since you only get one item per bag, this item being RNG selected, I wouldn't say an outfit was in the bag if I got potions instead.
I red that sentence again and again to make sure I red right. I still read "Will get an outfit".
I believe that you will get a special pouch daily. So it's RNG but you will have multiple chances for the outfit. We will find out soon.
Looking again, I guess we have to use one soul per day to open the regular pouch, then after 15 days use a soul to open the special pouch until we manage to get the items we want?
Seems I wasted a few days because of the way this is presented. Would be nice if we could get clarity either way, considering there are a lot of people asking for better info on the event.
-After 15 normal pouches opened, will the Strange Traveler give Special pouches daily instead of normal ones? Or is it only one special pouch, as if it would finish his Halloween story?
-The Special Pouch is poorly described, as it says "Will contain a limited Halloween Outfit", and lower, you see a list of all the possible drops from this pouch, including potions, candies, soaps, and outfits of course, therefore MIGHT drop an outfit.
So will you have one or multiple chances to earn an outfit? That's what we'll see.
The tracking of our progress was the very first thing I questioned. Normally the Strange Traveler would give us a re-usable item, or require us to turn in a certain number of tokens for this kind of event. However, I'm considering the possibility that it might not matter how many souls we guide; the 15 day "wait" period might simply be because of the actual holiday.
when it said limited i thought it meant like you wont ever see it again in the future limited not "there are only certain amount in the pouch" limited, if that made sense. Unless im completely missing the point. Oh well. Thanks for the responses anyway
All this consternation over this outfit and it may possibly be a 30 day outfit. lol :Nexon:
It's probably tracking the title progress when you open a pouch via the souls.
I can confirm that the outfitter will be a permanent version. I say this because normally you wouldnt be able to alter a 30 day timed item, but in this event, Nexon gives you the option to keep the outfitter as is or spend a little bit of AP and add some blood to the outfit. If the outfit was temporarily for 30 days, they wouldnt have implemented this option.
That's not a confirmation. A confirmation would be that you've actually obtained the outfitter, and that it shows no indication that it will expire.
it is a confirmation, because in nexon's code, you can't alter temporarily items. lol, they'd have to change the entire code for all temporarily items which would allow u to dye temp outfits if they were to make these temp sets. I'm not gonna disclose how to locate nexon's code cuz it is against the ToS to mess with them, but you can rest assured these outfits are perm versions.
yeah told u so, big oof.