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So probably you dont know me. My character is LinManalili a pretty avarage (st)evie with 27k att and 13k deff.
I play the game since 2011 and have to say this not res ppl thing come up with rise.
Yes raids are faster and harder to res with 4 player this is true, but still possible. Some of the playser do not even carrie feathers like boo4u.
I do not care how strong the characters are, but this game is about teamplay at least used to be.
Anyone with 14k+ deff and a +15 lvl 90 weapon can solo lvl 90 raids, but still should res ppl
umm you could always idk maybe not die, I know it sounds 2 simple, like I said hp pots are op af basicly mercs now.
ya if you see a person dead am not saying dont res, but wouldn't it be better, if that person didn't die in the first place?
I try to res people most of the time but... people usually just pick themselves up with graces immediately.
The previous event left me with 150+ graces...per character Dullahan arrived to take them back. I stopped moving towards people to revive them because they would grace when I came within range...only if your down for more 20 seconds do I consider it again. It also depends on the timing of the boss mechanisms.
umm you could always idk maybe not die, I know it sounds 2 simple, like I said hp pots are op af basicly mercs now.
ya if you see a person dead am not saying dont res, but wouldn't it be better, if that person didn't die in the first place?
This is pretty much what I do. I just don't die. LOL
Here are some alternatives:
1. Don't die.
2. Use the free Goddess Graces that events hand out like candy.
3. Use your HP Potions that you can use every few seconds.
4. Use your free Merc Pots that are handed out like candy.
What if you just die again after being revived and keep dying? You would be wasting people's time and feathers.
That seems to be the trend nowadays anyway.
I don't resurrect people in raids. I don't have space to carry feathers in my inventory anymore. Its very hard to die in a raid when you can spam superior HP pots every 4 seconds.
Last I checked they didn't remove the additional hot bar, meaning you can carry campfires, feathers, etc all in a separate set from what you want to run in battle. Honestly don't know why I'm taking the time to type this because as long as you've been playing the game you know that, but anyway, there it is.
umm you could always idk maybe not die, I know it sounds 2 simple, like I said hp pots are op af basicly mercs now.
ya if you see a person dead am not saying dont res, but wouldn't it be better, if that person didn't die in the first place?
And elites like this are the reason you have poor experiences and new players cant get into it. How do you expect newer players that are still learning to get better if they never get a chance to. Pots can't always save players with 5k hp and 9k def
And elites like this are the reason you have poor experiences and new players cant get into it. How do you expect newer players that are still learning to get better if they never get a chance to. Pots can't always save players with 5k hp and 9k def
I try my best to res anyone that dies till I am out of feathers. (Only time I will skip ressing folks is if we are at the last 3 bars of Dullahan, and we decided to tran kill him to skip the ghost phase.)
That said... your example is complete bunk. Post rise any lv 90 person is going to be ~9k hp and if they bother to put on the free lv 90 gear they are going to sit between 11 and 12k def. Those stats are plenty to do all but the newest content without getting killed nearly instantly. That said I also realize that new folks will likely not know what is going on, so they will die a few times till they learn how to play.
You know what would make people revive others? Putting something good in the seal of dedication shop. Even just putting something like Orbs in there would be worthwhile.
You know what would make people revive others? Putting something good in the seal of dedication shop. Even just putting something like Orbs in there would be worthwhile.
45 seals = 5 magic powders => add 950 gold with your 5 powders=> 1 magic elixir = ~1.4 orbs have at it ;-)
And then you get these other trolls who joins party, and then don't even try, after they died they just lay there and say Ugh like don't bother ressing me save your Feathers. great excuse to afk. Damn tools.
umm you could always idk maybe not die, I know it sounds 2 simple, like I said hp pots are op af basicly mercs now.
ya if you see a person dead am not saying dont res, but wouldn't it be better, if that person didn't die in the first place?
And elites like this are the reason you have poor experiences and new players cant get into it. How do you expect newer players that are still learning to get better if they never get a chance to. Pots can't always save players with 5k hp and 9k def
Lol was that a joke? Pots are mercs now even if you use hp pots just the cheapest ones it is very hard to die, also free gear puts you at 10k def min/w 8k hp
if you really want to learn a raid, what I always do is just go in solo, don't focus on dps just learn the bosses move set, after all you cant dps when on the floor. with rise vindi is a joke back in the old vindi days you had to put in work
umm you could always idk maybe not die, I know it sounds 2 simple, like I said hp pots are op af basicly mercs now.
ya if you see a person dead am not saying dont res, but wouldn't it be better, if that person didn't die in the first place?
And elites like this are the reason you have poor experiences and new players cant get into it. How do you expect newer players that are still learning to get better if they never get a chance to. Pots can't always save players with 5k hp and 9k def
I play the game since 2011 and have to say this not res ppl thing come up with rise.
Yes raids are faster and harder to res with 4 player this is true, but still possible. Some of the playser do not even carrie feathers like boo4u.
I do not care how strong the characters are, but this game is about teamplay at least used to be.
Anyone with 14k+ deff and a +15 lvl 90 weapon can solo lvl 90 raids, but still should res ppl
ya if you see a person dead am not saying dont res, but wouldn't it be better, if that person didn't die in the first place?
The previous event left me with 150+ graces...per character
This is pretty much what I do. I just don't die. LOL
1. Don't die.
2. Use the free Goddess Graces that events hand out like candy.
3. Use your HP Potions that you can use every few seconds.
4. Use your free Merc Pots that are handed out like candy.
What if you just die again after being revived and keep dying? You would be wasting people's time and feathers.
That seems to be the trend nowadays anyway.
Last I checked they didn't remove the additional hot bar, meaning you can carry campfires, feathers, etc all in a separate set from what you want to run in battle. Honestly don't know why I'm taking the time to type this because as long as you've been playing the game you know that, but anyway, there it is.
And elites like this are the reason you have poor experiences and new players cant get into it. How do you expect newer players that are still learning to get better if they never get a chance to. Pots can't always save players with 5k hp and 9k def
I try my best to res anyone that dies till I am out of feathers. (Only time I will skip ressing folks is if we are at the last 3 bars of Dullahan, and we decided to tran kill him to skip the ghost phase.)
That said... your example is complete bunk. Post rise any lv 90 person is going to be ~9k hp and if they bother to put on the free lv 90 gear they are going to sit between 11 and 12k def. Those stats are plenty to do all but the newest content without getting killed nearly instantly. That said I also realize that new folks will likely not know what is going on, so they will die a few times till they learn how to play.
45 seals = 5 magic powders => add 950 gold with your 5 powders=> 1 magic elixir = ~1.4 orbs have at it ;-)
Lol was that a joke? Pots are mercs now even if you use hp pots just the cheapest ones it is very hard to die, also free gear puts you at 10k def min/w 8k hp
1. Practice mode.
2. Git gud.