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When you check the news page for new outfitters
oh good thing there's 1 NEW one coming out every update and not any of the old ones

thanks we love it
this is sarcasm ._.

they made a decision to remove the old outfitters, but y????? no reason was given, probably cus they dont have one, or cant say cus theyre just the middle man with no power
its like complaining to a cashier at a supermarket to increase the parking space, but what can he actually do?
u can also ask support and they'll say check the news page for released outfitter :oo my friend has been literally waiting 2 years for one outfitter that never came out again
and ive been waiting for returned female doctor set that hasnt come out in 4 years
"or else we'll run out"I need to stop :c
I hope they don't, those look ugly.