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Miri Stuff

Member Saphree
Vindictus Rep: 2,280
Posts: 273
edited November 11, 2017 in Future Content
I'm honestly really hyped for Miri, idk if anyone else but I decided to make this thread to show off what I've found for Miri and you guys should show off what you've found too! (Sorry if the thread turns out really long!)

China's and Taiwan's release date: September 27th
NA/EU Release Date: December 6th

Miri is a STR based character!

Weapons: http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=5039&l=1179

Miri's Story!

Titles (Idk all their names but I know what they are)
1. First to level 95 during launch event
2. Hit level 95 during launch event
3. Block/deflect 300 times
4. Kill 300 enemies with dodge smash
5. Kill 500 enemies with run smash
6. Kill 300 enemies with flame spins (beyblading)
7. Kill 100 enemies with multi-hit block/deflect
8. Kill 300 enemies with "Flame Breath"
9. Kill 200 enemies with "Reckless Charge"
10. Kill 100 enemies with "Ancestor's Will: Revenger" (tab+smash with flame)
11. Go into dragon form 300 times
12. Kill 100 enemies with holding skill
13. Draconic Scion (Miri Warm Up event title)

Miri's Abilities

Description of Skills/Abilities
"Active: Flight Rehersal" A forward dashing skill similar to Delia. The animation changes when in Last Descendant Transformation.
"Active: Reckless Charge" An SP skill of 2 very strong charges. Bosses can be flinched every hit of this attack. When attacks are landed you gain 1-2 MAYBE 3 bars of Draker's Aura.
"Active: Flame Breath" An SP skill gathering flames around the Draker and striking to send them towards an enemy. When attacks are landed you gain 1-2 MAYBE 3 bars of Draker's Aura.
"Active: Last Descendant" Allows Miri to transform into a Draker class warrior granting unlimited Draker's Aura. This will change the animation for Flight Rehersal.
"Active: Last Draker" Miri's Lockdown skill only usable in Last Descendant. No SP is required. Only Last Descendant is required.
"Draker Mastery"
"Defending Attack" Allows you to negate incoming damage while dealing damage. This will also unleash the buff stack obtained from Striker when the buff stack is at 3 or higher. The more stacks the stronger the additional damage becomes. Just do normal attacks at the right time to use it.
"Rushing Spine" Simple right click
"Finishing Tail" Left click, right click
"Ravaging Tooth" Left click x2, right click
"Crushing Nail" Left click x3, right click
"Death Claw" Left click x4, right click
"Piercing Arm" left click x5 right click
"Ancestor's Will: Striker" Right Click Skill when Draker's Aura is obtained. Can be combo'd after nearly every skill.
"Ancestor's Will: Protecter" Avoidance Tab Skill
"Ancestor's Will: Revenger" Right click after Protector to counter
"Sliding Away" Dodge Skill
"Draker's Aura" Draker's Aura is acquired over time. This allows use of the Ancestor's Will skills. Edit: Attack speed DOES affect how fast the aura recharges (thanks to @Puppyman for this last bit)
"Draker's Mark" "Draker's Mark is acquired by landing Striker on enemies. Up to 5 stacks can be obtained. The more stacks you have. The stronger damage released by Defending Attack effect will be.


Ein Lacher Playlist

Neamhain Solo

Dullahan (Party POV)

Aes Sidhe



Most, if not all of these can be found here: http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=5039
  1. Hyped for Miri?95 votes
    1. Y E S 100%
       53% (50 votes)
    2. Eh, kinda?
       18% (17 votes)
    3. No, not really
       29% (28 votes)


  • Member Herucross
    Vindictus Rep: 780
    Posts: 31
    she looks fun, but my god that voice...
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited July 29, 2017
    There is a future section... And she is likely 6+ months away, so don't get yourself too hyped up yet.
  • Member SirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    edited July 29, 2017
    Tiny girl wielding twice as heavy weapon than herself, turning her into tank assassin with melee-ranged reach, being is capable of dodging, dashing, blocking and probably countering. Because this is not enough, she also has a transformation of her own. New level trash design.
  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    ikevi wrote: »
    There is a future section... And she is likely 6+ months away, so don't get yourself too hyped up yet.

