[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
I was home on holidays from college and saw my younger sister playing with some highschool friends over Skype. They quit shortly after the Laghodessa update...I didn't.
2. How long have you been playing?
Since December-ish 2010? 7+ years. Now don't I feel old. I remember the first event I did was having to collect pieces of a picture from the kobolds in Hoarfrost Hollow and the complete set could be traded in for the Rudolph hat with the red nose and antlers.
3. Who was your first character?
I think first created was Evie. I mostly played Fiona until scythe was released...melee staff was...oh man...and everyone else seemed to be playing Lann. I still miss the old guard-a-hit-and-heavy-stander-a-smash Fiona playstyle but it wouldn't really work with the current meta. I switched to Vella at her release and played her almost exclusively for a couple years. I now play all of the characters but my favourite remains Twin Sword Vella.
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Probably the fact that I haven't quit this game after so long, despite playing largely solo, honestly. Let's see...I once finished a God of Fomors RAR back during its release with only 5 people remaining and under 1 minute left on the clock. Back in the day, I also no-hit soloed Glas with TS Vella using nothing but Backlash from the second floor. Aside from that, I still feel a sense of accomplishment whenever I manage to suplex Siglint in a RAR, despite the lag(and bombing hemdrills being the easier and more effective option).
My goal for some Saturday in the nebulous future is to see if it's possible to do 100 runs of the Ancient Lakoria RAR on the same day. Whether I run out of alts, I run out of time or the server runs out of people first is something I'd like to find out.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Black and Gold/Orange or White and Icy Blue.
6. Favorite dungeon?
It still has to be the dragons in Heide/RAR. The opening scene for Elchulus where you get the zoom through this land frozen in time and you hear the *dun dun* *roar* and then it pans up the show a dragon flying over the battlefield is still one of my favourite intros. That and because Clashing bosses in a full RAR party still feels great, especially with new players who've never before witnessed the manly majesty of Karok. Although, It sucks that you can no longer do combos with Delia, Shout(ing) is impossible and the cooldown on Clash got nerfed(RIP).
Bonus: Best Memory
It's pretty dumb, but one of my best memories is from around 5 years ago. It was just a regular day of shooting the breeze when one of my guildies logged on and, without any preamble, suddenly asked me "guess what?". Little did I know that their innocuous question had just unleashed Pandora's Box.
After some token effort I gave the usual "I give up" response but the guildy who posed the question refused to give the answer and insisted I had to guess. So, all right, challenge accepted. By this time every other member of the guild online had noticed our exchange and I enlisted their help. As a collective, we started in on the whole twenty questions "is it a mineral?" B.S. trying to narrow it down, to seemingly no avail.
Anyway, after a stupid number of hours spent around the old Colhen campfire, the answer was revealed to be a simple"Hi!" After I finished breaking my keyboard, our guild went out and spent the rest of the day jump-smash killing bosses trying for cool screenshots.
P.S. My guild at the time was the late-but-great <Destilance>. I miss you crazy bunch, especially Hendawg and Cece. Add me on Malkah if any of the old gang is still around. +call
P.P.S. Second best memory is of a GoF RAR run where one of the players spent the entire raid making "Yo Mama" jokes in an attempt to make Elchulus cry(and thereby obtain his tear...which was still rare and worth a bunch at the time). My favourite was "Yo Mama is so ugly that even Hello Kitty said 'Goodbye!'", just for how dumb it was/is. It was so entertaining, I mailed them a tear I had gotten, just as thanks for the laughs. Good times.
Holy nostalgia, Batman! Time to go look up some old screenshots and relive the glory days.
Lazete sami sebe pola vas nije ni **** za vind do prije 3 god sad odjednom svi beta igraci
This guy is basically saying that most of us that are claiming to be from the beta days are lying about our status. He's also saying that we probably haven't played for more than 3 years.
While I cannot prove that I'm from closed beta, I can prove that I've been here since at least 2011.
Or, translated into Croatian for him:
Ne mogu dokazati da sam iz zatvorene beta verzije, ali mogu dokazati da sam ovdje od najmanje 2011. godine.
