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Late S1, Early S2. That was best time. From Glas to Kraken. After that everything just sort-of fell off.
Late S2 was significantly better than Early S2. Kraken and Lakoria, SG, and CMI were freaking terrible. Most of the raid bosses in S2 were trash until Anwynn. Honestly every single boss released in S3 except Braha has been superb in my opinion, but they release way too slowly and there's not enough of them.
In my opinion the thing "killing" the game the most is the CONSTANT buffing of characters and dumbing down of content. I don't need Glas back to 40 minute raids or Keaghan almost timing out, but I certainly don't want them taking 10 seconds. There's no game there. Ignition was fine, Revolution was overkill. I was ecstatic when they improved the distance on Lann's Nimble Dash, but extremely disappointed when they doubled his invulnerability frames.
I could forgive every questionable decision they made in Rise if they made the game exist again before level 90. Keep normal how it is now for legitimately new players who don't know what they're doing, and re-add hard mode how it used to be. It's such a simple f***ing concept.
I could forgive every questionable decision they made in Rise if they made the game exist again before level 90. Keep normal how it is now for legitimately new players who don't know what they're doing, and re-add hard mode how it used to be. It's such a simple f***ing concept.
Yes, this times 1000. Plus give us the option of hosting as an 8-man raid in additional to 4-mam raids. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
Let me guess, you were a sword lann and used the jump combo because it looked cool?
and it was a copy paste from spellsword in everything.
Kai was released after EP10 but before Ignition/S2, so he still counts as S1. Vella was released together with Ignition, though right now I'm not 100% sure if we got her before actual S2 hit EU.
I always make my female characters with all the sliders to the left, including, of course, my Lynn and Miri, and like I said, you have no idea what you're talking about. If anything, Miri may have the best proportions among females
I main Lynn so you tell me. While it's rather an exaggerated example, you can't deny glaive and scythe are similar in concept (get snaps/put marks, make them explode, use sp in-between Combos to increase your damage)
And let's be honest, Blute is the most original (and, in my opinion, funniest) weapon they made in ages
I was a Vella, and aerial attacks were no different from ground attacks except for being higher up and dodging ground-based attacks, so I don't understand what your problem was with it. It was perfectly smooth from my experience.
Whip is a copy-paste, but not of spellsword. Like I said, go to that thread.
If a character is released after a season, it's part of the next season. End of story.
You must have your fat filter all the way on the right as an exception, then, because Miri is a stick with everything to the left. Either that or one of our Miris is bugged.
Actually Dragonspine is the most original and fun. Honestly Tiede is more original than Blute, but it's not fun.
But back on topic though, I agree with some of your points about Vindi originally being a challenge based game. Like you I was playing since beta and these were the best times for the game. Having to figure out how to beat gnoll chieftain with a spear lann and only 12 or 15 pots, when you actually needed skill to do it and couldn't just take the pay2win route and shell out cash to stack defense like is done now. It was very rewarding learning to dance with those bosses and working with your team to figure out the best way to get his breakoffs and those breakoffs were valuable, another reward to top it all off. This is what made me fall in love with Vindictus.
So I saw someone one this forum stated that they ARE or PLAN to revert some of the RISE changes in a future patch in KOR, so there is hope.
Really there was a lot of decent stuff in rise ( expertise standardized, Enchanting less punishing with rune fragments and decent Rank 8 scrolls, some decent QOL changes).
The bad : Add Damage and No Hero mode for those that want some challenge on S1 / S2. Honestly, just do an across the board 66% reduction to the effect of Additional damage and bring back some Hero Modes and I think RISE overall would be a positive change and still allow Whales to pay2win, just not as grossly. But these two things definetly need to be changed cause like never before this game is Gear2Win which detracts from the skill ascpect of this game which is the one thing that primarily differentiates the combat in this game from every other MMO.
I realize Nexon needs to make its monies, but doing it in a way that detracts from the Core Differentiating feature of this game is NOT the best idea.
I was a Vella, and aerial attacks were no different from ground attacks except for being higher up and dodging ground-based attacks, so I don't understand what your problem was with it. It was perfectly smooth from my experience.
Ground-based attacks were a S2 thing only, and I have no idea how you can say jumping worked smoothly. I'll give you the platforming part of S2 maps was somewhat fun, but jumping to dodge was absolutely terrible and unresponsive, especially considering bosses that wanted you to jump multiple attacks in extremely short times, shorter than the length of the jump. And again, the aerial attacks were so weak it was a waste of dps to even try them.
You must have your fat filter all the way on the right as an exception, then, because Miri is a stick with everything to the left. Either that or one of our Miris is bugged.
