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Enhancement Made Worse Again
- AP costs for restoring items have been drastically reduced, however restored items can no longer be enhanced further
- Maximum enhancement level has been increased to 20
Enhancement probability has been modified
+1 - +11 success rates have been increased
+13 - +15 success rates have been decreased
Yeah thanks for implementing a new system that only the top 1% of the 1% will be able to make use of to decimate everybody else with pure luck, and making it even more improbable for anyone else to get above +12.
+20 seriously? How much more are they trying to milk the whales with terrible impulsive buying problems and how much more is it going to work? +15 already virtually guarantees that you win DPS meter every time unless you're jacking off during the boss, +20 is just completely absurd and unwarranted. Just more for the one person on the server who actually has one to brag about while everyone else gets put down even further because they know that they'll never be able to reach this new, higher goal post.

I mean, the patch hasn't even been released yet, and the "official" announcement by Nexon NA is less than a week old.
OP, your concerns are shared by many, though, the playerbase isn't what it used to be so "many" is a relative term.
With the direction this game is going, I wonder why.
The player base wouldn't be dwindling so badly if Nexon wasn't at every turn trying to bilk its players out of every dollar possible. Are they really that desperate for money right now, that everything they do with this game has to be predicated on us flipping coins at their feet? Are they approaching bankruptcy or something, because the impression I'm getting is that they just don't care about this game anymore and they want to squeeze every last penny they can out of it before it dies.
I've spent 6 dollars on Spiral Knights for the expansion pack...and that's it. Everything else I've farmed, never felt the need to buy energy. Great in-game economy, being able to trade crowns for energy and vice versa, great crafting system, and they respect their player base (though new content is few and far between). Vindictus could learn a thing or two from Spiral Knights.
As long as they don't make "damage requirements" on boats, it shouldn't matter, but there's always going to be the snobs who demand you have the absolute best gear to play with them.
I remember people making ATK requirement boats a couple years ago, they are the same people who complain no one is boarding their boats or that there are not enough people on the server...
and you don't need a +20 a +15 will smoke anyone that doesn't have one
Then nobody but elitist snobs will be able to run end-game content, and they'll **** about the game not having enough people when they're the ones dividing the already paltry community.
Those people can run with each other and get no extra cores since they should be getting similar numbers to each other. Everyone else can run with each other and get no extra cores since they should be getting similar numbers to each other. It's like magic.
In reality, those with great stats or skill will choose to solo for maximum cores, and everyone else will party up and struggle with each other if they're average, or steamroll everything as before if they have a handle on the battle(s)/character.
NA will I'm sure. They've said it's for "other" regions besides KR, so probably all regions but KR. Won't be buying one cause I'm done giving money to a company that could make such vast changes without taking what they players want into account, but it'll be there for the whales and the risk takers.
And revive them with few ap, keeping them +15s and unbreakable? What's that going to change?
Anyone with a non-ap restored +15 can only benefit from blowing up their weapon after rise.
If they boom it but they get a free shot at +16 and beyond with nothing much too lose given cheap costs to restore.
Or they can sell it to people throwing their money to buy it just to try the former.
+15 unbound prices should sky rocket :-) Sadly I only have 1.