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Delia vs Fiona?

Member Lahar
Vindictus Rep: 1,285
Posts: 172
in General Discussion

I have used both Arisha and Lynn the most. I however can no longer enjoy this game when using those characters on the most difficult of missions, I don't do very well.

I believe Fiona is the safest and easiest to use character while dealing good damage. I know Delia is somewhat similar. I'm heavily leaning towards Fiona but I like how other characters are faster in movement which makes the game more interesting. At the same time I would rather use a character that simply does not die easy and beats missions and bosses effectively.

What is your insight? I mostly use female characters.
  1. The character you use to beat difficult things?48 votes
    1. Fiona is the best, go with Fiona.
       48% (23 votes)
    2. Stick with Arisha / Lynn they are lv 94 and 95
       10% (5 votes)
    3. Delia is almost as safe and much more agressive than Fiona
       25% (12 votes)
    4. Go with --- add in the forums
       17% (8 votes)


  • Member Scheherazade
    Vindictus Rep: 2,660
    Posts: 150
    Scythe Evie <3
  • Member Pure
    Vindictus Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 39
    Unless you have godlike speed, I cannot see how you are able to compare Delia's speed to Fiona's. I would say Delia is about more Lynn-like mechanics, if you like such.
  • Member CometCupid
    Vindictus Rep: 1,990
    Posts: 166
    Delia's defense mechanisms are similar to Arisha's. Despite being more aggressive, I would not label her as being fast simply because of her long windups and requiring hesitation for enhanced smashes.

    Fiona is your safest, most forgiving bet and at around +12 speed isn't really a problem. Leveling up a new character isn't going to take you long at all.

    Finally ignore everything I said and go with Kai so you can pewpew a mile away from combat with one hand in your pants and one on your beer. Now you might be wondering, "But Comet, if both my hands are occupied then who's playing the game?" To which I say, who cares?! You're looking fashionable again today!
  • Member Rainboots
    Vindictus Rep: 725
    Posts: 26
    I agree with the sentiment on Kai. That or Chain Vella since both are ranged and can deal damage while staying safe fairly easily in party raids.
  • Member BabyDani
    Vindictus Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 129
    i love delia, i play her a lot, but fiona is easy to stack defense on, and the timing of her shield block is very forgiving...and her counterattack does good damage and is fun to use... if you have to go with only one, i vote fiona. however, my true opinion is to play both! hehe
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    edited September 8, 2017
    Inb4 the OP creates yet another topic of his personal series "forums tell me which character should I play :(" next week.
  • Member Suukei
    Vindictus Rep: 3,220
    Posts: 354
    edited September 8, 2017
    Inb4 the OP creates yet another topic of his personal series "forums tell me which character should I play :(" next week.

    Or maybe another topic of the series called "I have questions " next week.
    -rolls eyes-
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    edited September 8, 2017
    Fiona with her speed addition from the last update plays far more smoothly. It's nice not needing an insanely high enhanced weapon and Fasts to make her work well. Even with a +15 Delia is still a little awkward on a lot of the bosses, though her smashed do a LOT of damage, more or less making up for that. Still, Fiona feels a lot more enjoyable to me even with the lower enhancement I have on her LS. If I were only going to play one it would be Fifi easily.

    Edit: Fifi also has multiple combos, meaning that you can mix up your attacks instead of it just being LR, LLR, LLLR, LLLLR, etc. She actually has the best variety in the game as far as that goes, and with her speed changes they flow pretty smoothly. I'd roll a new Fifi before another Delia without hesitation.
  • Member Aeries
    Vindictus Rep: 870
    Posts: 20
    If you can't Lynn/Arisha, you won't be able to do well on Delia. Go Fiona.
  • Member Lennas
    Vindictus Rep: 610
    Posts: 14
    edited September 8, 2017
    As far as other characters being faster in movement than Fiona, there's some truth there but she has two dashes you can use on a 5-second cooldown. I recommend putting Shield Dash in a quick slot and alternate that and holding down the kick button and you can move around reasonably quickly at the cost of minor amounts of SP.
  • Member Rezi
    Vindictus Rep: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    edited September 9, 2017
    Eclipse + R

    No contest.

