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Recap - Bow and Blade Balance patch


  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    elcausa said:

    Oh believe me I don't want to be anything near close like you. I dun care about titles nor solo runs so no I'm not doing ein, my arisha is lvl 63 but no plans in the near/far future to actually learn to play her properly. About low fps it takes some getting used to but is nothing as a big handicap as you make it to be much less on solo runs, I do play on a potato at work at times 10fps 1 bar, Lag training +best ( you think arisha is hard in low fps lag try doing fast focus on a staff with lag and low fps then come back to me) so yeah no I'm not gonna be ever going to be as good as you because I'm never going to make the things that you use to claim to be good XD, but who knows I main on east but have my alt on west that I play once in a blue moon maybe one day I get to save a screenshot of you :P
    I use to play Staff :P at low FPS aswell, FPS ain't a problem with her, but low connection yeah it is a big problem atleast to me... LOL big deal I get beaten alot, you doing it wouldn't be a surprise, but the day you do it as Arisha with my conditions...that would be interesting :D )
  • Member Scarrlettt
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 169
    edited November 6, 2016
    Real talk doe, it is true that arisha is inherently harder to dps with than scythe evie becuz of the counter aspect of arisha. what is lackin right now from her is her mana gain. There are many instances where the boss will be flinched or stun locked right before I counter drain, mana drain or counter drain from ruin blade. This kinda makes arisha very "rng" becuz u just hve to be lucky that the boss wont flinch from ur teammates moves. Its also rng that the boss tracks you. In a full 8 man lugh party, lugh will randomly and deceptively track someone. Many times I would think he is trackin me or I would try to guess who he is trackin and counter drain, mana drain it, and sometimes Im just wrong. Its hard for some bosses to anticipate what they will do when you have 7 other players who can take aggro. Trust me, it happens alot and it is quite frustrating. This makes dpsin with arisha difficult in very aggressive party plays. Thats why her buff in smash 3 will really make her alot stronger. Weaker arisha will be less punished for makin mistakes whereas skilled arisha will capitilaze on the buff in conjunction with landin counter drain and such. This is why i love doing niflheim and why arisha is stronger here as well as fifi and sw vella. These bosses cant be held and are harder to flinch, so it guarantees the boss will aggro you and you can capitalize on that.

    I dont play scythe evie but I can assume she requires no aggro from the boss, and prolly does better when the boss is flinched on not attackin. As a gun/bow kai main, i kno when the boss is stunlocked its the complete opposite scenario to arisha and its actually more dps time for Kai.

    Basically, it isnt the difficulty of the character but rather how the character's mechanics affect their damage. Arisha is highly reliant on the aggro towards her since her mana is heavily altered by counter drain and mana drain which requires gettin hit. Scythe evie and kai on the otherhand (as well spear lann and other char) thrive in sandbags situation or when boss is constantly flinchin or stunlocked from op parties hammering away at the boss. That is the accurate distinction of why scythe and kai are so powerful but arisha is not.
  • Member ThebOarNlOrd
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited November 6, 2016


  • Member elcausa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 70
    so you want me to learn arisha just for you hahahahahaha, o man you're hilarious but I'm gonna stop here
  • Member ThebOarNlOrd
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited November 6, 2016
  • Member Breadman
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 149
    I'd actually argue against giving players more speed now. I haven't ever felt being threatened by bosses for a long time.

    I remember going to solo to practice bosses so I can just survive. Now I go into practice mode to find out ways to kill them faster. The respect for bosses is lost now.
    Granted, this isn't all speed's fault, but a big portion of safety is coming from the higher speeds attainable.
  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364

    u don't need need timing while doing them like Arisha's mana control... one mistake as arisha means DPS going down by alot...while 100 mistakes as Scythe means 0.0001% damage less.
    I think you still don't understand that it's unlikely hard to do a mistake on Arisha.

    Also, it's not like you're the only one playing with low FPS. (for example I do too, to the point that my simple combos on Scythe gets cancelled, which means I'm on my way to do the 4th smash, she just stops attacking and do 0th smash xd^^^)
    But I didn't really want to say that as it will change in a few days anyway.
  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433



    Ok :'( /bow
  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433


    u don't need need timing while doing them like Arisha's mana control... one mistake as arisha means DPS going down by alot...while 100 mistakes as Scythe means 0.0001% damage less.
    I think you still don't understand that it's unlikely hard to do a mistake on Arisha.

    Also, it's not like you're the only one playing with low FPS. (for example I do too, to the point that my simple combos on Scythe gets cancelled, which means I'm on my way to do the 4th smash, she just stops attacking and do 0th smash xd^^^)
    But I didn't really want to say that as it will change in a few days anyway.
    Yeah but there's a big difference... when you stop doing a combo cause FPS interrupted you, you get affected yeah but, not as much as Arisha gets affected... as Scarlet said It's (depending on party) RNG cause I've been in sittuations where I have half bar of mana undrained and I want to block asap so I get full mana bar, but surprise when boss attacking a fiona knocksback boss...or karok clash, or someone lock him... that happens alot and is really annoying but as he said (again xD) we getting that SP > Mana thing / boost on mana gain from skills, which will allow us to make more mistakes and won't get affected and the skilled Arishas now might be able to be head to head with Scythes high speed...from what I've seen from revamped arisha gameplays...she should be one of the top 4 after buff. )
  • Member jjX
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 68
    This thing is STILL going on?


    Look, here's the one and only one reason you all are beating on scythe evie.
    In a season where the primary gimmick is "unblockables", blink travels the most distance in the least amount of time.


