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Share us your progress for [Sea of Reflection]

Member JynXi
Vindictus Rep: 2,025
Posts: 231
in General Discussion
I was curious how many runs people did overall.
Since some people, including me, from the EU server, can get the 100/100 skill next week after the reset.

How far are you with this raid? Show us your progress!



  • Member Karijuna
    Vindictus Rep: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    Crazy, I know
  • Member Controller001
    Vindictus Rep: 1,920
    Posts: 78
    0/100 B)
  • Member RobertLivia
    Vindictus Rep: 2,905
    Posts: 187
    Show off :d

    96/100 this Saturday +sigh, Cant wait for the lag fest.
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    Karijuna wrote: »
    Crazy, I know

    Same :(

    I want to save story for exp when 95 comes out....
    Haven't even stepped foot in a sinlge Neamhain, and I may wait till I have 95 gear so I'm not such a liability given no experience. 10/10
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
  • Member RhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Rep: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    I haven't done even normal raids that many times since Neamhain came out.

    And of course mine is 0/100 too.
  • Member dazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605

    Mainly the reason why is work is consuming my life and I have no time to fully do 4 runs every week.
  • Member Ellease
    Vindictus Rep: 1,625
    Posts: 154
    Puppyman wrote: »
    Karijuna wrote: »
    Crazy, I know
    Haven't even stepped foot in a sinlge Neamhain, and I may wait till I have 95 gear so I'm not such a liability given no experience. 10/10

    I pity you, most of the main carries will be at 100 runs by then and won't run Neamhain regularly anymore. You're going to be running with a lot of inexperienced or undergeared people as a result of waiting and have to learn it all amongst yourselves.

    I'm currently at 91 runs (and alts are at 79). Less than 10% of boxes have a value above an Enthusiastic now that RISE has hit, so I'm also retiring from Neamhain once I have Full Force.
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    edited June 30, 2017
    Ellease wrote: »
    Puppyman wrote: »
    Karijuna wrote: »
    Crazy, I know
    Haven't even stepped foot in a sinlge Neamhain, and I may wait till I have 95 gear so I'm not such a liability given no experience. 10/10

    I pity you, most of the main carries will be at 100 runs by then and won't run Neamhain regularly anymore. You're going to be running with a lot of inexperienced or undergeared people as a result of waiting and have to learn it all amongst yourselves.

    I'm currently at 91 runs (and alts are at 79). Less than 10% of boxes have a value above an Enthusiastic now that RISE has hit, so I'm also retiring from Neamhain once I have Full Force.

    Ah well sounds like stats I won't bother to get then :>

    Where's that second redeemers raid with 50k att cap Nexon?
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited June 30, 2017
    Ellease wrote: »

    I pity you, most of the main carries will be at 100 runs by then and won't run Neamhain regularly anymore. You're going to be running with a lot of inexperienced or undergeared people as a result of waiting and have to learn it all amongst yourselves.

    I'm currently at 91 runs (and alts are at 79). Less than 10% of boxes have a value above an Enthusiastic now that RISE has hit, so I'm also retiring from Neamhain once I have Full Force.

    I didn't think most folks did Neam for money or for the stats... Personally I haven't done even 10 yet.

    (I don't think I ever did any run 100x except 1 or 2 runs in the early S1 content and that took me over 5 years to do. The last thing I want to do is burn myself out on Neam.)
  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    96 on Hurk/Evie, 85 on Karok, around 80 on Delia and 75 on Fiona/Lynn.

    Honestly the only reason myself and many of my guildies log in anymore as I lack the motivation to even afk for that event. Once these mains are finished, off to find another hobby till new content rolls around c:
  • Member Mixxia
    Vindictus Rep: 1,740
    Posts: 96
    edited June 30, 2017
    76 Delia, 81 Lynn , 95 Evie and 53 Kai. I think quite a few people are doing multiple characters and some people only do 2-3 raids a week since they dont want to shift guilds. I think you will still be able to find good groups for quite awhile if your doing the raid early week, but towards the end of the week the quality seems to dip greatly. Ive had quite a few weekend groups recently (last month) where I'm doing 20-30% and the group still fails (mostly due to time running out). Think there's still quite a few good people around 50% so id get into some practice groups soon if you plan to do this raid and haven't started.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited July 1, 2017
    Zero. I'm not even eligible to try because I'm still in Season 1 Episode 3 and have zero motivation to advance my story. Ellis shall live forever.

    Besides, it won't matter in the long run since DerpCat is so bad about handling stat-based rewards. We'll hit that point again where new players and casuals can't even complete missions, and they'll have to do another Rise! update that nerfs the rest of the game, and then a new stat similar to ATT Limit Release or +25 Enhancement level gets released in order to keep the power hungry interested in running content. To be fair though, it's not entirely the developers' faults that people are so hard to please; they tried inventing DMG Reflection as another way of rewarding people, but then the elite complained that it rewards people for playing poorly or that it wasn't enough motivation to run content because "I never get hit, so it won't be useful".
  • Member Zuzuk
    Vindictus Rep: 1,690
    Posts: 155
    to all those poor dudes waiting for lv 95 so they can get more gear and make Neamhain easier..... HAHAHAHAH nobody told you Neam will get buffed by the time lv 95 gear arrive??!!, and when lv 100 gear comes out, shes get stronger, she will always be end game content.
    Also what that guy said is also true, most of the main carries will stop playing Neamhain after they got full force, maybe some will play with their alts, but if you are looking for carry, now its the time.
  • Member MrGatto
    Vindictus Rep: 1,575
    Posts: 106
    edited July 1, 2017
    A total grand of 0,not even to check it out.
    I have decent stats for it but I'm just not interested in it at all +this is the kind of content I would never run with ppl I don't know or dislike.
    ikevi wrote: »
    (I don't think I ever did any run 100x except 1 or 2 runs in the early S1 content and that took me over 5 years to do. The last thing I want to do is burn myself out on Neam.)