RaptorBug is just mad that Croatia lost the World Cup to France. haha
Not from Beta, but pretty sure one of the oldest players here. I was from the era where you couldn't run through town with out seeing a Naruto or Bleach named avatar. Back then we did not have dyes and hope the colors will looked good when we crafted it. Raid boss were hard and had more elements into it. One of the best things to do while waiting on a boat was to glitch out and run across the map.
Evies were favored due to the crystal shield , it used to be a diamond shaped instead of a bubble. I had some much fun being tossed around the map because of collision . Kai back then had something that drain his SP unless he continued to attacked.
Running Irukul raid was a challenge since we had to run a long passage to the arena, squishing yourself to the right side made you run a bit faster. Those were the times where Evie alchemy was useful. Using the Golem to gather ballista spears in Glas and Giant raid. Using the mana pistol to aggro the mini spider the Spider Queen pooped out. That running Nightmare in the ruins was a good place to farm exp.
Worse was the Memory of the past raid, where players had to fight Iset and then Havan back to back. Problem was iset hereslef was so small and hard to hit, most of the time the entire party couldn't continue due to no more feathers. Bark was one of the harder raids to do since you had to destroy the arms then the other part before you could attack the train. I did a duo once with SaintMage, one of the first Evie i know that soloed the entire Bark raid. Those were good times where joining a raid actually tested the skill of the player instead the numbers they had on a stat. That coordinating with the team to bomb the lizard guy of the Evil one back and pushing off a cliff was a victory of itself. Fighting the mini colru golem then facing the huge one was a surprise (the only 8 man raid cause of switches in the room). That people could be eaten in the Lako or Kraken raid.
The eras are so mixed up that I'm confused, but I remember experiencing some of these. Also you can't forget the physics of the mana amber when it was a diamond shape. I made Evie on her debut day and remember whacking stuff with a staff.
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
Irl friends we were playig together
2. How long have you been playing?
Started in 2012 with breaks till now
3. Who was your first character?
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Aside my x3 +15 the fact i can handle any dungeon without potions
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Black and White and that cool dark red
6. Favorite dungeon
Pre-rise: Decisive battle
Now sea of reflection
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
Got a closed beta invite from a bff at school
2. How long have you been playing?
Since closed beta.... lord this game has its up and downs over the years.
3. Who was your first character? The one and onlyWest Side Server "Christina"
When CB/OB ended they did a server wipe. The names we used in CB where locked for 30 days. So, we had to roll the dice and guess when the names would be free from the muffin muncher. Needless to say, I never got my name back. I had to wait 5 years till they did a name whip of all the inactive players. When I found out my name was freed up … I bought that 20 dollar name change faster then you can spam needle on lann
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Sticking with the game over the countless years of player power grabbing. "You burn yourself out getting to level cap and maxing out everything""I'll be here after you left the game cause you got bored"
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Don't have a favorite color scheme. Although, I've got about 3 tabs of normal/avatar dyes.
I like watching the prices of dyes jump and fall over flat . 230 230 230 market flood +troll face
6. Favorite dungeon?
Back in the day of using coins to board ships. Hoarforst > Dethrone the white tyran
Those where the days .... 8 eveies spaming heal to keep the lanns alive while we battled the super hard Tyran
I am a long time veteran of Vindi who plays as the Sword Lann cosplaying Pit from the Kid Icarus series/Super Smash Brother series. Now, to answer your questions:
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
I played Combat Arms back in 2008-2010 and was curious if Nexon made a game that was multiplayer but was an adventure game. Vindictus was that game.
2. How long have you been playing?
Since Thor's release (June or July of 2010 )
3. Who was your first character?
Sword Lann (of course)
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Completing my Pit cosplay to perfection (took 8 years to get it right). I also hosted the "Official/Unofficial Vindictus Halloween Party for 2 years so far (*hint hint* I'm doing again this year *hint hint*)
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
White, Gold, and Blue
6. Favorite dungeon?
- Raid: Sea of Reflection - The only raid that has 6 phases and challenges players to use their resources wisely (until Balor and more Redeemer raids come out). Absolutely love it!