    It's hilarious how some of you are claiming that Fiona is safer or, by Jove, faster than Delia. Both of those claims are incorrect. Delia has a much, much better, faster, and safer block (Eclipse) than Fiona that can combo into other moves, and she also has a skill-cancel technique called Meteor Hop (Gravity Hop -> Meteor Impact auto-cancelled by Gravity Hop) which is a nonstop super-hop combo that is only dependent on Stamina (which is high enough at endgame to not matter) and is faster than any sprint or dash in the game.

    If you know what you're doing, you don't even need to use the second half of Delia's skills. I don't, and the people that complain about her are typically those that rely on those skills instead of mastering the basics which are honestly better. I haven't even unlocked those advanced skills yet and I'm on Twilight Desert, so I doubt I'll use them until absolute endgame.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Which is exactly why Delia become extremely repetitive. You say combo into other moves, but her block turns into a smash after the fact, same as her dodge. Delia lacks variety. The only setup that feels more rushed is Hurk's gunblade mess. Fiona is far, far more enjoyable, and again the main point is that with equal gear Fiona will have much better QoL than Delia without being fully scrolled out and having a crazily high enhanced weapon.

    If they ever tidy up Fifi's counter so that it offers a little better window to allow it to flow better then it would really, really be no contest. Getting bonus damage on your next smash of choice provides far more variety than anything Delia offers. I have a +15 on my Delia and only a +10 on my Fiona and Delia comes out far less often because she is the definition of monotony.
  • Member Innoy
    Vindictus Rep: 810
    Posts: 61
    Delia is extremely SP reliant for a more flexible game play style, and speed of course. If you are low on speed and sp it can be a slog to get through fights with her. Those artifacts that grant you extra ability seem really useful but getting one is crazy hard
  • Member Rezi
    Vindictus Rep: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    True that Delia relies on Stamina and Speed heavily, but with Rise that's not as much of a problem until endgame since bosses drop automatically enhanced/enchanted weapons. And I agree with you about the artifacts, the speed one is a must for Delia at endgame which unfortunately requires a lot of PvP, but only if you're maxing her potential - a skilled enough player can still get her through endgame quests pretty well without tons of speed; you just have to know how to effectively skill-cancel.
  • Member Innoy
    Vindictus Rep: 810
    Posts: 61
    I don't think you use the speed one, the one that gives you 1 meter is the better one for Delia. It sounds counter intuitive but the earlier you can use ion thrusts and cancel cosmic blitz into comet, the faster you accumulate more meter and can continue to dps higher while having escape options. At least that is what I think, I obviously can not test without them to try QQ
  • Member Rezi
    Vindictus Rep: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    edited September 9, 2017
    No, you're right. The YT guide I'm using says the same thing. I thought MCS was speed, but that's WP, and it suggested MCS for the extra bar.
  • Member Fuzetsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 52
    edited September 11, 2017
    For sword Fiona you can play like those Korean Players on Youtube with minimal gear because she isn't gear dependant. But all you really do on sword Fiona is Counterattack when the boss attacks you, and Focal point when the boss isn't attacking you. Her movement is also quite slow even with cat statue. Those points can make Fiona boring. She also doesn't have that coolness factor because she is an earlier created character without flashy or better flowing animations. Lastly, Fiona may seem deceptively easy because in early levels, you don't have to perfect guard. In the endgame content, you pretty much have to perfect guard everything which requires extensive knowledge and practice of a boss's moveset.

    Delia's movement is faster and better flowing which mades for a better gameplay experience. I wouldn't say either character has a lot of variety but Delia's smashes are way way more satisfying than counterattacking on Fiona. New players will have an easier time avoiding damage on Delia because she has both a block or a dodge option. Since Delia is more recently developed by Nexon I think there's just more advantages in playing Delia.
  • Member Niburu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,430
    Posts: 84
    You have problems... With Arisha...
  • Member Aeries
    Vindictus Rep: 870
    Posts: 20
    Niburu wrote: »
    You have problems... With Arisha...

    She's much harder to gain the most out of compare to scythe Evie.
  • Member SaintGuinness
    Vindictus Rep: 1,730
    Posts: 114
    I would chose Fiona over Delia because of the spd. You would need a massive amount of spd to play Delia effectively at the end game. Fiona is much more forgiving even at lower speeds. BUT.... I love using Lynn at the end game more than my Fiona. Why are you giving up on her? +cry