I mean who actually wants fat characters? They all look awful
I tried to make my Miri thicc. Didn't work, even though I had fat about 75% and height at maximum. It turns out that thickness is affected by height. I did an actual size compare with an Arisha, both of us in our undies, to make sure - Miri is an anorexic dwarf. Which is strange, since we were supposed to have an actual dwarf character use Tiede. I guess they scrapped him and gave it to Hurk just so they could put in more boobs.
The problem is that fat in Vindi isn't real fat. It looks far worse than real fat. Also, when are we going to get butt physics? I want my characters to twerk.
Oh, about the dwarf thing. It was pretty obscure, on the old forums - concept art of multiple characters post-Vella, one of which was Lynn, and one was a very short, stocky guy with an amazing beard (aka a dwarf) that wielded a blunderbuss. I'm guessing the latter was removed because he didn't fit in with S3 lore, and his weapon evolved into Teide.
Oh, about the dwarf thing. It was pretty obscure, on the old forums - concept art of multiple characters post-Vella, one of which was Lynn, and one was a very short, stocky guy with an amazing beard (aka a dwarf) that wielded a blunderbuss. I'm guessing the latter was removed because he didn't fit in with S3 lore, and his weapon evolved into Teide.
You're talking about this
They were April Fool's character, though Delia and Hagie did end up being real, so who knows. And Teide is based on Miul fanarts, these ones:
I tried to make my Miri thicc. Didn't work, even though I had fat about 75% and height at maximum. It turns out that thickness is affected by height. I did an actual size compare with an Arisha, both of us in our undies, to make sure - Miri is an anorexic dwarf. Which is strange, since we were supposed to have an actual dwarf character use Tiede. I guess they scrapped him and gave it to Hurk just so they could put in more boobs.
I dunno, I increased my Miri's leg slider a little bit and it actually looks pretty good. She's not extremely thicc, but reasonably so. Her proportions overall seem more reasonable to me. I can understand people liking different things, but I refuse to let anyone tell me a maxed leg slider Delia or Evie doesn't look absolutely ridiculous.
She is incredibly short though. But I'm assuming she's supposed to be roughly the same age as Lynn, which makes sense all things considered. Unlike Delia, who looks very clearly older than them but acts like them anyway.
Late S1, Early S2. That was best time. From Glas to Kraken. After that everything just sort-of fell off.
Late S2 was significantly better than Early S2. Kraken and Lakoria, SG, and CMI were freaking terrible. Most of the raid bosses in S2 were trash until Anwynn. Honestly every single boss released in S3 except Braha has been superb in my opinion, but they release way too slowly and there's not enough of them.
In my opinion the thing "killing" the game the most is the CONSTANT buffing of characters and dumbing down of content. I don't need Glas back to 40 minute raids or Keaghan almost timing out, but I certainly don't want them taking 10 seconds. There's no game there. Ignition was fine, Revolution was overkill. I was ecstatic when they improved the distance on Lann's Nimble Dash, but extremely disappointed when they doubled his invulnerability frames.
I could forgive every questionable decision they made in Rise if they made the game exist again before level 90. Keep normal how it is now for legitimately new players who don't know what they're doing, and re-add hard mode how it used to be. It's such a simple f***ing concept.
If you want raids to take longer there are no shortage of ways to increase kill time by yourself.
If you want raids to take longer there are no shortage of ways to increase kill time by yourself.
-Use weaker gear
-Do raids on hero mode
I don't want raids to take longer. Everything past lvl 90 is fine. I just don't want the battles I enjoyed while leveling other characters reduced to 5 second wastes of time that can't even be classified as tutorials. It takes all the way up until episode 8 for things to survive past their entrance animation, and then after that they increase their HP by a few seconds.
I hit level 70 while still barely in Rocheste story, but I decided to visit Lakoria in level 60 gear for exp. It took about 7 seconds. Stuff like Klaus and the Giant Spiders, which used to be really enjoyable to solo and gauge how well you have been learning your new characters, are now reduced to 3 mouse clicks. It's simply unacceptable.
That second post had the pictures. The first one didn't seem to have complete links for some reason.
Yeah, thicc doesn't mean all sliders at max, just sliders customized to get as close as possible to the ideal. Max leg slider is bad, although not as much as max fat. In any case, the shortness minimizes the potential thiccness, in addition to making even her muscles look weak if you put in those. Really should have been taller.
I too got 70 in Rocheste this weekend, at the end of S1, with no side quests. I'm waiting till next weekend, then I'll do S2; if my calculations are correct, I should get from 70 to 90 with just S2 main quests, or possibly to even 95. This kind of feels like the way exp should have been in Rise, since there's a major level gap from S2 end to level 90 on normal exp, even with side quests done. Perhaps they should make this exp rate permanent, if they're going to keep the Rise=Insta-Endgame model.