    And also this,I did similar in the past when I was active and it almost made me hate the game/ppl for it,nope aint gonna treat a game like a job anymore.
  • Member Karijuna
    Vindictus Rep: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    I couldn't care less about this raid since I'm likely never even gonna have the proper stats for it.
    I'm just not hardcore enough to be bothered by it and fun doesn't look like a nearly 1 hour raid in my eyes. But if you enjoyed doing it 100 times, good for you (no sarcasm)
  • Member RhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Rep: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    Karijuna wrote: »
    I couldn't care less about this raid since I'm likely never even gonna have the proper stats for it.
    I'm just not hardcore enough to be bothered by it and fun doesn't look like a nearly 1 hour raid in my eyes. But if you enjoyed doing it 100 times, good for you (no sarcasm)

    Same here.

    I might do it once i'm in that mood but i'm just lazy to learn another boss's patterns and constantly repeat them for half an hour or an hour. I might be a noob but a game for me is social fun not a sport.
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    edited July 1, 2017
    Zuzuk wrote: »
    to all those poor dudes waiting for lv 95 so they can get more gear and make Neamhain easier..... HAHAHAHAH nobody told you Neam will get buffed by the time lv 95 gear arrive??!!, and when lv 100 gear comes out, shes get stronger, she will always be end game content.
    Also what that guy said is also true, most of the main carries will stop playing Neamhain after they got full force, maybe some will play with their alts, but if you are looking for carry, now its the time.

    95 has been out a long time in KR?
    Neam barely and hardly got buffed* in RISE for KR and we got RISE... so... Yah so hard
    They said they were planning on another redeemers raid so eventually she could be swept up trash...?

    I don't mind working hard for good stats then learning boss so I can start new wave of carries? Those people carrying had to start somewhere.
    If anything Neam might get nerfed cause hardly anyone would run her at all and she'd be labyrinth 2.0 if is so true that people won't bother ever once they finished meter.
    There will be people trying to get Neam thing for Miri if they main her?

    Many people didn't have stats at the moment because you needed fully enchanted 95 gear or +15 so once 95 comes out there will be new people running it- a new wave in a sense.
  • Member Ellease
    Vindictus Rep: 1,625
    Posts: 154
    edited July 1, 2017
    Puppyman wrote: »
    95 been out a long time in KR?
    Neam just got buffed* in RISE for KR and we got RISE... so... Yah so hard
    They said they were planning on another redeemers raid so eventually she will be swept up trash...?

    I don't mind working hard for good stats then learning boss so I can start new wave of carries? Those people carrying had to start somewhere.
    If anything Neam might get nerfed cause hardly anyone would run her at all and she'd be labyrinth 2.0 if is true that people won't bother ever once they finished meter.
    There will be people trying to get Neam thing for Miri if they main her?

    Many people didn't have stats at the moment because you needed fully enchanted 95 gear or +15 so once 95 comes out there will be new people running it- a new wave in a sense.

    I believe you are right that her stats aren't getting changed with 95 gear. Like Niflheim, though, I expect her stats to be periodically increased. Her drops aren't worth continuously clearing her, though, and she might go the route of Charles Race/Thousandaire where no one runs her after acquiring the stats because the content gets swept behind.

    There is a very big skill difference and work ethic from the carries versus everyone else. Most people I pug into, with 50-75 clears, still timer regularly before phase 3 even begins and don't put in extra runs each week to improve. I hear regularly within my guild how runs are already struggling on the public front when there isn't a carry there. The carries I know are often capping privately, and a lot of those groups are doing it with alts in the party which will be replaced with Miri when the time comes. The current state seems to be one or two carries are ensuring most of the week's boats are passing now, instead of 8 people "learning" the boss and evolving into carries themselves.

    Neamhain already has been nerfed. The HP pot change made it much more casual-friendly, and people below 5 clears get three extra "instant" revivals now. Soul Fang and Succubus Fang heal you better. You have access to more HP to survive the "one-shots". New trans skills help burst through certain parts (on a lucky hit I can do nearly 15% of phase 1 with spear). Full force is around the corner.

  • Member Xie
    Vindictus Rep: 2,115
    Posts: 155
    edited July 1, 2017
    60/100 once I finish all Neams for this week .... I blew my weapon and quit a few months before Neam's release so I had nothing to run with. +drunk

    I don't mind challenging bosses like Neam. My only gripe is that her stats are so high that I can't run her on my alts too and that she's limited to 4 runs per week. I've been getting so bored that I've been quitting Neam during the clear cutscene just so I can run more another day just for fun. >: [