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[PSA] Don't update Win10 to Fall Creators Update
Nexon support finally confirmed the issue.
Basically if you update your computer to the Fall Creators update, your will not be able to perform your combos AT ALL with your mouse. Avoid the update at all costs if you want to continue playing Vindictus.
If you want to know if you have the Fall Creators Update or not, a very good indication is if you open up your task manager and go to the process tab. Scroll down to the very bottom to see if your Graphics Card is in the very last tab. If you have it, that means you have the update. If you don't, you're in the clear and you don't have the update.
Please don't move this off General Discussion mods, this is a BIG issue to those who can't revert back from the Fall Creators Update or are about to do it.

Anthony tested this update yesterday, and mentioned closing explorer.exe helps a bit, but mouse clicks can be still irresponsible at times.
After it's installed, your device will be running Windows 10, version 1709. To see which version of Windows 10 your device is currently running, select the Start button, then select Settings > System > About.
Yes this is correct. The windows update only screwed up with the mouse's inability to do combos, you can still do combos with the keyboard though I do not recommend doing it in raids if you are not used to it.
The revolver 1-3 quickslots has always been a thing. Just have a reserve them I guess.
No more "combo breakers" because of unresponsive mouse-clicks due to Win 10 Fall Creator.
Glad it's been resolved so quickly. Did the update come out already and is it fixed?
The issue has been resolved. We did get a single report of a user still experiencing the issue and we are looking into that report.
Same here, if you install the fall creator update after the Nov 1st patch, your mouse clicks are still affected.
That's unfortunate.
It seems to be fixed for me on my Macbook pro 2015 (I have windows installed) on the Fall Creators Update. It is using Iris Pro Graphics 5200.
I will update my main set up at home with the 1080 ti and see if it's fix there as well.
Edit: I came home today and updated my main ring. It left and right mouse click seems to be fixed.