- Non-Raid: Any of the Aidan Battles: I love the use of the camera and the puzzles are actually fun to solve. Oh! And you get to fight some tough enemies that challenge your skill! This is what I think Vindi should be - a game that allows you to test your limits and reward you for doing missions with a higher difficulty.
To start my post, I am iAdelle, an Evie of the NA sever and originally from West.
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
Late in the year of 2010, I was out looking for a new game to play with two friends. That is when I came upon Vindictus' website which featured two characters; Lann and Fiona. It was still in very early phases, but the concept was enough to pull us in. It was something unlike any other MMO and it may very well still be. One could argue that the combat can be compared to other games, but none were MMO; at least for that era.
2. How long have you been playing?
I've been playing since Vindictus NA's inception in beta around September of 2010.
3. Who was your first character?
My first character was the shield-maiden, Fiona. She was a fun character in that time; however very slow. In time, I've moved on to the third character, Evie, who I still play and enjoy to this day.
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement has always been the guilds I've had the honor to watch grow. From the darkest times and to the greatest of times, I've felt proud of my guild and consider it my greatest achievement in this game. I could list my boss solos and even gear achievements, but they do not compare to a community I've had the pleasure of building and continue growing. That said, I won't take all the credit for it as we wouldn't be where we are without everyone who has been and are in Luminosity.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Those who may have come across me at least once would probably already know the answer, but to answer without saying the obvious:
I love having a small touch of maroon or magenta with my sets as it compliments the color scheme I love using; black and pink. Two simple colors is a very easy route to take, but it will bore you eventually. This is why on some outfits, I do add a little bit of those colors. Maybe some white. You can't go wrong with neutral colors most of the time.
6. Favorite dungeon?
A hard pick I will say. While I've ran all these dungeons for years now, it is hard to choose. However, I'll pick a raid. One of my favorite raids for sure is The Evil One featuring the boss Lionotus and Verafim.
To give reason, it is one of those raids that asked for teamwork and not in the most annoying way either. It made the players actually think and plan ahead. Going in without a plan back then resulted into very long raids and even failure, but with The Evil One, you were expected to lure him to the edge of the cliff, bomb him properly when he faces away from the cliff, and as he is clinging onto the edge, you would smash his paws and face to send him falling. The fall damage was the main factor of the raid and one of the reasons why it was a great raid. Just slashing away at the boss mindlessly becomes old and boring eventually and this made it more fun.
Sadly, that raid is now long been outdated. Even by season 2, the usual strategies were not necesarry anymore and that's how it usually is. That said, the current DevCAT could learn something from that raid.
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement has always been the guilds I've had the honor to watch grow. From the darkest times and to the greatest of times, I've felt proud of my guild and consider it my greatest achievement in this game. I could list my boss solos and even gear achievements, but they do not compare to a community I've had the pleasure of building and continue growing. That said, I won't take all the credit for it as we wouldn't be where we are without everyone who has been and are in Luminosity.
Good to see someone else considering their guild the greatest achievement instead of the gear development or the soloing of a raid boss that thousands of other people have done already in many different ways.
1. Friend and Brother.
2. 8 years.
3. Evie
4. Solo Neamhain. Multiple +15s made myself. Title count on Karok. Duration I've played this game.
5. Sky blue + White/Silver
6. Succubus queen,pre-update. (When it first came out.)
1. Ad on youtube
2. 6 years now since kai came out
3. Kai
4. I would say getting golden god before einlacher nerf maybe soloing Neam
5. Always liked blacknred
6. Lugh he is made very well and the hitboxes are on point/Neam, fun and challenging
1. How did you find about Vindictus? - Was browsing mmo sites and saw a trailer for the KR closed beta version and fell in love instantly
2. How long have you been playing? - Since the very first closed beta so going on 7+ years now? (I miss you my permanent luck hair)
3. Who was your first character? - Was and always will be my beloved Fiona LumixGuard
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement? - Making friends online and joining my first in-game guild, since I used to game alone a lot in these MMOs/online ARPGs (I miss you Zoot, Crim, Morg, White, An, Bey, Aff, Sans, Rhino, Dins and the rest of my amazing skype guildies. Hope all is going well !)
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment? - Honestly it fluctuates a lot depending on new gear/avatar attire but I usually have some form of white in there. Currently its white and turquoise on my gear and orange hair for my Fiona.
