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what you think of the new class people call it a no brainier some saying its to easy some says to fun. what is it for you?
Once you go Miri, you won't go back.
It's not just because she's OP - she's super FUN as well, although I wish her normal combo was just replaced with the dragon combo, with the meter just enhancing the attacks if there or attacks being weaker without meter.
it's pretty fun honestly
1. Spinethrow should attack twice - once moving forward, a second time moving back, like with a boomerang.
2. Dragon Knight should replace DK/Pali. The way it currently works is nonsensible, being weaker than Trans, not healing on activation, and even its unique attack is lacking.
3. The dragonflame combo should have been the main combo, with each attack enhanced if dragonflame gauge had any amount; loss of dragonflame would mean less damage, but this is better than a useless and boring normal combo just to activate the actual dragonspine combo
4. The charge attack has really bad controls. The game should register the pressing of movement keys as a changing of angle in a 360 degree circle while the attack is used; the current version only recognizes direction after charge ends which results in 8 degrees of attacks, sometimes angled based on Miri's direction rather than the player's camera direction.
5. While spamming dragonflame combo really destroys opponents, her own bar is similarly obliterated...a bit too easily. If dragonflame becomes main combo as suggested above, any dragonflame-enhanced attacks should give extra defense during the attack.
6. The dragonflame meter is really nice, and I wish it would replace the SP meter. Not just for Miri, but a version of it for everyone.
7. Charge attack should be mid-sprint - that is, Miri should keep sprinting during/after it, rather than it stopping sprint.
8. She's way too short, and way too skinny for a dragon. Even her trailers make her look larger. She should at least be as tall as Arisha, if not the tallest female character. Best would be Arisha's medium height being the new Miri minimum height. As it currently stands, she's an anorexic dwarf.
9. I personally feel as if 1000 SP for Dragon Knight is way too much. I really don't like it requiring SP at all, and it would be better if it just drained Stamina. An alternative would be it giving unlimited SP in return for a full dragonflame bar, rather than 1000 SP for constant dragonflame. In any case, it just feels off.
Her space + RMB does send enemies airborne, doe, as doe her aoe. Great for controlling mobs.
Gameplay-wise, she has basically everything I like from Karok/Hurk/Delia which includes absorb frames on normals, chain-able normals and smashes, a super cancel, and a long-range dash that chains into one of her most damaging moves.
The flame effects do look nice although I find myself turning it down or off completely since it makes seeing rather difficult especially when I'm spamming in dragon mode against a small boss in ein lacher.
i think it's referring to the mighty hurk. but i think miri actually stands a chance at high atk spd.
I've tried out some nice combos for pvp. seems to be doing good dmg along with nice dodging and blocking.
Now to the topic:
Miri is fun, she's now as geared as my main, she does moderate dps, in line with most of the classes. It's a hard job to manage your view angle as there seems to be tooooooo much angle change on her. Also, the backdash ability is a bit hard to manage as it only dash backward, thus if you want to dash right, you have to actually press A then dash, which seriously decreases your ability to make fast dodge in the direction you want. Also, the camara moves so fast it will actually be very easy to lose where you are looking at if you play as "attack in camara's direction".
Doing ein lacher at the moment, one major problem is stacking up sp for dragon form. once you in dragon form, you can pretty much destroy any boss with the mobility and the burst, but limited red bars made me a bit passive since i don't trust my fast reaction on blocking with normal attacks.
Every single boss, including Klaus/Irkul/etc, was killed within 10 second.
But I think ALL characters are overwhelming powerful now.
@Order you have three way to send them up in the air.
1) The two that @Prototypemind mentioned
2) and you're first none birebreath smash.
I would like to mention that her two Sp skills regen FireBreath. I'm assuming people haven't mentioned this cus they didn't think it was worth mentioning.
For the skill sp skill im mentioning (Each of them recharge enough firebreath to do two combo)
1) Blazing Spine (Cost 250 sp). This one is spamable and is a good sp sink since Miri really does get overwelmed with sp quickly. This attack can hit up to 3 times aswell. Once with the casting swing and two from the blue flame part. (It possible im might be wrong with the 3 hit, but that what i see
2) Slice and Dice (Cost 500 sp). This skill, imo, is your strongest attack in your dps kit. It has a long cd but worth the use for it damage and firebreath regen. I even go as far as jsut using it for it damage and forgoing the regen aspect of the attack. This attack also is able to stagger an enemy upto two time. Landing both attack optimize the damage but that easier said then done.
@Rezi I mostly disagree with most of your point but that just very minor thing not worth talking about. The first point you made is valid and i would like for that attack to have two hit lika boomerange.
tl;dr for the next part. 1k sp is fine, Miri sp regen is good enough for the cost of dragon from trans or even higher then other characters and for long run you'll be swiming in sp.
I don't find this to be much of a problem. Miri sp gain is fairly high and the cost for tranforming into dragon form, I find reasonable. I find it as more of an sp sink since her sp gain is higher then other character I've played before. Also for long run like Neamhain once you're done with your dragon form, you'll have capped sp,
which isn't that hard to spend up if you know what you're doing.As for the main topic, I find her easy to play. The most enjoyable thing i find with her is spamming her sprint move while ins dragon form. Spin2Win is also fun to do aswell, just watching yourself spam move and not give a care about if you'll get hit or not that entertaining every so often.
If you consider Kai the Easy mode of Vindictus due to his range (Release kai lel), Miri is probably VERY EASY mode.
My complain : she really feels lackluster once her bar is down... her regular smash are nothing impressive, they focused all of her power into the dragon moves, so the ''Down moments'' without Dragon knight or a filled up bar are quite painful in raids.
I don't think I'll have down time once i get my cat statue, it's just matter of how you manage your red bars unless you consider dragon knight to be the "uptime" then i'm always down, but my red bars are always up although never full. need to manage it with sp skills which actually is pretty fun.
Ive done most of ein lacher now and raid everyday with miri.
I find the basic/smash combo chain really nice when when you find a rhythm in parrying and normal smashing.
Comboing chainswings to outmanuver bosses is satisfying.
Spinethrow is one of the best moves in the game.
A couple things I dislike are:
Wyvern magic missing if you parry into certain attacks. Waiting on 5 stacks is interesting, but feels bad.
Clunky controls on the active dash.
Dumping full sp into blazingspine is boring.
I wish, but she's got no curves.
Okay, now I am lvl68 and in later Rocheste Sewer runs.
The boss killing procedure need a bit more than just using up Flame Breath.
Transform into Dragon Knight --> Call of the Dragon --> Flame Breath Combo
Still within 1min.