    Forgot about that section tbh
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    SirRFI wrote: »
    Tiny girl wielding twice as heavy weapon than herself, turning her into tank assassin with melee-ranged reach, being is capable of dodging, dashing, blocking and probably countering. Because this is not enough, she also has a transformation of her own. New level trash design.

    Don't forget background wise the weapon weights nothing for her. After all the weapon is 'alive' in a sense helping her and allowing her to transform.
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    Their design team is on point with some of those weapons, even nighthawk looks good.
  • Member seashorescrolls
    Vindictus Rep: 545
    Posts: 12
    Not a fan of female characters, or Sylas fem boys.
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    Not a fan of female characters, or Sylas fem boys.

    You should stay away from any Korean game, trust me you'll thank me later
  • Member LynnCUBE
    Vindictus Rep: 3,115
    Posts: 139
    Puppyman wrote: »
    Not a fan of female characters, or Sylas fem boys.

    You should stay away from any Korean game, trust me you'll thank me later

    Vindictus was one of the games that this wasn't the case... but devCAT figured out how marketing works +cry
    It was somewhat bearable until Arisha, but Delia... really? A stripping princess??
  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    Added a skill display and emote showcase!! \o/
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    LynnCUBE wrote: »
    Puppyman wrote: »
    Not a fan of female characters, or Sylas fem boys.

    You should stay away from any Korean game, trust me you'll thank me later

    Vindictus was one of the games that this wasn't the case... but devCAT figured out how marketing works +cry
    It was somewhat bearable until Arisha, but Delia... really? A stripping princess??

    They're just covering their bases of different character types, looks, and personalities.

    But I'm not sure what Miri is supposed to be, she sort of just looks like second Delia without the hip game.
  • Member Ravelations
    Vindictus Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 135
    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    LynnCUBE wrote: »
    Puppyman wrote: »
    Not a fan of female characters, or Sylas fem boys.

    You should stay away from any Korean game, trust me you'll thank me later

    Vindictus was one of the games that this wasn't the case... but devCAT figured out how marketing works +cry
    It was somewhat bearable until Arisha, but Delia... really? A stripping princess??

    They're just covering their bases of different character types, looks, and personalities.

    But I'm not sure what Miri is supposed to be, she sort of just looks like second Delia without the hip game.

    Shes the last "Draker" Heres her story translation http://worldwidegamewatchers.com/post/162200977621/miri-story-translation-during-ancient-times-when
  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    edited July 31, 2017

    Adding that to the thread, thank you!
  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    Does anyone know which version of Dark Rev Miri would wear? Arisha's or Lynn's?
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited August 14, 2017
    Oh a miri stuff thread. Gimma about 30 minutes I gotchu

    Edit: Enjoy skill names...or....a somewhat sample :P

  • Member MissElettra
    Vindictus Rep: 1,050
    Posts: 39
    But...but... Miri is INT or STR character?
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    But...but... Miri is INT or STR character?