On another note, if they wanted to just cut corners starting in S2 and make S2 come after S1 eventually anyway, why not just make S3 the second half of S2? If they merged the two together, the story would flow better (we saw the time dragon at the end of S2, which hinted to the time distortion in S3, and we'd have to go back to Colhen anyway since Malina was destroyed). With that, S2 would actually get S1's length, although I'm not sure how long the second part of S3 will be, and S3 raids could become normal battles while the current endgame raids would stay actual raids, since they're the only ones people care about.
Just look at the state of the game: Willy and Muckrot take longer to kill than Havan, Iset, or Ulchas. How does that remotely make sense? If they wanted to make it easier to get to end game, that's fine, the boosted XP does that, but there is no reason to make bosses trivial the way they are. Part of what kept people here was getting better against bosses and then having to step it up again for Hero mode.
And as for everything over 90 being fine it really isn't. Glas, Braha, Lugh, and Regina all get dropped in no time because of the ridiculous payout of Add. Damage, and no ones not going to go for it because of the speed benefit from high enhance weapons. On armor it's a choice, but the only reason people didn't enhance 90 and up before was because para stones weren't plentiful enough to yolo to 8 or higher and people just weren't going to rune to protect it. Back to bosses, the only thing keeping Abom and the Purple Pup from dropping just as quickly is that they can push phases that force DPS to stop--hopping out of combat range. Add. Damage is so high that some groups all but ignore Abom having his shield up. Glas and sometimes Eochaid both die before there is literally any chance of getting their breakoffs. Do you remember the last time Glas actually made it to being downed twice with spears and there was potential to hit his bracers twice?
These changes are garbage, and if it weren't for friends who still play on occasion to enjoy it I'd peace out just like I did with SWTOR and GW2. As it stands I enjoy it for what it is where I can, but 0 dollars I have will be going back into this title until 8-man is restored, old Hard Mode is returned, and something is done to make for a challenge other than 10,000 phases of red unblockables and invulnerability cycles on bosses.
10,000 phases of red unblockables and invulnerability cycles on bosses.
Exactly. These things don't increase difficulty, just boredom and annoyance. Make me get disabled then combo'd by a boss for failing to do a perfect dodge, instead of knowing dodge patterns to dodge easily out of the way if ever need be or being unable to dodge because of terribly large hit ranges that assume you have max resist skills.
Late S2 was significantly better than Early S2. Kraken and Lakoria, SG, and CMI were freaking terrible. Most of the raid bosses in S2 were trash until Anwynn. Honestly every single boss released in S3 except Braha has been superb in my opinion, but they release way too slowly and there's not enough of them.
In my opinion the thing "killing" the game the most is the CONSTANT buffing of characters and dumbing down of content. I don't need Glas back to 40 minute raids or Keaghan almost timing out, but I certainly don't want them taking 10 seconds. There's no game there. Ignition was fine, Revolution was overkill. I was ecstatic when they improved the distance on Lann's Nimble Dash, but extremely disappointed when they doubled his invulnerability frames.
I could forgive every questionable decision they made in Rise if they made the game exist again before level 90. Keep normal how it is now for legitimately new players who don't know what they're doing, and re-add hard mode how it used to be. It's such a simple f***ing concept.
Yes, this times 1000. Plus give us the option of hosting as an 8-man raid in additional to 4-mam raids. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
I was a Vella, and aerial attacks were no different from ground attacks except for being higher up and dodging ground-based attacks, so I don't understand what your problem was with it. It was perfectly smooth from my experience.
Whip is a copy-paste, but not of spellsword. Like I said, go to that thread.
If a character is released after a season, it's part of the next season. End of story.
You must have your fat filter all the way on the right as an exception, then, because Miri is a stick with everything to the left. Either that or one of our Miris is bugged.
Actually Dragonspine is the most original and fun. Honestly Tiede is more original than Blute, but it's not fun.
Really there was a lot of decent stuff in rise ( expertise standardized, Enchanting less punishing with rune fragments and decent Rank 8 scrolls, some decent QOL changes).
The bad : Add Damage and No Hero mode for those that want some challenge on S1 / S2. Honestly, just do an across the board 66% reduction to the effect of Additional damage and bring back some Hero Modes and I think RISE overall would be a positive change and still allow Whales to pay2win, just not as grossly. But these two things definetly need to be changed cause like never before this game is Gear2Win which detracts from the skill ascpect of this game which is the one thing that primarily differentiates the combat in this game from every other MMO.
I realize Nexon needs to make its monies, but doing it in a way that detracts from the Core Differentiating feature of this game is NOT the best idea.
There has been no official work indicating this at all.
Except Kai wasn't released after a season, he was still S1. The very character creation screen told you so, back then.
