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Almost 200 dollars for a Succubus.
That is if my math was correct.
This has to be some kind of sick joke.

Really sucks because the succubus is now and always has been my favorite boss. The design is just plain sexy and cool. And I've never been able to afford any of her related merchandise.
This especially burns my biscuits because I bought an extraction rune January 2017 for 25 dollars
Only to be told in April: "Oh we're phasing those out in Rise, you'll have to use those up now." I asked for a refund and was flatly refused. What's worse there's a version available now, cheaper. Was it just too much trouble to replace the old stones with the new ones? Why sell me an item that they must have known I wouldn't be able to keep? Why NOT just give me a refund? Every time I think about spending money I think about how I was screwed over there and it grinds my gears, particularly when they ask me to spend THAT much money.
Don't let your dreams be dreams.
Good to see you're still around Gumball. Will never forget your antics on the old boards as Rammus. 10/10. Buy me a succubus?
These prices are high because they can set any price they want on them. There will always be someone who buys them. It's like those rare items at auctions (except that these are not real rare items), the seller doesn't really want to sell them but there are people who eagerly want to buy them just because they want to have them and they give a lot more money for them than what they are actually worth.
For me this is just a waste of money that could be spent on something more useful. But i don't care what others spend their money on, just good to know how this thing works.
Runes and RNG dyes are nice and all, but I'd be more inclined to shell out for real cosmetic packs, or if they were to bring back limited time outfit packages that'd also come with coupons.
Gimme dat gold then I can buy you one. :P
Change raids that it is max 4 ppl instead of 8 (You know they could have lower it to at least 6 players)
The Companion system, first the hand maiden AI was horrible and barely did anything useful, not to mention no emote or actions.
When the Succubus companion does come out, it is under a $120-$150 (In Canada it might be more expensive) price tag, also locked on a single player on an account. We are promised that they have more action and emotes but once burned by the mate system.
Is there any positive points about getting companion?
Whose was the consultant about this new feature? I am pretty sure we are not dumb sheep like a certain fruit named company who buys anything for insane prices. We might have whales but even them might have trouble swallowing this kind bad deal.
What are the higher up thinking? They treat us like kids by making the game difficulty to easier then a few button clicks , but expects us to fork over 200$ for this?! You might get us in gatcha for now (it is gambling) but they expect us to pay 200$ for a companion which isn't better than a pet, the price is way to high for little kids, teenagers would rather spend that amount on something else(Steam sales). Adults might but hell i got rent to pay so I expect people who get at least 6 figures monthly. I would have love them to try promote this in a live stream and see the backlash.
As already pointed out in the thread, much of KR was not a fan of it being over $100 either. Add to that being $100 per character and it's really just a matter of either how little you care about being the personification of an ATM to Nexon or how much money you have to spend that you literally just care nothing about. Many who have the money simply won't support it because of it not being an account-wide unlock. Toss in the fact that many have mentioned that it seems like this was a real part of the reason that they took 8-man away., to encourage this to make parties feel more full, and it seems like a meh deal.
Anyway, considering the kind of money people throw away on games I think it's a bit silly to assume this is just about people being poor. I won't say you're completely wrong, though. There are people buying multiples to make quick gold, and games like Star Citizen prove that whales will dump insane amounts of cash into a game for any and every new shiny. The target audience part you likely hit right on the head.
But it keeps our servers alive, at least it's not direct stats