    Pfft people throwing out words like "broken" and "carry" over 10% damage differences. Lugh has 9m health points. 10% of that is 900k. That's 2min, maybe 3min of dps from any competent player, tops.

    It's been said before. At this point, we all deserve a nerf. But not because of silly player vs player balance reasons.
  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364

    I dont play scythe evie but I can assume she requires no aggro from the boss, and prolly does better when the boss is flinched on not attackin. As a gun/bow kai main, i kno when the boss is stunlocked its the complete opposite scenario to arisha and its actually more dps time for Kai.
    That's the exact reason why DPS is pointless and stupid : char like Fiona needs aggro to pull out most of her damage, even tho she can kinda sandbags bosses too but she's much more limited to aggro than knockdowned bosses.

    So yeah Fiona DPS in party isn't that high in average, yet in solo she's like one of the fastest for clear time.

    S.Fiona is the only one soloing Neamhain too, pls nerf, most OP char xdddd
  • Member Kuaidian
    Vindictus Rep: 740
    Posts: 28
    Ok so basically:
    Is this game balanced in terms of class overall dps? -No.
    Will it be more balanced in the near future? -Not really, haven't heard any news or rumors just a few buffs to certain characters. Not sure if it'll change anything.
    Will this game be more balanced in the distant future? -If this game will last THAT long, "maybe" but don't get your hopes high.
  • Member Noburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    edited November 6, 2016
    Balance is just looking more problematic now because of whatever change they implemented a couple of weeks ago. Bosses with multiple defense values are getting completely exploded now, and with Kraken being one of the big dps measurement runs Gun and Scythe are just appearing even more ahead of the pack than they may have been before and it's probably just stressing people out more.

    Personally I don't really care about creating a perfectly balanced game; as long as the balance isn't so out of whack that I'm getting kicked from runs for not playing the good class(es). We're past that now. Let's never go back, please.
  • Member TheGreatCreidne
    Vindictus Rep: 2,655
    Posts: 155
    edited November 6, 2016

    We need a hard reset. Everyone go grab a 2* +0 /unenchanted crimson blade weapon of your choice and let's all do Hero White Tyrant's Challenge Hard/SoM naked without any accessories/outfitters. It's throwback time!

  • Member Leviante
    Vindictus Rep: 720
    Posts: 13
    Game was much more balanced before we got revamps.

    And let's be honest, why would they bother balancing the game? In the end it all comes down to $$$ which they obviously make with gachapon sales. Of course it would help getting more players and actually keeping them in game but that is simply too much hassle. Instead they release 2k NX boxes, put an ok avatar and let people get frustrated by RNG while they make mad cash.

    I doubt they even listen KR playerbase. Either that or KR people just want a casual, chill game.

    So better just throw out new characters from time to time to milk returners for a month or two and continue making profit.
    No need to take balance into consideration.
  • Member Shizukaa
    Vindictus Rep: 2,585
    Posts: 201
    edited November 7, 2016
    Come now, why can't we all just play for fun :D We are a small community after all. We gotta stick together +fight
  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    Shizukaa said:

    Come now, why can't we all just play for fun :D We are a small community after all. We gotta stick together +fight
    No.... Must hate scythe evies >:'I ...but shizu O3O
  • Member Kourin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 127
    They should just buff bosses some more. Niflheim was good (except no deflection but w/e).

    After returning from a year 1/2 break, I was really surprised to see people 5 min rushing 80-90 S2 bosses, full head on Kraken and outright ignoring boss mechanics like Ulchas' heal. (Do people even know he heals and how to stop it???)

    GGs and Merc Pots are everywhere now and raids feel more like a mashgasmfest of DPS with no real skill involved. Like, who even cares about attack patterns when you have allll these graces amirite.

    And still, the thing that bothers me the most is people not building campfires anymore. #BuildCampfires #MakeVindiGreatAgain
  • Member Karic
    Vindictus Rep: 470
    Posts: 5
    edited November 7, 2016

    Yeah...mastering Scythe / Lynn / Arisha / whatever ain't hard I know, but what I'm trying to say is mastering arisha even if it isn't hard...it's waaaay harder than mastering Scythe and I know "Smash > Snap > Repeat" is not the only thing u need to top deeps... but lets be honest.. what else do u even need? Void star? Arcane gate? ok anything else? no...both of those skills can be activated with a sinlge button u don't need need timing while doing them like Arisha's mana control... one mistake as arisha means DPS going down by alot...while 100 mistakes as Scythe means 0.0001% damage less.

    and DPS to me is important cause u can test your "skills" against other people, and it feels even better when you're playing with so many disadvantages and still come out on top (most of the times...till a braindead character appears and ruins everything xD )

    I think the DPS thing (for me) it became an obsession LOL I even have a folder on laptop with pics of me dealing more damage than some of the "Pro / Scrubs with braindead characters / popular / Scrubs with OP stats" people on West O3O it is kinda stooped right? xD yeah I'll admit it. It is haha

    I don't know what the heck is going on here, but keep my name and Tracie6 out of this crap. I don't give a damn if someone outdps'd me; I play mainly for fun and do hate ppl using my name as bragging crap. This is a warn for you. If I still see my name and Tracie6 next time I log in this forum, you'll be permanently banned from my parties.
  • Member Tracie
    Vindictus Rep: 1,090
    Posts: 28
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^Agree with @Karic, this is for fun, not to have a file created and displayed. Personally, go ahead keep your file, but plz dont post my name and "brag" you out dps me. I play for fun and rarely look at the final screen. To each his own, but plz in future keep my name out of ur posts. TOS?????