I mean who actually wants fat characters? They all look awful
THANK YOU DEVCAT. Finally my eyes are safe from fat people
Oh, about the dwarf thing. It was pretty obscure, on the old forums - concept art of multiple characters post-Vella, one of which was Lynn, and one was a very short, stocky guy with an amazing beard (aka a dwarf) that wielded a blunderbuss. I'm guessing the latter was removed because he didn't fit in with S3 lore, and his weapon evolved into Teide.
You're talking about this
They were April Fool's character, though Delia and Hagie did end up being real, so who knows. And Teide is based on Miul fanarts, these ones:
But yeah, I was talking about Cradie. And I guess Kiva evolved into Arkana.
April Fools joke or not, they all became real in some way.
Miul pics work here, maybe you somehow have pixiv blacklisted?
Every content below lv 90 is useless.
People complained and this update still here, maybe it's just time to move on
I dunno, I increased my Miri's leg slider a little bit and it actually looks pretty good. She's not extremely thicc, but reasonably so. Her proportions overall seem more reasonable to me. I can understand people liking different things, but I refuse to let anyone tell me a maxed leg slider Delia or Evie doesn't look absolutely ridiculous.
She is incredibly short though. But I'm assuming she's supposed to be roughly the same age as Lynn, which makes sense all things considered. Unlike Delia, who looks very clearly older than them but acts like them anyway.
If you want raids to take longer there are no shortage of ways to increase kill time by yourself.
-Use weaker gear
-Do raids on hero mode
I don't want raids to take longer. Everything past lvl 90 is fine. I just don't want the battles I enjoyed while leveling other characters reduced to 5 second wastes of time that can't even be classified as tutorials. It takes all the way up until episode 8 for things to survive past their entrance animation, and then after that they increase their HP by a few seconds.
I hit level 70 while still barely in Rocheste story, but I decided to visit Lakoria in level 60 gear for exp. It took about 7 seconds. Stuff like Klaus and the Giant Spiders, which used to be really enjoyable to solo and gauge how well you have been learning your new characters, are now reduced to 3 mouse clicks. It's simply unacceptable.
So there you have it. RNG box being the main content with some side content of new raids once every 3-4 months.
That second post had the pictures. The first one didn't seem to have complete links for some reason.
Yeah, thicc doesn't mean all sliders at max, just sliders customized to get as close as possible to the ideal. Max leg slider is bad, although not as much as max fat. In any case, the shortness minimizes the potential thiccness, in addition to making even her muscles look weak if you put in those. Really should have been taller.
I too got 70 in Rocheste this weekend, at the end of S1, with no side quests. I'm waiting till next weekend, then I'll do S2; if my calculations are correct, I should get from 70 to 90 with just S2 main quests, or possibly to even 95. This kind of feels like the way exp should have been in Rise, since there's a major level gap from S2 end to level 90 on normal exp, even with side quests done. Perhaps they should make this exp rate permanent, if they're going to keep the Rise=Insta-Endgame model.
On another note, if they wanted to just cut corners starting in S2 and make S2 come after S1 eventually anyway, why not just make S3 the second half of S2? If they merged the two together, the story would flow better (we saw the time dragon at the end of S2, which hinted to the time distortion in S3, and we'd have to go back to Colhen anyway since Malina was destroyed). With that, S2 would actually get S1's length, although I'm not sure how long the second part of S3 will be, and S3 raids could become normal battles while the current endgame raids would stay actual raids, since they're the only ones people care about.
And as for everything over 90 being fine it really isn't. Glas, Braha, Lugh, and Regina all get dropped in no time because of the ridiculous payout of Add. Damage, and no ones not going to go for it because of the speed benefit from high enhance weapons. On armor it's a choice, but the only reason people didn't enhance 90 and up before was because para stones weren't plentiful enough to yolo to 8 or higher and people just weren't going to rune to protect it. Back to bosses, the only thing keeping Abom and the Purple Pup from dropping just as quickly is that they can push phases that force DPS to stop--hopping out of combat range. Add. Damage is so high that some groups all but ignore Abom having his shield up. Glas and sometimes Eochaid both die before there is literally any chance of getting their breakoffs. Do you remember the last time Glas actually made it to being downed twice with spears and there was potential to hit his bracers twice?
These changes are garbage, and if it weren't for friends who still play on occasion to enjoy it I'd peace out just like I did with SWTOR and GW2. As it stands I enjoy it for what it is where I can, but 0 dollars I have will be going back into this title until 8-man is restored, old Hard Mode is returned, and something is done to make for a challenge other than 10,000 phases of red unblockables and invulnerability cycles on bosses.
The End +smile
Exactly. These things don't increase difficulty, just boredom and annoyance. Make me get disabled then combo'd by a boss for failing to do a perfect dodge, instead of knowing dodge patterns to dodge easily out of the way if ever need be or being unable to dodge because of terribly large hit ranges that assume you have max resist skills.