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Thus, the age of p2w arrived
This post comes after a new package on sale in the depot, the New Beginnings Package, and especially one of its content, the Sentient Epaulet:
This is, to my knowledge, the first time we get something in the shop that gives a clear unfillable gap to cashers. Sure, we have Runes and Gacha already, but they only make life easier for people willing to spend money while f2p will have to take a more bumpy road to reach te same result. This time it's very different as the item offered not only gives a lot of stats (5 crit and 500 m/atk ruining rankings more than they already are), there is no actual other way for f2p to fill the gap.
At this point, there's only one thing I'd like to say:
Thanks Nexon, please make more items like this and my wallet will always be open

A slightly higher score in the rankings gives you absolutely nothing other than maybe something to brag about and PvP is pretty much not used anymore (at least in EU) so I don't exactly see a 'pay2win'-problem here.
Also, the package is only available for a month.
With Balor coming and new stats cap this will actually greatly help people who still go around with level 90 weapons. And even if it's available for a month, it doesn't mean you can't buy it enough times to have it pretty much permanent
This is not paying to win; mix-max-ing is not a requirement or goal to finish or beat the game. If you want to min-max the option is there, but really it's not required at all unless you care about leadership on the board which doesn't even matter like how the pvp in this game really does not matter too. IF you really really really want to make a "small" different and focus on min-max you can buy it. That's it nothing more, its temporary. That is how I view it. A lot of the time the players that REALLY REALLY do care about min max are the reason why this game is not dead yet or gone off servers. All people do is complain about it, but it is literal fact that the money from the whales are what keeps this game afloat right now.
5 crit is anything but small, actually. Still, I'm actually pretty glad we got this, I'll hoard a few myself before the sale ends
This game is almost entirely PVE, so these kinds of buffs don't really bother me as much as it would in a heavily PVP game. If anything, it just makes your raids and farming faster, which benefits everyone in the party.
no no no,you got it all wrong
in this game biggest d*ck is reserved for people with good gear and fast clears
if player B buys some minor stats and gets to do raids faster then player A gets frustrated that his weenie stays limp and calls the situation "p2w"