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I can't seem to be able to locate this image
im pretty sure i got this images from the forum 2 years ago, but i have searched on deviant art and i can't find it , in the images there is a vella with a black hammer helm getting grabbed by the leg or the arm by tentacles, i dont remember the background art.
if only there was a way to view old forum post from 2014-2015

I could probably still find it there.
it's so frustrating trying to find back stuff on the internets especially images
Dont worry it was nothing sexual
I recall it was a guy that posted screenshot of her vella in the vella character screenshots and he had some artist drew his character.
My best bet is searching on deviant art 9200 search result for vindictus
If only my shitty hdd didn't die i would find it instantly, it seem like the image is just gone from the whole internet