    Exactly as Watermelon states. Miri is STR :)
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited August 25, 2017
    This is absolutely ridiculously late because I've been focusing on my stream for this type of things so I never think to post them here since I uh....do this all in stream but here is a brief list and a simple explanation of what each skill does effect wise
    Skills wrote:
    "Active: Flight Rehersal" A forward dashing skill similar to Delia. The animation changes when in Last Descendant Transformation.
    "Active: Reckless Charge" An SP skill of 2 very strong charges. Bosses can be flinched every hit of this attack. When attacks are landed you gain 1-2 MAYBE 3 bars of Draker's Aura.
    "Active: Flame Breath" An SP skill gathering flames around the Draker and striking to send them towards an enemy. When attacks are landed you gain 1-2 MAYBE 3 bars of Draker's Aura.
    "Active: Last Descendant" Allows Miri to transform into a Draker class warrior granting unlimited Draker's Aura. This will change the animation for Flight Rehersal.
    "Active: Last Draker" Miri's Lockdown skill only usable in Last Descendant. No SP is required. Only Last Descendant is required.
    "Draker Mastery"
    "Defending Attack" Allows you to negate incoming damage while dealing damage. This will also unleash the buff stack obtained from Striker when the buff stack is at 3 or higher. The more stacks the stronger the additional damage becomes. Just do normal attacks at the right time to use it.
    "Rushing Spine" Simple right click
    "Finishing Tail" Left click, right click
    "Ravaging Tooth" Left click x2, right click
    "Crushing Nail" Left click x3, right click
    "Death Claw" Left click x4, right click
    "Piercing Arm" left click x5 right click
    "Ancestor's Will: Striker" Right Click Skill when Draker's Aura is obtained. Can be combo'd after nearly every skill.
    "Ancestor's Will: Protecter" Avoidance Tab Skill
    "Ancestor's Will: Revenger" Right click after Protector to counter
    "Sliding Away" Dodge Skill
    "Draker's Aura" Draker's Aura is acquired over time. This allows use of the Ancestor's Will skills. Edit: Attack speed DOES affect how fast the aura recharges (thanks to @Puppyman for this last bit)
    "Draker's Mark" "Draker's Mark is acquired by landing Striker on enemies. Up to 5 stacks can be obtained. The more stacks you have. The stronger damage released by Defending Attack effect will be.
  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    This is absolutely ridiculously late because I've been focusing on my stream for this type of things so I never think to post them here since I uh....do this all in stream but here is a brief list and a simple explanation of what each skill does effect wise
    Skills wrote:
    "Active: Flight Rehersal" A forward dashing skill similar to Delia. The animation changes when in Last Descendant Transformation.
    "Active: Reckless Charge" An SP skill of 2 very strong charges. Bosses can be flinched every hit of this attack. When attacks are landed you gain 1-2 MAYBE 3 bars of Draker's Aura.
    "Active: Flame Breath" An SP skill gathering flames around the Draker and striking to send them towards an enemy. When attacks are landed you gain 1-2 MAYBE 3 bars of Draker's Aura.
    "Active: Last Descendant" Allows Miri to transform into a Draker class warrior granting unlimited Draker's Aura. This will change the animation for Flight Rehersal.
    "Active: Last Draker" Miri's Lockdown skill only usable in Last Descendant. No SP is required. Only Last Descendant is required.
    "Draker Mastery"
    "Defending Attack" Allows you to negate incoming damage while dealing damage. This will also unleash the buff stack obtained from Striker when the buff stack is at 3 or higher. The more stacks the stronger the additional damage becomes. Just do normal attacks at the right time to use it.
    "Rushing Spine" Simple right click
    "Finishing Tail" Left click, right click
    "Ravaging Tooth" Left click x2, right click
    "Crushing Nail" Left click x3, right click
    "Death Claw" Left click x4, right click
    "Piercing Arm" left click x5 right click
    "Ancestor's Will: Striker" Right Click Skill when Draker's Aura is obtained. Can be combo'd after nearly every skill.
    "Ancestor's Will: Protecter" Avoidance Tab Skill
    "Ancestor's Will: Revenger" Right click after Protector to counter
    "Sliding Away" Dodge Skill
    "Draker's Aura" Draker's Aura is acquired over time. This allows use of the Ancestor's Will skills.
    "Draker's Mark" "Draker's Mark is acquired by landing Striker on enemies. Up to 5 stacks can be obtained. The more stacks you have. The stronger damage released by Defending Attack effect will be.

    Thanks for the wonderful addition :)