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Member xHariNezumi
Vindictus Rep: 685
Posts: 32
in General Discussion
Am I just having the worst luck, or is enchanting impossible post-Rise? Seriously, I've been doing 60-70% rate scrolls, and failing 14/16 of them so far at that success rate. These numbers are way off when you can't succeed even a basic enchant like Grinding. What the hell did Nexon do to the enchant system. It isn't even my Lynn, my Hurk's failed 6/6 scrolls so far, and my friends are telling me the same is happening to them. Good grief this update is cancerous.


  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    Am I just having the worst luck, or is enchanting impossible post-Rise? Seriously, I've been doing 60-70% rate scrolls, and failing 14/16 of them so far at that success rate. These numbers are way off when you can't succeed even a basic enchant like Grinding. What the hell did Nexon do to the enchant system. It isn't even my Lynn, my Hurk's failed 6/6 scrolls so far, and my friends are telling me the same is happening to them. Good grief this update is cancerous.

    Pretty sure it's always been rngfull just not many people enchanted with these rates but now with rank changes we're all forced to

    Rng is rng as always sadly

    I mean technically you're lucky since that isn't very likely
  • Member BattleV
    Vindictus Rep: 320
    Posts: 7
    I failed like 4 straight WB's last night.

    Before that I had a good streak of enchanting post-rise.

    Just rng as usual I guess.
  • Member NuclearChicken
    Vindictus Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 91
    I never failed a scroll post rise, and I scrolled like 5 things, but failed a +12. Just rng
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    edited June 29, 2017
    Just because the scroll says it has, let's say, 50% chance for success doesn't mean you'll hit every second enchant. A simple coin toss would tell you that it's not uncommon to get 7x tails and 3x heads (or any different unusual results) when the probabilities would suggest that it should be 50/50.
  • Member Vallesti
    Vindictus Rep: 1,120
    Posts: 32
    My bet is that you're just one shotting these scrolls without elixirs?