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Closed [BUGS] Post the bugs you found after RISE.
Since I couldnt find a topic about it that quick, I decided to make one myself.
If people could post the bugs they found ingame after RISE, we might be able to make a nice list so the developers know what to fix. (asuming they dont play the game)
List of known bugs:
- Your total AP is not displayed in the AP shop at Ermass

Also the s3 mats not being able to craft them, not sure if intended or bug.
Not sure if this belongs here, there's a bug reporting section.
Edited: Can craft Runic focus in the goldsmith expertise.
Can't buy Tannin from Kirstie
Can't buy nor craft Fine Tannin (But I don't know if Jelly Tissue still drops) but Fine Metal Solvent still exists and is labeled as "Craft" , Fine Tannin isn't
Can't craft any Leather
Also names of all players including me and pets disappear sometimes after returning to town from battle. Double press "-" fixes, but it gets annoying.
We've actually got an entire forum section for reporting bugs, found HERE, so separate threads detailing each of these issues, along with any images or video examples, would be highly appreciated.
Too bad that forum section is useless since no developer sees or comments on it that they acknowledge it.
The devs' job is not actually to read the forums about bugs/glitches, but rather, the QA team does that, who are responsible for confirming and submitting them to the dev team to (hopefully) find and implement a solution.
I would request that each member who posted any here, please make a thread for each of them, thank you.