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When Cromm dashes 3 times I keep getting hit. I'm positive we could cross cut this before as Vella, but now not anymore? I barely have time to dodge it either and there's almost no indication that he's going to use this attack. Am I doing something wrong?
Pray to rngesus he doesn't use it or he misses.
Irony is scythe evies can blink right through it and not get hit.
Scythe evie can just blink anything in life :<
B> Invul for staff evie
Stay mid-range to dodge this on reaction
Harder than you think! I'd always blink through it and he'd hit me with second dash, or if I blinked twice to avoid both, he'd hit me with third! Really annoying! But I would blink forward, blink back, then blink forward really fast twice and it seemed to work!