6. Favorite dungeon? - Gotta say the first Glas raid even if I don't play it anymore. Loved being on spear duty and that BGM....*drools*
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
Was looking for a MMORPG on google and youtube to get away from toxic League Of Legends....(it was making me toxic too).
2. How long have you been playing?
1st day log-in was 25/11/2016. (d/m/y)
(still remember that "winter ticket" event was on with Gallagah's dice thing. I had the dice but didn't know how to use it and I asked this random Sylas in Colhen and he told me to press T) Thnx to whoever that was!
3. Who was your first character?
Evie and still is
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Unsure atm
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
I try to mix it up.
6. Favorite dungeon?
Avatar of Destruction, Dullahen
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
Was looking for a MMORPG on google and youtube to get away from toxic League Of Legends....(it was making me toxic too).
2. How long have you been playing?
1st day log-in was 25/11/2016. (d/m/y)
(still remember that "winter ticket" event was on with Gallagah's dice thing. I had the dice but didn't know how to use it and I asked this random Sylas in Colhen and he told me to press T) Thnx to whoever that was!
3. Who was your first character?
Evie and still is
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Unsure atm
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
I try to mix it up.
6. Favorite dungeon?
Avatar of Destruction, Dullahen
I was home on holidays from college and saw my younger sister playing with some highschool friends over Skype. They quit shortly after the Laghodessa update...I didn't.
2. How long have you been playing?
Since December-ish 2010? 7+ years. Now don't I feel old. I remember the first event I did was having to collect pieces of a picture from the kobolds in Hoarfrost Hollow and the complete set could be traded in for the Rudolph hat with the red nose and antlers.
3. Who was your first character?
I think first created was Evie. I mostly played Fiona until scythe was released...melee staff was...oh man...and everyone else seemed to be playing Lann. I still miss the old guard-a-hit-and-heavy-stander-a-smash Fiona playstyle but it wouldn't really work with the current meta. I switched to Vella at her release and played her almost exclusively for a couple years. I now play all of the characters but my favourite remains Twin Sword Vella.
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Probably the fact that I haven't quit this game after so long, despite playing largely solo, honestly. Let's see...I once finished a God of Fomors RAR back during its release with only 5 people remaining and under 1 minute left on the clock. Back in the day, I also no-hit soloed Glas with TS Vella using nothing but Backlash from the second floor. Aside from that, I still feel a sense of accomplishment whenever I manage to suplex Siglint in a RAR, despite the lag(and bombing hemdrills being the easier and more effective option).
My goal for some Saturday in the nebulous future is to see if it's possible to do 100 runs of the Ancient Lakoria RAR on the same day. Whether I run out of alts, I run out of time or the server runs out of people first is something I'd like to find out.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Black and Gold/Orange or White and Icy Blue.
6. Favorite dungeon?
It still has to be the dragons in Heide/RAR. The opening scene for Elchulus where you get the zoom through this land frozen in time and you hear the *dun dun* *roar* and then it pans up the show a dragon flying over the battlefield is still one of my favourite intros. That and because Clashing bosses in a full RAR party still feels great, especially with new players who've never before witnessed the manly majesty of Karok. Although, It sucks that you can no longer do combos with Delia, Shout(ing) is impossible and the cooldown on Clash got nerfed(RIP).
Bonus: Best Memory
It's pretty dumb, but one of my best memories is from around 5 years ago. It was just a regular day of shooting the breeze when one of my guildies logged on and, without any preamble, suddenly asked me "guess what?". Little did I know that their innocuous question had just unleashed Pandora's Box.
After some token effort I gave the usual "I give up" response but the guildy who posed the question refused to give the answer and insisted I had to guess. So, all right, challenge accepted. By this time every other member of the guild online had noticed our exchange and I enlisted their help. As a collective, we started in on the whole twenty questions "is it a mineral?" B.S. trying to narrow it down, to seemingly no avail.
Anyway, after a stupid number of hours spent around the old Colhen campfire, the answer was revealed to be a simple"Hi!" After I finished breaking my keyboard, our guild went out and spent the rest of the day jump-smash killing bosses trying for cool screenshots.
