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I need help to understand Partholon Vanguard
I Got those odd mission I have tried a few without results.
Am I suppose to defeat a Golem in ruins of sanctity or hunt an Ogre in the perilous ruins???

I would appreciate if someone help me a bit with those because I don't understand.
If not, all of your max level characters can go on a mission, which happens passively while you can still do whatever you want. When the mission time is over, you can collect your rewards, which are Antiquity Points and Vanguard Exp. If you get a 'Grand Discovery' (chance of that happening is determined by the points and bar under the character slots) you additionally get a pouch. The higher your Vanguard level is, the better the Grand Discovery rewards. With the Antiquity points, you can purchase items in the shop that's present in the Vanguard UI (Toys, Titles and some other stuff).
but, I still don't get it . I never played wow b4.
why am I suppose to defeat a Golem in the perilous ruins or an Ogre in the ruins of sanctity? those usually are found in other regions. I tried to find The Golem in the ruins of sanctity but I don't see any there? I'm confused
Maybe soon we will get a guide on the exact details including everything.
thats Odd. i wish there was more to it than juste imaginary missions. ok ill level my lvl 90's to 95 so they are all active.
thank you both for the tips +best
One thing that I really appreciate is, when help is needed, everyone is really quick to give a helping hand.
+ Best Everyone