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Happens too much recently. You hit the boss with flying guillotine but only 1 mark apply. Most noticeable while fighting Lugh, Regina, Braha, Habident, Glass, Neam & Neit.
For me it looks like they changed something (with range or skills hitboxes). Flying guillotine gives dmg 2 times, if it's enhanced one the first dmg is normal (used to be ~500 pre-rise unable to crit) and second is gold. I assume that each of those gives 1 mark so if I see golden dmg numbers and only 1 mark applied then probably the first part of flying guillotine missed. Pre rise there I haven't notice any time when I would see golden dmg numbers with only 1 mark. After rise it happens so frequently, even if you are hugging boss.
Wanted to ask if you noticed the same problem.
I've always had this problem. Just made sure to hug boss as close as possible (then miss on small bosses cause I got right pass them zzz)
I want my umbrella :c
Yes if your attack is cancelled by hit during Guillotine you only get 1 mark but I'm not talking about it. Flying Guillotine misses 1st part or 2nd part misses even if you are hugging boss/ on clear hit. You can watch the recording I have post to the report section - 6 missed attacks per boss (notice few missed attacks in every battle now). You can check the link I posted before - playing solo without multicore
Went "A Sinister Sea" battle and I noticed I can't explode marks on Neit with five fingers (or it takes to many tries). My Lynn was standing inside of his claw and did five fingers.
Also got no windstep buff after successful lil rat dodge (white circle appeared) 2 times per battle (I mean got it once for about half of minute and another time for about 2 minutes in one battle).
And iron flag missed neamhain but animation went right through her...
I'm fed up. It feels discouraging when no1 actually point those things out. Or are you telling me that I'm only one with these bugs? Or only1 that is playing Lynn actively? Or you don't even care since 2nd weapon is coming? I know almost none bugs were fixed since release of Lynn but would be nice if some1 said at least "no I don't have the problem. I have did Neam 10 times and haven't encountered any bug" or "Yes it happens so regularly now so I totally forgot it's not a feature"
I've also experienced this at times, but it seemed to be more of a lag related issue to me. Some other things I've noticed are sometimes being unable to change directions between 2nd smash and Fishtail Pole (a big one, and happens even without lag) and charging up a full Killer Dart but releasing an uncharged one. Haven't run Neamhain so can't say anything about that. As for the issue in the original post, I play with numbers off so I can't say anything about that either +quiet
Kick the Kobolds
got the problem aswell on Delia and sylas
As if the kobolds kissing ya feets xD
Yes since Rise some things are change maybe server side aswell client side. to optimize the game
I hate when i didnt get my Furious Tiger afther killer dart or from little rat as im hitting his shadow from 75ms ago +cold
Btw Vladino
Did you have also problems with ya Delia?
I guess since Lynn is a pretty poorly mained class Nexon cares more about the others.
Game optimisation only cost money. They cannot sell optimisation. Let alone optimising one of the fewest played chars in the game.
Bug report? Waste of time.
They are probably planning to break Lynn more, when they release 2nd weapon.
I encounter a very similar problem with my Arisha's regular attacks, the sound of hitting the mob plays, the mob starts a flinching animation but doesn't get hit. This problem is most likely caused by the hitboxes (which cause the damage) being desynced from/being smaller than the collision boxes (which cause the sound and reaction from the mob), at least from a technical perspective this would make the most sense. Something like this probably also causes the second mark for Lynn's Flying Guillotine not triggering correctly. Lag can definetely play a role in this, as games like CS:GO or Overwatch already proved (lingering hitboxes, which cause a shot to hit despite clearly missing the actual players character).
From which server are you? Know 3 of you from EU so it may be EU only problem. Also it can be problem with character height since my Lynn is the shortest she can be.
@SunrisePDI I dun knu about Delia SunSun. I play her only for Neam and Dulla nao. Noticed only hits in dodge and sometimes strange delay, successful block when boss isn't even hittin ya (proly gets stacked after certain timing of dodge). Went Braha, Lugh, Yohaad, Neam and certaintly better than lynn -> if ya hit the boss dmg is applied (but didn't pay attention to it much may be bugged too).
@Zatox Think so too Alulu. Nexon is proly trying to fix lynn by givin her an umbrella -> I hope gameplay will be enjoyable and not only 1 attack spam as I have seen in almost every blute lynn gameplay video
I dont think that they doing with purpose breaking Lynn. It would be strange dont u think?
But i do know when changing game codes for an update that some of the code functions shares there prerequisite or some math values to
execute the next instruction but being change with another code that suddent trigger it !
Some codes just related to each other
There could be problems during the gameplay, but heyy..... programmers do make mistakes
The game is now a big Tower and try now to find the bug what cause it (ima already get a headache
If you remember Version 1.73 Windstep bug? Fiona had problems as well. Afther some update for Sylas his timing smash att.
Delia's her Guard skill keep spawning without a hit from a Boss or mob
Funny part is, that it had to happen to other chars in order to get fixed while Lynns reported bugs long ago.
No they won't break it on purpose. But i'm not seeing them testing properly new releases either. (for EU circumstances). They even once reïmplemented an outdated equipment table. Therefore the Lotus Sets became unusable and Lynns their gear became unusable (fused parts).
Anyhow.. these Lynn bugs.. better get used to them