P.S. My guild at the time was the late-but-great <Destilance>. I miss you crazy bunch, especially Hendawg and Cece. Add me on Malkah if any of the old gang is still around. +call
P.P.S. Second best memory is of a GoF RAR run where one of the players spent the entire raid making "Yo Mama" jokes in an attempt to make Elchulus cry(and thereby obtain his tear...which was still rare and worth a bunch at the time). My favourite was "Yo Mama is so ugly that even Hello Kitty said 'Goodbye!'", just for how dumb it was/is. It was so entertaining, I mailed them a tear I had gotten, just as thanks for the laughs. Good times.
Holy nostalgia, Batman! Time to go look up some old screenshots and relive the glory days.
RaptorBug is just mad that Croatia lost the World Cup to France. haha
Had two friends who got me to join them.
2. How long have you been playing?
3. Who was your first character?
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
I like helping random people with their story boats
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
I like orange-yellows
6. Favorite dungeon?
The eras are so mixed up that I'm confused, but I remember experiencing some of these. Also you can't forget the physics of the mana amber when it was a diamond shape. I made Evie on her debut day and remember whacking stuff with a staff.
Irl friends we were playig together
2. How long have you been playing?
Started in 2012 with breaks till now
3. Who was your first character?
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Aside my x3 +15 the fact i can handle any dungeon without potions
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Black and White and that cool dark red
6. Favorite dungeon
Pre-rise: Decisive battle
Now sea of reflection
Got a closed beta invite from a bff at school
2. How long have you been playing?
Since closed beta.... lord this game has its up and downs over the years.
3. Who was your first character?
The one and only
West Side Server"Christina"When CB/OB ended they did a server wipe. The names we used in CB where locked for 30 days. So, we had to roll the dice and guess when the names would be free from the muffin muncher. Needless to say, I never got my name back. I had to wait 5 years till they did a name whip of all the inactive players. When I found out my name was freed up … I bought that 20 dollar name change faster then you can spam needle on lann
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Sticking with the game over the countless years of player power grabbing. "You burn yourself out getting to level cap and maxing out everything" "I'll be here after you left the game cause you got bored"
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Don't have a favorite color scheme. Although, I've got about 3 tabs of normal/avatar dyes.
I like watching the prices of dyes jump and fall over flat .
230 230 230 market flood +troll face6. Favorite dungeon?
Back in the day of using coins to board ships. Hoarforst > Dethrone the white tyran
Those where the days .... 8 eveies spaming heal to keep the lanns alive while we battled the super hard Tyran
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
I played Combat Arms back in 2008-2010 and was curious if Nexon made a game that was multiplayer but was an adventure game. Vindictus was that game.
2. How long have you been playing?
Since Thor's release (June or July of 2010 )
3. Who was your first character?
Sword Lann (of course)
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Completing my Pit cosplay to perfection (took 8 years to get it right). I also hosted the "Official/Unofficial Vindictus Halloween Party for 2 years so far (*hint hint* I'm doing again this year *hint hint*)
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
White, Gold, and Blue
6. Favorite dungeon?
- Raid: Sea of Reflection - The only raid that has 6 phases and challenges players to use their resources wisely (until Balor and more Redeemer raids come out). Absolutely love it!
- Non-Raid: Any of the Aidan Battles: I love the use of the camera and the puzzles are actually fun to solve. Oh! And you get to fight some tough enemies that challenge your skill! This is what I think Vindi should be - a game that allows you to test your limits and reward you for doing missions with a higher difficulty.
1. How did you find about Vindictus?
Late in the year of 2010, I was out looking for a new game to play with two friends. That is when I came upon Vindictus' website which featured two characters; Lann and Fiona. It was still in very early phases, but the concept was enough to pull us in. It was something unlike any other MMO and it may very well still be. One could argue that the combat can be compared to other games, but none were MMO; at least for that era.
2. How long have you been playing?
I've been playing since Vindictus NA's inception in beta around September of 2010.
3. Who was your first character?
My first character was the shield-maiden, Fiona. She was a fun character in that time; however very slow. In time, I've moved on to the third character, Evie, who I still play and enjoy to this day.
