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No double xp? It's after maintenance..
Way after maintenance and I don't see any double xp....

you sure you're not getting double ap because of your vip or vvip?
haha yes, because i know other pple have been getting more ap but not xp
If that's the case, then it's working properly and was most likely working properly the first week as well - just the nature of the bonus was poorly communicated.
are they so disconnected from their own game and playerbase that they don't realize how puny a bonus combat exp is or that nobody cares about combat exp? the mod that replied in the thread last time didnt even bother to explain this, only that "it's working properly".
i get it's a free event bonus but why word it in a way that would make 99% of the playerbase think it's 20x better than it actually is? not to mention past events with same description set a precedent for complete battle exp bonus. just raises people's expectations only to be disappointed