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[Ranking] Additional Damage
• AnkleSlayer [Miri NA] ㅡ 6050 Additional DMG
• VellaGoddess [Twin Chainblades Vella NA] ㅡ 5850 AD
• Instrumental [Crossgun Kai NA] ㅡ 5750 AD
• Nyok0Katsumi [Delia NA] ㅡ 5700 AD
• LookAtMyDPS [Greatsword Hurk NA] ㅡ 5600 AD
ShinySushi [Glaive Lynn NA] ㅡ 5600 AD

Image: AD by enhancement level
Current AD cap is 25000
《 Effective ATT/M.ATT 》
Obtained from online sources; possibly outdated
ㆍFormula = (ATT - DEF) + 900 + DEF / 6 * ξ * sqrt(2 * (ξ - 0.39)^2 + 0.26)
ㆍξ = 1 - (ATT - DEF) / DEF
ㆍEffective ATT/M.ATT Floor: 0
ㆍEffective ATT/M.ATT Cap: Refer to each battle info in-game
ㆍRefer to LookAtMyDPS (NA IGN) for an up to date formula of DPS
Please understand that this is not an official ranking. This is only based on my data and screenshots provided by others.
Thank you for being respectful and reading.
*Occasional update of top 5 characters
*NA/EU/KR; given equal enhancement success rates
*Screenshots only
The purpose of ranking is to show a list of the best geared characters for each class, therefore a list of the strongest people(at least stat wide), i guess?
AD is the main stat which determine how strong our characters are.. so why it does not affect ranking score at all? xD
There is a spear Lann with 5700 and a chain Vella with over 6k.Not going to allow my self to provide pic thoe since i don't know them.Subject can already be fire-starter,not that it's your fault,but you know,*human nature*.
Screenshots only
It does
Nope, only att limit does. AD is ignored. And as you said it is just luck or how much gold you have to buy someone else's luck.
That said weapons obviously jump in pts just because you get the extra att/att spd for each lvl.
you would rather the game be even more p2w than it already is rewarding the heaviest spenders of the game?
To answer your interest in my pointless post, I already know that there are stronger characters. I maintained the Title Ranking post even while I was pushed out, if it helps you understand that I don't do this for me.
If I should add more, I've already solo cleared Neamhain (<5k AD) and Hero Dullahan (no hit) live streamed. I can do that for you any day and any time, live.
My point: I'm not making this post to temporarily show off my stats and **** out when I am pushed off the top. Now, that would be pointless.
I do showoff gameplay which has been built, but not stats which is my luck.
We value different aspects of the game. I just happen to be one of not many that actually enjoys farming titles and grinding days to only earn an attempt to go higher.
Also, AD isn't taken into account in ranking points. You should know this, since you're so interested in gaining points. If you don't believe me, hover over the tooltip.
If you finished changing your tampon, you should go. Thanks for all your tips and advice. I wrote them down.
The only interesting thing I see out of this entire exercise is that all the folks with +16 weapons haven't bothered to get +14 or better armor.
I'll double check when I can, someone sent me the screenshot via discord
Cause good gear = casher? Not always sweety..
Anyway my point was another, you don't seem to get it.