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement has always been the guilds I've had the honor to watch grow. From the darkest times and to the greatest of times, I've felt proud of my guild and consider it my greatest achievement in this game. I could list my boss solos and even gear achievements, but they do not compare to a community I've had the pleasure of building and continue growing. That said, I won't take all the credit for it as we wouldn't be where we are without everyone who has been and are in Luminosity.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Those who may have come across me at least once would probably already know the answer, but to answer without saying the obvious:
I love having a small touch of maroon or magenta with my sets as it compliments the color scheme I love using; black and pink. Two simple colors is a very easy route to take, but it will bore you eventually. This is why on some outfits, I do add a little bit of those colors. Maybe some white. You can't go wrong with neutral colors
most of the time.6. Favorite dungeon?
A hard pick I will say. While I've ran all these dungeons for years now, it is hard to choose. However, I'll pick a raid. One of my favorite raids for sure is The Evil One featuring the boss Lionotus and Verafim.
To give reason, it is one of those raids that asked for teamwork and not in the most annoying way either. It made the players actually think and plan ahead. Going in without a plan back then resulted into very long raids and even failure, but with The Evil One, you were expected to lure him to the edge of the cliff, bomb him properly when he faces away from the cliff, and as he is clinging onto the edge, you would smash his paws and face to send him falling. The fall damage was the main factor of the raid and one of the reasons why it was a great raid. Just slashing away at the boss mindlessly becomes old and boring eventually and this made it more fun.
Sadly, that raid is now long been outdated. Even by season 2, the usual strategies were not necesarry anymore and that's how it usually is. That said, the current DevCAT could learn something from that raid.
Good to see someone else considering their guild the greatest achievement instead of the gear development or the soloing of a raid boss that thousands of other people have done already in many different ways.
2. 8 years.
3. Evie
4. Solo Neamhain. Multiple +15s made myself. Title count on Karok. Duration I've played this game.
5. Sky blue + White/Silver
6. Succubus queen,pre-update. (When it first came out.)
2. 6 years now since kai came out
3. Kai
4. I would say getting golden god before einlacher nerf maybe soloing Neam
5. Always liked blacknred
6. Lugh he is made very well and the hitboxes are on point/Neam, fun and challenging
- Was browsing mmo sites and saw a trailer for the KR closed beta version and fell in love instantly
2. How long have you been playing?
- Since the very first closed beta so going on 7+ years now? (I miss you my permanent luck hair)
3. Who was your first character?
- Was and always will be my beloved Fiona LumixGuard
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
- Making friends online and joining my first in-game guild, since I used to game alone a lot in these MMOs/online ARPGs (I miss you Zoot, Crim, Morg, White, An, Bey, Aff, Sans, Rhino, Dins and the rest of my amazing skype guildies. Hope all is going well
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
- Honestly it fluctuates a lot depending on new gear/avatar attire but I usually have some form of white in there. Currently its white and turquoise on my gear and orange hair for my Fiona.
6. Favorite dungeon?
- Gotta say the first Glas raid even if I don't play it anymore. Loved being on spear duty and that BGM....*drools*
Was looking for a MMORPG on google and youtube to get away from toxic League Of Legends....(it was making me toxic too).
2. How long have you been playing?
1st day log-in was 25/11/2016. (d/m/y)
(still remember that "winter ticket" event was on with Gallagah's dice thing. I had the dice but didn't know how to use it and I asked this random Sylas in Colhen and he told me to press T) Thnx to whoever that was!
3. Who was your first character?
Evie and still is
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Unsure atm
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
I try to mix it up.
6. Favorite dungeon?
Avatar of Destruction, Dullahen
Was looking for a MMORPG on google and youtube to get away from toxic League Of Legends....(it was making me toxic too).
2. How long have you been playing?
1st day log-in was 25/11/2016. (d/m/y)
(still remember that "winter ticket" event was on with Gallagah's dice thing. I had the dice but didn't know how to use it and I asked this random Sylas in Colhen and he told me to press T) Thnx to whoever that was!
3. Who was your first character?
Evie and still is
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Unsure atm
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
I try to mix it up.
6. Favorite dungeon?
Avatar of Destruction, Dullahen